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Everything posted by ddiinnyyeell

  1. Us aventura brides have seemed to have died off How's your planning going girls? Ohiobride - are we gonna get a review?
  2. I was so nervous on my way to try on my dress for the first time since I ordered it! I thought I was going to hate it. But I am so happy with it!! It's Maggie Sottero - Irina. (excuse the no make up bad hair day!!) front view back view my veil, which is all wrinkled from being bagged up This makes me look forward to much to my wedding day!!! YAY!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by rach220 I have to hide anything on HGTV from him...I really want to buy a house this year, and he "isn't ready" so het gets mad when I'm looking/dreaming. I went through an HGTV kick when we first bought our house. He was SO sick of watching it and me talking about all the things I wanted to do to the house. I think BDW has become my new HGTV.
  4. I am officially a Maggie Bride as well! Irina - by Maggie Sottero Horray!!
  5. Thanks! I'm glad you were happy with it. Live music comes with our wedding package and I really liked the idea of the mariachi band.
  6. Did they play traditional bridal music mariachi style or did they just play whatever for walking down the aisle? Any chance you have video?
  7. The hills!! He can't STAND it. John actually watched all the seasons of Sex and the City (plus the movie!) with me and he watches Gossip Girl too (his favorite character is chuck haha!)
  8. I've been going to a therapist for 7 years now. (wow has it really been that long?!) There's nothing to be embarrassed about. I am on anti depressants and am diagnosed with bipolar disorder. But I've been regularly getting help so no one even notices any issues. And I don't even notice them anymore. Don't worry about seeing someone, your happiness and mental health are EXTREMELY important.
  9. Thank you!! Yes, they are all best friends. Always squished up on the couch together.
  10. I had to stop using Alli after a couple weeks. The um... "accidents" you may have heard of happened to me. Very embarrassing. My doctor told me that because I'm technically not overweight it had a bad effect on my system.
  11. I want to hear about this too. We have the mariachi band for the ceremony (comes with out package) so I'm curious...
  12. BEAUTIFUL! I love your dresses and seriously JUST realized you're pregnant. You looked absolutely stunning and those dresses made your body look beautiful!!
  13. Just a side note - the hardest time of the day for me when I was quitting was the morning. I used to sit out on my front porch with my coffee and cigarette every morning. It was SO hard to break that habit. On nice mornings I sit out there with my coffee and still miss that cigarette. (but not enough to go back!!)
  14. I quit smoking about a year ago. It was my "big change" I made to show commitment to my FI. I have to admit though, after a few drinks I'm STILL craving cigarettes and will sometimes sneak one. (shhh that's our little secret!)
  15. I am doing the parasols. The bridesmaid bouquets at my resort START at $110. So that's $330 for flowers that will die after a few days. No thanks. I found parasols for $7 each in my wedding color. There's also AWESOME parasols that can be hand painted with initials for "love" or whatever you want at: Monogram Parasols Very pretty.
  16. It's terrible the amount of lay offs that have been going on. My fiancee's business is suffering due to client lay offs. I work in business banking and they are planning on taking away our incentive pay for sales. (That's the majority of my pay check!) It's stressful. I wish you girls the bet of luck to pull through these tough times!
  17. Take advantage of the search tool! It will help you find reviews and opinions and tips for your resorts! Best of luck with your planning!!
  18. Congrats and welcome!! Best of luck planning!!!
  19. ddiinnyyeell


    Welcome to the forum!! There are so many great tips on here, you will have so much help with your planning!!
  20. Just realize that not everyone will be completely happy. Unfortunately you will have those hard to please people. Do what YOU and YOUR FIANCE want and don't stress about others. It's impossible to please everyone.
  21. I don't know if you all were still considering it or have done it, but I'd definitely be in for a meet and great in philly!
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