I feel you girl. A little different from that, my brothers wife handles their "financial" stuff, like trips, dates, what they can spend their free money on, and saving. Well, they informed me they wouldn't be able to afford to come to our wedding. It upset me. It's my brother. But I understood since they just had a very expensive wedding they are still paying off.
Then at a family party, I hear her say to one of my relatives -- "yeah I have a lot of weddings I'm going to this year. You know, you just have to be selective about the ones you go to."
ARE YOU SERIOUS? So I was one of the ones you selected not to go to? YOUR FAMILY?! And the *only* family member out of that bunch of weddings. I was so mad.
Don't stress about it too much. Some people just care about themselves. It's frustrating but I think we all have that "troublesome" family member or friend.
Best of luck!