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Everything posted by ~*Lisa*~

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride Lisa...there would def be a Mary Kay consultant in your area... I looked on marykay.ca & found one for you...http://www.marykay.ca/jrumball/ContactMe.aspx Good Luck! Thanks Amanda, that's very sweet of you!!
  2. Is that a real tattoo?? And no I don't think it would be hard to do, tattoo artist can do wonders! Just bring in the pic to your local artist and they'll be able to tell you for sure. Does anyone think it would be hard to pull off a tattoo like this? I've never had a tattoo before, so I don't know what kind of detail they can pull off.
  3. lol ok great, saves me some work!
  4. Sorry, I didn't realize as it's not showing that way here. I'll get on it when I get home!
  5. I agree, great thread! I'll have to see what we have around here. No Sephora, no MAC.
  6. Great link. Thanks so much. Boy, there sure are lots of things to do. I'm not so worried about the 1st week seeing as it'll be busy with the wedding and stuff but I fear we may get bored the 2nd week so that's why I'm looking around now.
  7. Thanks! I won't quote you! lol Quote: Originally Posted by Sloan I cant remember the actual quote, because DH dealt with all things limo. We only had 11 people in the limobus (the other limos couldnt accomodate our luggage as well as passengers) I think it was able to take 20 people + luggage. We also had a stretch limo pick up the 9 people that flew back after the first week and another limo picked us up when we came home after the honeymoon. I didnt feel that was necessary, but DH really wanted to do it. I think the total for all 3 limos was around $2500... dont quote me on that though!
  8. Hi all! My mom and I have been looking all over our city and can't seem to find any dresses for her. I'm just wondering what your mothers are wearing seeing as it's gonna be a hot day. Are they wearing formal, long dresses? Or something a little shorter and floaty? My dad isn't wearing a suit or tux or I guess something super formal would be out of the question as they won't really match. Any input would be great! Thanks again!!!
  9. Wow, congrats on the weight loss!! I know, i've been MIA the last little while, but I'm still here, I promise! After joining the gym at the beg. of March, I've managed to gain weight!?! I haven't been following the points, so that's probably why. This week I've decided ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, back to counting points I am. Day 1 down, eternity to go! lol I'm back on track now so I'll update with progresses. Hope that you all are keeping your heads up. Summer is coming, woo hoo!!!!
  10. I love the show too! Watch it every week! I too would rather spend my money elsewhere, but man, some of those dresses are amazing!
  11. You have to do whatever makes you happy. If you want lots of jewelery, then go for it! I'm keeping mine pretty simple with a pair of chandelier earrings and a hair flower.
  12. I honestly think there's more selection in the United States than there is in Canada, which completely sucks! Maybe I'll move!!!!! lol
  13. Bras! OH I how love these - NOT!!! lol Actually, I'm picking up a strapless bra for the wedding which my aunt is sewing into the dress for support. I guess it's a little different for me because I'm having my dress made. But anyway, I HATE shopping for regular bras. They just never seem to fit properly. I wish I could pay someone to custom make me some. Oh well, maybe if I win the lottery someday!
  14. that scares me! lol Quote: Originally Posted by tina82 We went zip-lining when we were in OchoRios, I think it was $60.00 p/p. It was fun.
  15. Congrats on your wedding! The pics are beautiful. Sounds like you guys had lots of fun. Was it expensive for the limobus? How many people could fit and what company did you use? We're considering something like that.
  16. Love the tattoos ladies and the great stories to go along with them! Here's the before and after picture of my 3rd tattoo which is on my inner left ankle. I had originally found this great picture of pisces symbol surrounded my stars (love stars and obviously a pisces). A few weeks after I got it, I was like, ugh, what's this "H" doing on my ankle surrounded by starts. After that, all I could see was this H. I wasn't happy at all. So I returned to my artist with a butterfly, and she happily covered it. I love this sooooo much more (even though it doesn't have much of a meaning). Before After Keep the pics coming, they're great!!
  17. Rick's Cafe is something that I'm doing for sure!!! I think there's a sunset cruise there or something, I would def. like that!
  18. great job so far! Where did you buy the groom's shirt? It's GREAT!
  19. I'm not short waisted like some of you were talking about being. I think that I'm actually normal, whatever that may be! lol What my problem is, is that I had what a call my "spare tire" for a stomach. I usually can't wear dresses (unless they are the right cut and I get them taken in on top) because I am a completely different size on top then the bottom. For this reason, I asked my aunt to make my dress, it's easier this way. Speaking about wedding dresses...did you ladies have a hard time finding one? I know here in my town, there's only a few wedding dress shops, one of them didn't even have a dress big enough for me to try on (I wear a 22-24). The other shop did have some, but they still didn't fit. How discouraging!
  20. I know but sometimes being in Canada makes it difficult. Besides it's hard to know what size will be the right fit because God forbid they make a size 22 the same in all stores - sheesh!!!!!!!!!!!! lol Quote: Originally Posted by Paul'sSoulMate Lisa Old Navy has plus sizes on their website (I'm a 16-1, but not in the stores. I love shopping there. I am an Old Navy fanatic!!
  21. Calia - That's a great tattoo. I did see it posted somewhere else. What a romantic idea! Thanks Paraiso! Post a pic if you ever get one!!!
  22. I tried to do a search to find a similar thread but came up empty handed. I thought I would start a thread for us, beautiful, curvacious ladies! Sometimes we go through different things compared to our skinnier friends and I thought this could be a great place to chat and help each other out. We could talk wedding things, or anything else that comes to mind. So I'll start...Where do you shop to buy clothes? Here in Canada, we have Penningtons & Addition-Elle who both carry a line called MXM. It's a younger line of clothes and I love all their stuff!! Just because I'm fat, doesn't mean I have to dress like an old lady!! lol I also like to buy stuff at Wal-Mart, but sometimes I find their clothes cheaply made. I also ADORE Old Navy! In Canada (well at least not around here), they don't carry the plus size clothes. I wish they did because I think I would be able to wear more of their clothes. Other stores that carry plus size, Zellers, Sears, Reitmans, Laura Plus. Even with all those stores, sometimes there's not enough selection. I love clothes, we need more stores!!!!!!!! For all you ladies that live in the United States or elsewhere, what kind of clothing stores do you have?
  23. Well, I did a search here for tattoos and came up with a few threads where people said they had tattoos, but didn't show pictures. I thought it would be fun to post pics of our tattoos and the reasons/meanings for getting them. I love them, I think they are so beautiful. So I'll start. Here's my first one, in the middle of my lower back. The star in the middle represents me, and the 3 little stars around it represent my parents and my brother. The second one is a hibiscus flower which is a symbol for beauty. It's pink because I LOVE pink! I don't have a recent picture of my third one because I got a partial cover up on it a few months after I initially had it done. I'll post a pic soon! So let's see them ladies. I want another one soon, so maybe I'll find some inspiration!
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