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Everything posted by ~*Lisa*~

  1. wow! Great bathing suits ladies. I'll have to check them out when i'm at home later. I'm loving this thread! YEAH to us plus-size gals!!!!!
  2. Just wondering if you bought this bathing suit and how the sizes run? It's sooooo cute!! Quote: Originally Posted by da.shmoopies I'm the same about my arms. I'm not Lisaloo, but I just want to say don't be embarassed! My fiance and I are avid kayaker, we lake camp, and our favorite thing to do besides that is snorkel. I spend alot of time in the bathsuit. I don't care one whit what others may think of me (even when I hang out with my very fit personal trainer Best Friend!). You just have to work on the self confidence aspect, and then it won't matter. If you've got it... flaunt it... and it helps that the fiance loves it. And, also, if you are going to be hanging out in the bathing suit with friends and family... they should love you no matter what! (Plus, they don't have perfect bods either I'm sure.) This is a great bathing suit for hanging out in... without hanging out if you know what I mean. Shape fx Bandeau swimdress at Newport-News.com
  3. I did see that pair at Aldo, but thought it looked funny with the flower and the hibiscus flower tattooed on my foot! I'll check out the ones from the Gap though. Thanks!
  4. Wow the dresses are great! I will have to show them to my mom. We did find something here, but it was $325 for a tea lenght!! We both found that expensive for 1/2 dress! lol
  5. I was worried about pictures. My mom sort of liked this flowery dress but I thought that the pattern was too much considering the beautiful background of the ocean/beach/palm trees. I was thinking of something more plain looking. What do you guys think?
  6. WOW!!! congrats!!!!!!!!! Quote: Originally Posted by MayBride2010 yay, down 40.6 now!!
  7. Hi gals, So I went out of town this weekend for some shopping and was completely sad that I could not find even ONE pair of sandals that I liked for the wedding. I can't do any kind of heal as I recently had knee surgery, so basically I'm looking for flats. I wanted a little something more than just a "regular" flip flop in either a pink or white. You would think, with going to like 50 (ok maybe not that many) shoes stores that I would at least find something. NO, everything was heels! AH!!!!!!!!! Anyone else experiencing this or know where I could look??
  8. Yeah I know the feeling. My family and friends have all accepted me for the way that I look which is amazing. THIS IS WHO I AM!!!!!!!! As for strangers, well, if you don't like what you see, then look away! lol That's how I feel anyway. You just have to accept how you look and be happy with it. The outside is just a cover for the beautiful person you are inside. Quote: Originally Posted by tata2 lisaloo, Hi, I so want to embrass my plus size but I just saw pics of me the day I bought my wedding dress. While the dress looks great my arms are horrid! I am a size 22 in pants and 18 top , Yes baby got back! Anyway, reading your thread makes me wish I had your up beat attitude but just thinking of having to wear a bathing suit in front of friends and family in 6 months scares the hell out of me. Got any positive words of wisdom?? Tamasin
  9. Oh don't you just love that? You're standing in a regular store with someone and the sales persons asks if they can help you...HELLO!!! Does it look like I can fit into your clothes? Sheesh! I don't know if they're doing it to be nice or mean sometimes...anyway, I just laugh cause I think it's funny! lol Quote: Originally Posted by Royal_lady10 LOL. Lisa that was me last weekend.. Our plan was to go into Torid (new swim suites) but we had to stop and Arden B, Vics Secret, anne taylor.. was so ready to go!.. Some of the workers were asking if I needed help, this made me laugh..lol..
  10. Oh one more thing....anyone else hate these feelings? Shopping with other "skinner" people and they try on all the clothes and you just stand there, trying to be happy? Or when you're walking in the mall and your like...well, I can't shop there, or there, or there....HUMPH! Ok, I'm done my rant! lol
  11. AHHHHHH!!! I'm so frustrated! I just came back from out of town shopping with my mom and my aunt for dresses and I was so sadded by the fact that they only had 2 stores with plus sized clothing. One was sooooooo expensive and the other was "supposed" to be plus size. Well geez, if you call a 14 plus size (which I know they do), but hell, I'm the REAL THING wearing a 22/24. DAMN that frustrates me!! Anyway, I found some great make-up to make up for it I guess! lol
  12. lol thanks! It was freakin cold when we did it, but we had a blast! Quote: Originally Posted by da.shmoopies By the way, Lisaloo, I love your wedding website and engagement pics. The bathing suits in the snow is hilarious!!
  13. Yup! Once it's all done and healed, you can do whatever you want to it and it won't come off! Quote: Originally Posted by Infinity22 Just when it's healing?
  14. You do want to keep it moisturized (with the right cream that they give you). Otherwise, it'll crack and stuff and it's not too pleasant. Obviously, depending where you get it, it will be covered with clothes. You can't help that. But I always tried to keep clothes away from it. Quote: Originally Posted by Infinity22 I believe it was a cousin who told me that you have to constantly apply lotion to the tattoo while it's scabbed over and you shouldn't have it covered by any clothing while it's healing. This of course after you take off the surrand wrap. Is that true?
  15. Wow, love that! The meaning behind it is great! Beautiful! Quote: Originally Posted by Outdoor_girl1010 I go this tattoo about two years ago now. I got it about 2 weeks before I got out of the Army. The vine represents all the ups and downs that I had to deal with while i was in the Military, and the flowers show that you can still shine bright and be beautiful no matter what I had to thur or you see while I was in the military.
  16. It usually starts to scab within a couple of days and usually lasts 7-10 days, depending on how fast you heal. It's not horrible, trust me!
  17. I didn't have that problem with my other tattoos. Yes, some color did come off, but the color was still on my skin. With the hibiscus, there was no color left on the skin - it was weird!
  18. As I'm sure that you know by now, if was off the air for a while but the last 5 shows are being aired over the next few weeks. This week, but 2 more I believe! I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!! I honestly believe it should have ended last season because this year, it's just crazy and has gone too far. I too thought that the 1st season was the best. Although Scofield was the hottest/smartest, T-BAG was my favorite character. Yes, he's a psycho killer/rapist, but he's character is GREAT!!!
  19. Here's a few reviews that I found... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t35967 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t37021 You'll get great information from these two ladies. Enjoy the reviews and pics!!
  20. lol that's what I figured! So what's the meaning?? Quote: Originally Posted by Infinity22 You my dear are correct, it's just a little Photoshop work.
  21. Good luck with that! Just so you know, it does hurt. As you can see from mine on my foot, it's close to my toes. The skin there is pretty thin also. It was the one that hurt the most, but hey, the pain is worth it! What made it worse for me was that a had an apprentice do it and I dunno what happened but when the scabbing came off, most of the color did too!! So once it was healed, I had to go back and get it touched it, now THAT hurt!!! You'll be fine though, you have experience! Quote: Originally Posted by SgtPepperette LOVE your tattoo and the meaning So Im going next week to get feet tattoos. How bad is it going to hurt?
  22. hmmmmm, it's hard to tell but my guess is no. I could be wrong though! lol Quote: Originally Posted by Infinity22 Before I tell you, you tell me, what do you think?
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