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Everything posted by ~*Lisa*~

  1. this is great!! what a wonderful idea!
  2. I really wasn't all that freaked out, but today, I feel like I have everything left to do. We still have to: choose our music decide and start looking around for AHR decide on bouquets make up the OOT bags (still waiting on cups to be delivered) DIY tanks/undies book hair/make-up appointment with resort decide what photography package to do decide if we want to do TTD that's all that I can think of right now. I'm sure there's more though. UGH!
  3. thanks ladies! we are really happy right now. there's lots of work to do in the house, but we're getting there. I have to take some pics of what it looks like now and post them soon!
  4. as much as I love Christmas, we're keeping it really simple this year. We aren't even buying gifts for each other on my side of the family. We're going to spend our money in Jamaica instead, which is just as fine with me!
  5. ahhh thanks so much ladies! my aunt let me know that fixing the hair flower will be no problem. she agrees that it's too big!
  6. exactly Amy!!! We are going out for breakfast this morning with my parents, so the diet probably won't be happening but for the rest of the day, I'm back on it baby and my mom is going to try it out also, wooo!
  7. well I don't honestly know how this has happened but I lost 2 lbs this week! WOOOOOOOOOOO!! I seriously ate junk, so I think the weight loss gods were on my side this week! Now, I'm only 0.8 lbs up from my lowest on the diet. SO, cheat day today and back to the diet tomorrow!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by sammysgirl How do you feel about the wallpaper in the dining room?? I actually really love it! Congrats! Such a cute house! My FI & I just bought a house as well I love the pattern, but I don't like the color. I'm just not a red person. We're keeping it for now because it's cool, but we'll be changing it later on.
  9. You're doing awesome Katie on the diet! I so know what you mean about the whole thing. I have lots of weight to lose so that I can reach a healthy weight which sometimes really frustrates me. I guess we just have to take it one day at a time!
  10. 2nd bedroom our bedroom our very pink bathroom! basement basement bedroom
  11. Good morning all! I finally have time to add some pictures. I did add a link to my facebook page but I thought that I would do this too. I just want to let you know that these are the pictures of the house before we moved in and did any kind of renovations. All the furniture/junk that you see is not mine!!! I do have to go around the house and take pictures of what stuff looks like now so that you can see the difference. Also, keep in mind we got a super great private deal on this house for super cheap! yes it's a fixer-upper, but that's ok with us! Enjoy! front of the house back of the house back yard kitchen dinning room living room
  12. lol love the idea of the poll!! I can't wait to see this movie but it's been sold out in our city for a few days now. I guess I'll have to wait until next week. booo!!!
  13. ok you girls are stressing me out! I woke up this morning and suddenly realized that I only have like 6 weeks to go, that's nuts! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
  14. that's some good ideas Katie. I always struggle on what to eat on those days. Usually I just eat low gi/gl foods!
  15. Hot idea Meg! I second what Maureen said! I think you can make anything look sexy wet on a beach! lol
  16. Thanks for the input Karen. I'll def. have to try it with and without the flower - great idea!
  17. ahhh I'm so happy to hear that she is home safe!
  18. awww I'm really sorry that you feel that way. I know when I first started here, I had NO idea what I was doing. It can be intimidating to know all the rules, where to post, etc. Once you learn it all and get used to it, it's such a great place! Let's see that dress girl!! and btw, I am getting married in Jamaica too. Where are you getting married?
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