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Everything posted by ~*Lisa*~

  1. wow that sounds really beautiful! where did you get all the stuff?
  2. Kelly -great advice and thanks, that made me feel better too!!!
  3. yeah i'm not to worried, it's not like it's wedding season yet!
  4. I was just wondering what everyone was using for centerpieces for their AHR. I was thinking either candles or flowers? Anyone have any pics they want to post as I'm looking for ideas!
  5. alright quick update! Ken said that we'll do what I want so getting a nice cake it is! He said he'll just tell his mom that we've taken care of it and not to worry!!! This makes Lisa VERY happy!!! lol Now to decide on a cake and find a place to make one in 4 weeks....UGH!
  6. awww Jessica, I know how you feel. I had a breakdown before my wedding too. I didn't want to be the disgusting, fat bride. I too had a year to lose weight and only managed to lose 20lbs. At least it was better than gaining! I know that it's hard to see yourself in a different way, but you truly have to understand that no matter what you look like on the outside, your inside is beautiful and that's what really matters. Your family and friends love you for you, not for what you look like!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by sammysgirl Ugh it sucks so bad to be short! I think 130 at 5'3 is pushing it really, esp if you are muscular. I am extremely muscular. I am 5'2 and my goal weight is 135! I feel like I will look good and feel healthy at that size! My clothes size won't even change really though. I have 11lbs left to lose, so you do the math and I am a 6/8 in street clothes right now. I will be the same size at 135...so annoying! I know I have less to lose than some of you ladies, but I have super skinny friends and I have always felt like the chubby girl esp. after I got up to 165 in college! FML! This is a great support group, so even if you don't have as much weight to lose, it doesn't matter. You can still bitch about your skinny friends! lol Quote: Originally Posted by brandynd She hasn't had the skin removed just yet. I have the most amazing mom in the world, and she was scheduled for surgery last week (at the time of scheduling we were still to be married in January), so she's rescheduled it for the beginning of March so she can still come to our wedding. She's worked out and toned up enough that all she's having done is a bit of a tummy tuck, and she's also having a breast lift, not so much because of the surgery, but she's had three children and "just wants the girls back in the northern hemisphere". She's still self conscious aout her arms; she thinks she has "chicken wings", but she doesn't know what she's talking about, the doctors have told her there isn't enough skin there to be removed. Generally though, there isn't much loose skin as long as you're working out as you lose to help tighten it back up. That's so amazing!! Sounds like your mom has really worked hard for this and definitely deserves it! Please keep us updated on how she's doing! Well DH and I started working out again this week. We're just hitting up my parents place but will be joining a gym on the weekend or next week because my parents only have a few pieces of equipment. I forgot how good it felt to do this. Amazinly, I do have more energy, even after only 2 workouts - it's great! I did weigh myself this morning and I am down 1 lb but my official weigh date isn't until sat. Hopefully I'll be the same or even down more by then!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsYak That's true Lisa...are you doing favors for your guests at the AHR? Yeah we're going to do something really simple. Since valentine's day is just a few days away, i'm going to go and buy a bunch of candies (cinnamon hearts, chocolate hearts, etc) on sale and make up a bunch of little bags. I want to do something, but nothing too extravagent as I already did OOT bags for my guests that came to Jamaica! What about you? Awesome wedding date btw!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by heidilynn28 weakness is desserts .. which is why I stay away from them 90% of the time.. but i can't resist when we're at a restaurant (couple times a month). Down to 221.0 ladies.. was about 228.5 around this time last year. It's not much but hell, at least the numbers aren't going in the other direction! We leave in 2.5 weeks for Mexico.. would LOVE to be down 2-3 pounds more. WOO HOO girl, good for you!!! like you said, it's better than going up! is your wedding 2.5 weeks away or are you just going on vacation?
  10. i sweets! anything that is baked, cakes, desserts, oh my! I also love my pepsi and ketchup chips oh and chocolate! Wow, this stuff is BAD for me! lol
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ Another book I highly recommend is "still alice" by Lisa Genova. Its about a harvard professor that is diagnosed with Alzheimers. Amazing. That's all I've got for now! I've had my eye on that when I went to Chapters tonight. Guess I'll have to pick that one up too!
  12. lol Linda, I thought about the whole "lying" thing, but it'll backfire on me, I just know it with her! I'm honestly really considering the groom cake thing. that way, it'll make her happy and then I can still get the yummy cake. I know this may sound silly, but i'm sad that I don't have a layer of my cake to eat on my first anniversary. That's a major factor in why I want a nice cake for the AHR!
  13. lol too funny cougs!!! i could so see you doing that!
  14. awesome review Meg! The place looks gorgeous! Congrats again on becoming a MRS!
  15. Oh trust me gals, he's tried too!! He's gonna have to break it down to her real good though because this is crazy shit and I seriously don't need it!! I know Amy, this is getting redic!!!!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ Is she some sort of "professional" or something? Obviously not that professional if her cake tastes like ass, but you KWIM. How big is your AHR? Is it big enough that you could just say "no, it's a big job and we're going to buy one, but thanks." If that doesn't work then maybe resort to "listen here control freak, your cake sucks and I don't want to put my family and friends through the misery of eating it". LOL!! OK clearly not the thing to say, but maybe I made you smile? She says she used to make cakes years ago but I dunno, they aren't that professional looking to me! she just made one for her other son's engagement party and it was just blah! I tried to pull the "well we're going to have a lot of people there" thing, but she said that was no problem If only I could just say that...if only....lol
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by NaM Maybe you could ask her to do a grooms cake and then you can get the cake you want but she still gets to do something? Just tell her that you didn't get the perfect cake you wanted at the DW and this is something YOU really have your heart set on...you're the bride, not her so I think you shouldn't sacrifice what you want because she wants to bake. that's such a good idea about the groom's cake!!! i didn't even think about that!
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