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Everything posted by ~*Lisa*~

  1. Ok so I am totally not part of this but I am looking for some extra support. Do you ladies mind if I join in and just keep up with the chatting/support?
  2. Deb - don't forget, it's only one night. If you fall off, then you just get right back up! that's all! don't stress about it! Amy - you have no idea how bad my work is! during the month of december, we had a schedule to sign up to bring food in EVERYDAY! it was nutso!!! I work with a group of about 35 women who all love to cook, it's sooooo bad, but soooo great at the same time! lol K and I fell off the wagon yesterday. He's sick right now and I felt bad. We made meatball subs, which totally isn't too bad (obviously the bread is bad) but he felt sorry for himself and bought ice cream. UGH! BAck on the wagon today. That's all you have to do!
  3. Katherine Hepburn : This Can't Be Love (sorry, had to cheat on this one!)
  4. OMG Aimee they are GORGEOUS!!!!! You must be so happy!!!!!
  5. I just wanted to mention that I am not considering major surgery. Although I do have alot of weight to lose, I am healthy. It's a hot topic and I just wanted to put it out there. It's so interesting to read everybody' stories. I too, met a guy that I worked with for a short while who had gastric bypass surgery done. Sure he had lost a bunch of weight, but what is he shoving into his mouth - doughnuts!! Seriously dude, you'll just gain it all back doing that!! Denise - we should chat! I have lots of weight to lose as well, it would be interesting to talk to someone in the same boat as me! I just also wanted to say thank you to everyone who made such wonderful comments about my wedding pics. It warms my heart!
  6. Deb - I would def only have one drink. As for the wings, those are full of fat and deep fried! A fancy salad or fajitas would be better! So far this week, things have been ok. Monday was great with no cheating. Yesterday, I had a few cookies that someone at work brought in and today, well there was cake! But I'm sticking to the rest of the diet, so technically I should still lose some weight. AHHHH I LOVE FOOD!!!!!!
  7. great Sylvie - make sure to keep us posted on how you're doing! So it was my first day back on the diet after being off for months! I feel hungry right now but that's because I've been used to eating crap all day long! I actually do feel good and I know that this does work for me. It is a little bit more work with all the planning but I know that I can do this!!! how was everyone else's day?
  8. I seriously had a hard time with this one...good luck ladies! you all!
  9. I'm really sorry to have this happen to you Leslie. Everyone here has already gave great advice. I'll be thinking about you and hope that things will work out, whatever way it goes! Keep your chin up even though it may be hard, you have to be strong!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 Can anyone tell me what this diet includes? It says I cannot open it - I guess I do not have enough points (I'm not sure how many you need though) I'd love to know what it is as my wedding is in June!! Thanks! send me a private message with your email address and I will send you the package!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by heidilynn28 Holy cow I just read all 71 pages of this thread..took me a few hours but I'm now up to date haha. Not engaged yet but we're checking out rings and then the rest is up to him.. I can't believe you read all the pages! lol that's awesome! Welcome to the best thread on the site! You're gonna love it here! So great too that you're starting to plan before being engaged...at least you'll be ready for when it happens! lol Quote: Originally Posted by kymkymkym WoW~ What a great Idea for a Thread! I'm Kym and I am plus sized (living in Canada) and shopping here isn't the greatest for plus size girls. LUCKILY I have traveled to the states many times in the past few years and have added considerable amounts of clothing to my wardrobe from Torrid & Lane Bryant. Plus I have a credit card/shopping addiction haha and like to purchase the odd thing from both stores since they both ship to Canada (WOOT!). I just purchased my wedding dress yesterday actually - it was my size and fit perfectly + they had just got it in the day before so I was able to take it with me since no-one else had tried it on.. but it had kind of been a struggle to find a dress up to this point. We got engaged back in May 2008 and I started dress shopping in August 2009 - I've probably been dress shopping only a handful of times up until yesterday but I just found the salespeople weren't very helpful... I got the sense that it was because I was a bigger girl and selection isn't as great as it is if your a size 2-6 haha. Luckily yesterday I was set up with a wonderful consultant and she kept pulling dress after dress for me plus the store had a HUGE selection. So I'm lucky that I found the ONE and glad that dress shopping is over with Anyways I look forward to meeting you all - sorry for my novel of an intro! Quote: Originally Posted by kymkymkym Wow Lisa - your wedding pictures are beautiful!!! You looked gorgeous.. Congrats. WELCOME!!!!!!! and thanks for the great comments about my pics! I've ordered from Torrid before but didn't realize that Lane Bryant shipped to Canada...uh oh...not a good thing! lol Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ Lisa your pictures are amazing. You look so happy girl...Congrats Thanks girl!!! So here's my question of the day....Have any of you thought of ever taking extreme measures to lose weight? I'm talking about medical procedures, stomach stapling (sp?), gastric bypass? Or have any of you done this? What are your thoughts on this?
  12. yeah Sandra!!!!!!!! you can see my pics on my wedding website....still working on my review! lol yes, I'm lazy!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by debbmach I'm starting tomorrow!!!!!!!! How much weight did you guys lose in the beginning? I need to lose 10 pounds in the next 4 weeks...will this be possible? You can totally do this! I certainly did! Good luck with starting, I'm back on the band wagon and so looking forward to this! Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda Deb - Yes I lost 10 pounds in 4 weeks but then nothing since b/c I have been cheating and eating and drinking like a super star You can totally do it though - good luck! Amy!! get back into it girl!! lol DH and I have started the 3 week priming phase today, so it was cheat day, woo hoo!!! I'm actually super happy to get back into this diet. I always felt great while following...probably because I'm actually eating healthy! lol WE CAN DO THIS GIRLS!!!!!!!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by jackobelle Lisa - I just checked out your wedding pics on your website. You looked absolutely beautiful & so happy! I love your hair! You also had an amazing sunset for pictures. Congrats again, girl! Thanks girl!!! Quote: Originally Posted by brandynd Oh Lisa I just saw your wedding pics! You look absolutey gorgeous lady! Cangrats again! awwww thanks so much!!! Quote: Originally Posted by Cindy* Lisa I love the picture in your Signature. The flower in your hair looks fantastic! I would love to see the rest of your pics. hahah that flower I bought super cheap years ago!! Check out the link in my siggy to my wedding website, you can see more pics there!! and thanks btw!
  15. woo hoo!!! Happy wedding day Meg! You'll be a stunning bride. Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by coley88 This thread is a great read for any curvy lady. The love and support is amazing especially when you're closest girl is miles and miles away. It's another place to get the support we all need and want. You ladies are fantastic, look fantastic and almost make me ready to go dress shopping (but I think I'll still wait a few months.) xoxo Nichole Welcome Nichole!!! Yes, this place is fantastic! It sure is nice to know that there are people out there feeling what you do, when all your friends are skinny!! lol
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenn79 This book is in my Top 5 of all time, it really is such a good story. I second that! Memoires of a Geisha was excellent and the movie was great too!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by jennypenny23 Hey Lisa Im from Sudbury too! We are planning on Jamaica for our wedding in Feb 2011! Meeting with the travel agent in a couple of weeks! I would LOVE to hear about your wedding when you get back!!!! that's awesome!! what travel agent are you using?
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