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Everything posted by ~*Lisa*~

  1. Ahhhh girl!! Time to sit back, relax and take a deep breath. Your wedding day is almost here, woo hoo!!!!!!!!!! First of all, you're beautiful, so don't ever forget that! Second of all, don't worry about your dress so much. It will all work out in the end. I had problems with my aunt making mine, but it did work out. If you really want to have the dress taken in, then insist on it. Just don't forget that you will have to sit down in it at some point, so the little extra room just might actually be a blessing. I could never understand how those girls with the skin-tight dresses sit...maybe they just stand the whole time?! lol I can't help you out with TTD because we never did one. I do regret it, but I can't change that now. I think you have a great idea to talk to the photog and explain what you want. I didn't think of that actually and I didn't choose some of my pics either because I didn't like my arms. You WILL NOT look like a beached whale!! And if you think you might, then don't do that pose, try something different. (I honestly couldn't see myself either in that pose on top of my hubby - eww!! lol) In the end, please don't stress out too much, you're almost there! You're going away to get married to the love of your life who loves you for who you are, not what you look like. Sit back and relax and whatever happens, happens!
  2. My AHR is in 3 weeks and I went out just after V-day and bought candy on sale. I got chocolate hearts and lips, some red, white and pink jelly beans and conversation hearts. I didn't spend too much at all as it was all on sale. If we have stuff left over, it won't go to waste with my family! lol
  3. When I was following to a T, I lost 20 lbs in 2 months, mind you, I have a lot of weight to lose. I am a carb lover too and at first found it hard, but with the cheat day, it allows you to eat whatever you want, which I really liked. I'm struggling right now only because I'm being a dork about all this.
  4. Planet of the Apes : Mark Walberg
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by mmshaughness Great question about the Free option on Vista Print! I am not seeing any of these options, but would love to utilize them Any information would be appreciated! You have to sign up for their emails and then you'll get emails all the time with their offers. I've used Vista print 3 times now and it's super cheap. I just paid $20 for 100 postcards and 100 envelopes.
  6. ahhh Tucks, your pics are just amazing!!! So glad that you had such a wonderful experience!
  7. just an update - we did the vistaprint postcard thing with our pic on the front and it turned out amazing!! I'll post a pic soon, promise!!
  8. wow everyone has amazing ideas, so jealous! I have 3 and 1/2 weeks to figure something out for my AHR...sigh...
  9. awww Susie that's so sweet!!!!! island_bride - just do it, no worries!! it's really not that bad!
  10. My ceremony was at 4 pm and I made my appointments starting at 12. I figured it would take 1 hour to do my hair and another to get the make-up done. Boy, was I WRONG!! It was all done in 45 mins!! So I was back in my room just after 1 with nothing really to do for a few hours. I guess i thought that it would take me longer, but it didn't. The timing all depends on how many people are getting their hair/make-up done.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by elifrigo OH I can't download the diet! could someone please email it to me? [email protected] THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just sent it to ya!! Good luck girl and keep us posted!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by elifrigo Wow lisa! How wonderfulll all the small little details make such a huge impact! ahhh thanks!
  13. hahah Brandy - I love those kind of arguments! and congrats on becoming a MRS! Like cougs said, bring on the pics!!!! cougs - you're awesome. enough said! you!!!!
  14. great review girl but where are the pics!? hellooooooooooo, we're pic whores over here!!lol congrats again MRS!!!!
  15. omg that's nuts!! that's so sad that they didn't have everyone there...but what do you expect right? sounds like your trip wasn't all that great - so sorry to hear that but like you said, at least your home now!
  16. ugh I am sucking right now! lol not following anything actually and it's bad! Keep up the good work Amy!! WOO HOO for almost being your wedding time!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsLewis Alright ladies, daily challenge! Step 1: Take a REAL deep breath. Step 2: Hold it... Step 3: A little longer.... Step 4: A little more.... Step 5: Now let it out! Step 6: Repeat the following: My man LOVES me exactly as I am! Regardless of shape or size, he loves me because I am beautiful dammit! Step 7: Now smile Step 8: Repeat steps 1 through 7 again tomorrow You're all beautiful ladies, and don't let anyone convince you otherwise And good luck with those 15 pounds Martha, but if you don't lose them, don't let them ruin your special day, because you're beautiful regardless! ahhhh I like this!!!! Quote: Originally Posted by jstar83 i know..i know..horribly negative and mean..i take it back...!!! snap out if it girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. woo hoo, congrats! Hope your day is wonderful!
  19. that sounds beautiful tucks! when are you having your AHR?
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