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Everything posted by ddiinnyyeell

  1. Rach -- We have 26 people coming. How did you get everyone's room numbers? It seems like we don't know our room number til we get down there. I did get the ceremony outline from my wedding coordinator. Did you do a walkthrough the night before to make sure everyone know what they were doing?
  2. Hey Aventura Brides! I was wondering... did anyone make programs for the wedding? If so, did your coordinator provide you with a timeline for the ceremony for you to make them? Also, how did you keep track of your guests? I'm worried we're going to get down there and just be completely lost. I'm in panic mode because it's less than 3 months until my wedding and I feel like I have SO much to pull together! Any advice would help.
  3. My fiancee and I already had everything we needed because we've lived on our own for quite some time, but we went ahead and registered for things to replace our older things. A new set of pots and pans, new table linens, new coffee machine, new serving dishes, stuff like that. We already have those things, but why not get really nice things
  4. Most girls, including myself, are getting the photographer a guest pass or having them stay at the hotel and passing them off as a guest. I haven't heard of anyone having any problems with this yet.
  5. Ok... We did the STDs and Invites for the wedding... We are also having an AHR... I want to send STDs and Invites for this as well (STDs to give enough notice bc it's close to Christmas season, December 11th, where people begin to get busy) I have wording for the invites.. but when I just put "Save the Date" on the the STDs I feel like it looks as if we're getting married that day and I feel like it will cause confusion. Does this make sense? Is there any good, to the point save the date wording I can use for my At Home Reception save the dates that won't insinuate that we're getting married that day?
  6. Aimee -- I'm planning on trashing my Maggie (Irina) So don't feel bad!! I'm sure it will be heavy and uncomfortable and I may cry a little when I see the filth on my beautiful dress, but the pictures will totally be worth it.
  7. You need your birth certificate (a certified copy) with the apostille document attached and valid passports. My paperwork says we also need a tourist ID which will be provided by customs upon arrival.
  8. So, FI and I have been making a big effort to be a little more "green" in our lives. We got solar panels for our house, we drive a hybrid, we eat mostly organic, use energy saving light bulbs, etc etc. I try to use reusable shopping bags, but they're so bulky and ugly and I forget them all the time. but.... I just got in Envirosax and they're awesome! They're so cute and a pack of five is about the size of a wallet when they're rolled up and they hold A LOT. I know I saw a couple people mention them as OOT bags, but I just wanted to recommend them to anyone who's trying to be a little more "green conscious". Here's the website ENVIROSAX reusable shopping bags are spreading the environmental message with style And here's the set that I got: Cute, right?
  9. That short one would be such a cute reception dress! Did you happen to get the price on it?
  10. I'm definitely interested! I work until 3 that day but I could come afterwards. I'd probably get there between 4:30 and 5
  11. Aventura Brides that have already had their wedding -- How did you keep in touch with your guests while you were there? Were there phones in the rooms that would connect to other rooms? I don't want to lose anyone! haha
  12. candiekiss -- the link for your program fans isn't working! I want to see this!! BTW I LOOOVE the wish cards, totally getting them! Adorable!
  13. I love the idea of this thread! I want to find bridesmaid gifts that are affordable on etsy so keep the ideas coming!!
  14. I think the brides that are getting married at Aventura are well aware of the resorts amenities, including the beach situation. I've been there 3 times before and it's a beautiful resort with wonderful service and people.
  15. We're not doing the private reception so we will be using the dinner reservation that night. I was just hoping there would be a possibility to get another reservation the night before to have the group eat together. I guess I'll throw it at my wedding coordinator and see what she can do.
  16. Question: How difficult do you think it would be to go to one of the restaurants with a group of like 20ish? I want to have a welcome dinner but see no point in paying for a private thing if it's an all inclusive resort. Any previous ASP brides have any feed back??
  17. I've been doing alright with the gym but not seeing much progress. So I hired a personal trainer and really enjoy what we've been working on together. Having a set routine of things to do (instead of just my usual elliptical or treadmill) makes the gym A LOT more bearable. Except for the fact when I sneeze or laugh my abs hurt and I can't life my arms.
  18. I talked to them and they said that there will be no problem keeping our packages. I asked Claudia to send me a copy of all that's included in our package just so I have proof of what we get when we get down there.
  19. My proofs are up!! So I got my proofs back tonight and I am so happy with them! These are all before retouching so I can't wait to see them when they're touched up. Go to: cgpinups : photos : Danielle_Moll- powered by SmugMug the password is danielle041109 I decided to save money and only go with one "theme" so there's not a ton so I don't think I'll be able to do a book. Hmmm.. maybe a calender? I'm not sure yet.
  20. How unprofessional! I really didn't like David's Bridal. I thought they were rude and only looking for a sale. Unfortunately, I wanted to get cheap bridesmaid dresses so I still went through them. I hate to support a business I dislike, but it was money over moral I guess.
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