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Everything posted by DTHSLove

  1. Love the dress. Will have mine as soon as I have my info together.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Helen_S81 That place looks specatcular! Was the rainbow for real? I laughed at the last picture where you it looks like your husband is holding you under the water! Great pictures and thank you for sharing! Congratulations! Me too, we had to look at it again to see what really happened. I hope my photog have a lot of ideas like your..
  3. I feel you pain.. I going for the MP and my guest is saying it is out of reach compare to other hotels..
  4. I'm still trying to calculate what it will cost me. Some of the guest say the hotel is expensive. I'm a little stress because if they stay some where else my cost will go up to get them in that day..
  5. This sound like a good idea. I'm in saving money. I really was worried about the hiden cost of all the doc translation..
  6. Good idea I will look into this some more. Anything to save $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  7. Please load them soon. Thanks for the pre trip.. What would we do witout ladies like you. Did they show you upgrade rooms?
  8. It really depends on where you live. You may need to drive to the next city to save. Price it from different cities.
  9. I'm also looking for ideas. Dont want too much weight to carry down..
  10. CONGRTS!! can't wait to see the pics. Also waiting on your detail report..hehe
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