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Everything posted by ~*Lisa*~

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by jackobelle Welcome back, Lisa!!!!!! Can't wait to see some wedding pics (if you are planning on posting them, that is!) I hope you had an amazing time! I will post them soon I hope or you can check my wedding website, they're up on it! We did have an amazing time, it was so great and I miss Jamaica and the nice weather already! Quote: Originally Posted by Mischaka My top is not as big as my bottom and that's usually the problem that I have. Especially in dresses. But i'm hoping to come down at least 2-3 sizes by next year February. *crosses fingers* that's my problem too! If you work on it, you have a year to lose the weight you want to! you go girl, you can do it!!! btw, always love new members joining us on this thread!!!
  2. ahhh thanks so much everyone for the shout-outs and congrats! somehow I missed this thread the other day!! you ladies are the best! I you all!!!!!
  3. Hey Amy!!!!!! I'm back from beautiful sunny Jamaica and back on the band wagon starting on Sunday! I can't wait to get back into it so we'll be able to support each other for sure!!! anyone else still following? Miss Kathy?!?
  4. ahhh thanks so much ladies! I'm so super excited to be a MRS now! I promise that pictures will come soon!
  5. Honeymoon We will be spending an extra week at the same resort as our honeymoon. We didn’t feel the need to move to another resort even though some of my family will be there for the second week as well. We’ll have time alone, that I’m not worried about!! Invitations As we were trying to keep our costs down, we just wanted to do something really, really simple for invitations. So this is what we came up with! FINALLY! My wedding invitations are done! (non-passport/non-boarding pass) - Best Destination Wedding Forum ~ The Ultimate Destination Wedding Resource front inside rsvp postcard front (from Vista print) rsvp postcard back Guestbook I didn’t really want to haul around a guestbook for the wedding, so I thought of creating these cards that will also serve as place cards. They’ll be easy to throw in the suitcase and not too heavy. DIY guestbook cards - Best Destination Wedding Forum ~ The Ultimate Destination Wedding Resource DIY projects Along with the invites and guestcards, I made a tank for K and myself as well as a pair of undies for me! I did have plans to do more, but well, I ran out of time! lol I seriously think there is a lot more, but it is now 5:40 am on the morning we leave and I've been up for 2 hours already...sheesh!! See how much I love you guys, I made time to do this before I left! I should try and get a little more sleep, but I doubt that's happening anytime soon! Thanks so much again to everyone for their thoughts/ideas/comments. I would not have been able to do all this without this place!! lots of love, Lisa
  6. I seriously cannot believe that it’s my turn to do this. My, oh my, a year has gone by WAY too fast! I am so thankful that I found this great forum. I don’t even remember how I came about it, but all I remember is thinking, OMG, I can’t believe there’s this awesome place where people, like me, are having destination weddings! Tammy, you’re the best for starting this little place of heaven! I can’t even begin to think/name all the times that I’ve come here for help/ideas. There are so many wonderful ladies here (and yes, a few men too!) and I just want to thank all of you for all your help and support along the way. I’ve met some awesome people here, I this forum! Thanks!!! Ok, on to the fun stuff… E-Pics My cousin, who is a photographer, took our engagement pictures. We had such a great time and I am so happy with them. Here’s the link to some of the pics: Brent Gervais Photography Rings FI took me on the day he proposed to Ben Moss to pick out a ring. After a very long time, this is what I chose. It’s a quad princess cut setting. When the light hits it, it looks amazing! We bought our wedding bands from Robert Brown Jewellers. Robert Brown Jewellers - Sudbury, Canada - Diamonds Engagement Rings Jewellery Jewelry He chose a white gold hammered effect band with a band of yellow gold on each side. My wedding band is of course, lots of diamonds! lol I can't believe I don't actually have pics of them! I'll post when I get back as the rings are packed right now - sorry!! Attire As some of you may or may not know, I had my dress custom made by my wonderful aunt. Custom made wedding dress in progress! - Best Destination Wedding Forum ~ The Ultimate Destination Wedding Resource I honestly cannot express how happy I am to have this dress made for me with so much love. It means the world to me! FI’s clothing is from Moore’s. He is wearing a pair of chocolate brown kaki pants with an off-white shirt, beige suit coat and a blue/brown/white/beige tie. Sorry, I don’t have any pics of this yet. OOT bags I never thought of doing something like this until I joined this forum. What a great idea! We got some personalized cups made by factory 21 from ebay. The color wasn’t exactly what we wanted, but whatever, it still works. I bought cheap bags from Zellers (13 for $2.00). We filled the bags with the cups, cards, puzzle books, lugage tags, SPF lipgloss, hand sanitizer, pencils and our welcome letter. I’ve attached the template for the welcome letter below. FI created the whole thing – he had lots of fun with it! We didn’t want to bring all the stuff down with us so seeing as we’re leaving right after Christmas, we did the “let’s go visit everyone and give them their OOT bagsâ€. We had lots of fun and everyone loved everything in them. I did have to ship 2 of them out of the province, which sucked because I had to pay, but better than having to bring them with us. Just a few things we included... Ok, so apparently I suck and got lazy and didn't take any pics of the created bags or cups *sigh*! Anyway, I'll add them when I get back if I can! Again, sorry! lol Also, apparently my welcome letter isn't the right format...GRRRR! Location After lots of debating, tears and discussions, we finally decided on a DW. FI had never travelled before, so I knew that anywhere would be amazing for him. I wanted to go somewhere where I knew that would be completely wonderful for the both of us. I attended my cousin’s wedding in 2008 at ROR in Jamaica. I fell in love with Jamaica then and I knew that I wanted to go back. Obviously I didn’t want to go to the same resort, so we chose the Riu in Negril. It looks amazing! Hotel Negril, Jamaica ClubHotel Riu Negril - RIU Hotels & Resorts more to come...
  7. it'll be fine, no worries mon! lol even if it rains, it never rains the whole time so don't stress too much! I can't believe I leave tomorrow - woo hoo!! I still have to make my music CD and un-pack and re-pack! lol (don't ask!!) wishing anyone who is leaving soon the best wedding day ever! can't wait to see all the pics!
  8. I just tried Loreal's Double Extend waterproof. It stayed on for 3 days!!! That's what I'm bringing for the trip. It wasn't too expensive either.
  9. Thanks so much everyone for all the kind words. I am so happy right now!!!
  10. congrats Karla! can't wait to see all the pics and hear all about the fun you've had when you get back!
  11. As promised (and yes, a day late - sorry!), here are some pics of my final fitting. I am so, so, so freakin' happy with the results. I was a little worried that my aunt wouldn't take it in enough, but she did and I'm so thankful. The best part - I only had to buy the material, which was $365. She didn't charge me for any sort of labour - it's a wedding gift!! I was in tears, I was so happy!!!! my aunt and I Thanks to everyone who shared in my joy along the way. This was so much fun to do and to share with all of you lovely ladies!!
  12. final fitting was tonight - the dress looks FAB! I'll have to post pics tomorrow, sorry gals, I know how much you all are pic whores! lol
  13. Welcome to the forum! I'm heading to Jamaica in a few days! Can't wait! Good luck with your planning, you'll find everything you need here!
  14. OMG it's stressing me out!!! I leave in 4 days and I haven't had my final fitting yet! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! I have to call my aunt today. I do have the next couple of days off, so it should be no problem to have my fitting, but still, it's coming fast!
  15. OMG, I would SO kill those boys!! lol I packed yesterday, with the help of my mom and it's stressing me out!! I'll probably unpack and pack again because I'm not sure I like everything that I brought! lol Yes, I know, it's pathetic, but whatever!! I honestly can't believe that I leave already in 4 days! AHHHHHHHHH!!!! I still have to pick a song, make my cd, make a few extra guestcards, get waxing/pedi, pick up my wedding band from my parent's place, help FI pack....oh lord, I hope that's the end of the list! lol
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