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Everything posted by ~*Lisa*~

  1. WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!! Trust me, it'll come faster than you think!! Enjoy your time.
  2. looking great Holls! congrats, you're almost there!
  3. lovin' the cakes girl! I esp like the last one. did you make all those flowers too?
  4. yeah I just checked them out! brought back so many memories! they're great!
  5. I say that you should use the type that means something to the both of you. Just because you're getting married on an "island" doesn't mean that you should use "island" music. If Russian, Jewish or Spanish music are traditional, then I would stick with that for at least the ceremony. Afterwards, go crazy with whatever you like. That's just my 2 cents anyway!
  6. Congrats and welcome, my fellow Canadian! You'll find tons of info on this site, it's great!
  7. yeah yeah, post some here! I'm sure I'm not the only one interested in seeing your great work!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by lil_miss_frogg I took Wilton Cake Decorating classes and just found it VERY relaxing. I actually start teaching the classes in May after my wedding. I'm doing my wedding cake and my future sister-in-laws wedding cake. I'm super excited about it all. As far as pricing goes....I just googled a whole bunch of bakeries in my area and got the going rate for that size and style and knocked about $10 off the price....to be under the going rate. Since I am new at this, I want to get clients in the "door" and then I can increase my prices according to my experience. That's a great idea about the googling! I was just checking out the same sorta classes at our craft store. I should totally just do this as I've been thinking about it for awhile now. Congrats on teaching the classes - that'll be so much fun!
  9. Hey girl! good for you! This is also something that I am totally interested in. Was just wondering how you decided on pricing? Also, did you take any baking courses?
  10. ahhh I can't see the pics at work, I'll have to check them out when I get home! Can't wait to see them. Congrats!
  11. ok day 2 - so far, it's going ok. I was STARVING last night and really was pissed that I couldn't eat junk food! But K made me have some celery instead of the chips I wanted, so it was all good. I hated him for it, but I felt good afterwards. I had forgotten how great you feel when you eat healty. One day down and I actually survived! lol
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsYak Great idea, I've been thinking on how to get them to people before we leave so I don't have to travel with them. We will be getting married right after Christmas also...now did you put something like a thank you for booking or anything? Typically people do a thank you for coming...just looking for some wording suggestions! : ) We wrote up a welcome letter and included one in each bag. It was a cute idea. I'm at work so I don't have it here but I'll see if I still have it when I get home. If not, do a search for welcome letters and you'll get all kinds of ideas, that's what I did.
  13. hahah I agree Amy! How are you doing on the diet? Are you still losing?
  14. yeah for pics! boo for a shitty time with the hotel!!
  15. Billy Crystal : City Slickers
  16. I say go for it! If it's what you really want to do, then you'll make it work!
  17. congrats Heidilynn on the engagement!!!! Thanks for all the boot info too!
  18. So today I have started this again. I'm about 1/2 way through my day now and I feel alright. I'm a little hungry but that's probably my fault for eating like a total pig lately! lol I haven't weighed myself yet because I'm scared. Maybe I will after this week. I seriously need to stay in line right now. Just gotta keep in mind that I have my cheat day in only 5 days, I can do this...yes I can! *I hope* lol
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