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Everything posted by SoonToBeE

  1. That's great - is this for your TTD dress, or your 'real' dress? What did you do for your TTD dress? Was it similar to your 'real' dress?
  2. I think we are doing our recpetion on the beach - original plan was the restaurant, but after looking at financials it was going to be comparable to have in on the beach, vs doing restaurant and then trying to do a separate reception for dances and speeches. We're doing and $11/pp set course menu for the event and I'm hoping it is good : ) Valeria (or WC) has been absolutely amazing. I phoned and spoke with her yesterday and she is always great about getting back and is really very personable. SHe has been a dream to work with. I'm just bummed that she won't be there the day of the wedding - she seems so on top of everything! Lomas is playing with their prices for everything right now - the photo package we originally booked for $978 is now $2200. Outrageous and I doubt the photog is getting those additional dollars. Dealing with Lomas policy and expenses is the most annoying part of this whole process.... Finally...my dress was $800. I fell in love with it as soon as I tried it on. I originally tried it on for full price and then looked online (for those in TO Bridal & Beyond - Toronto bridal dress, favours, invitations, and accessories retailer for Toronto wedding and Canadian wedding lists their sales prices online and will show sample prices as well - they always have samples too...) and found it for $500 less than the original price. Here it is: ) http://www.brides.com/myweddingplann...etail/5494303/
  3. It's a wedding, and it's soft and flowy....I say you can never have too much : ) You're the bride, so you should look special and fancier than everyone else. Are you going to buy it?
  4. Hi ladies! I need your help, I am running out of time and need a TTD dress. My current dress is a size 10, but I think with alterations, and working out, that I may be around a size 8. I'm looking for something in the $100-200 range for the dress (including shipping). Hopefully you have some ideas Here is the picture of my 'real' dress. I love it : ) Here are more shots:
  5. That's terrible that his brother cancelled! I'm sorry to hear that. It's sad when you find that family may not be as reliable as you had thought. Old politics seem to rise to the surface. For us some people got really angry that we were having a DW and now aren't coming (it feels like they aren't coming out of spite...but I'm sure that's not all of it...). My FI is pretty broken up about it....but really, it is their loss. Our wedding will be AMAZING : P We had friends so angry at us for having our wedding on a Wednesday (would be hard for them to fly out for a few days), so we changed our date....and then they didn't come! So funny.... I'm glad that you have decided to be as relaxed as possible about your friend's potential proposal. Also, if everyone knows her stance (ie. I just want the ring) they'll likely be less than thrilled for them. Have a blast on your wedding, it sounds like the break will be really enjoyable for you : )
  6. It depends. I didn't want a shower and I hate showers. I hate giving up a Sunday for a lame party, with lame games (sorry...bit of a shower cynic!) That all changed after my shower. At first I didn't want it and was really nervous beforehand - it feels awkward to open gifts in front of so many people and we didn't really register for much. I also felt guilty about making people who were spending so much money spend even more money..... But the shower was great - a lot of the people who came were people who couldn't make it to the wedding. For them it was a chance to celebrate with us before the event. It was thrown by my FI's aunt and was attended by his parents, family and his parent's friends. The great thing about a shower is that if people don't want to come, they don't have to. If they don't want to get a big gift, they don't have to. I think you should have one if people are asking for it, and I think you will be surprised at who actually comes....! Also - maybe try to go back and register again, it's nice to start your lives together with nice things - even things like new towels are a nice little addition. Those are my two cents...I'm a reformed shower hater. I think they are pretty special now : )
  7. Luckily the bride was in wedded bliss, so she shook it off. This is also the same person who was suppossed to be in our wedding and backed out because it was too expensive (which I understand) and then just went to Mexico and on a huge ski vacation. My FI is upset about it because he feels so let down by his cousin....which makes me angry because I hate it when people hurt my man! Another moral of the story - weddings make people crazy! And they reveal some people's true character....which can be lovely, or sad.... So....to bring this back to the thread I hijacked....I hope that your wedding shows you a lovely side of your friend and her boyfriend : )
  8. yep...the tears are coming..... SO happy you were able to get that : ) I love the picture in his tux....yep. even thinking about it makes me tear up again.....
  9. Hi Carrie, Welcome! I think the standard rule of thumb for DW's i that 20-50% of your guests will come, so it will be hard to sort everything out with such a different in numbers! Can you call people to follow up? For the welcome letter are you looking for something to send to your geusts before the event - or something to provide to the guests when they get to the resort?
  10. Oh yeah...even after the bride told him not to (because she wanted the newly engaged girl to be able to celebrate...instead of feel awkward at another wedding) he went ahead and did it. Right after the ceremony he walked up to the bride and said 'your wedding was beautiful, it's what I would want, except our wedding is going to be so big we won't be able to do it like this'....WHAT? She had only been married 5 minutes and you're already talking about your wedding? Sorry....still slightly bothered : P
  11. Opps...forgot to include my date March 19 is the date and we have 36 people coming.....and maybe another 5 or 6. Ack...I'm having a big wedding!
  12. Okay - I LOVE this posting : ) My FI doesn't get why I'd want to sit and look at rings for hours when I already have one.... He doesn't understand my love for all things sparkly... WeddingBee recently did a series of reader ring photos and they are AMAZING! So fun. I was lucky enough to get mine up there: Ring Shots Part III Weddingbee The Wedding Blog Also, they include an amazing tutorial on how to take amazing ring shots. This tutorial made all the difference in the quality of my shots. Hand shots are just not great....but artistic fun shots ARE great! Check out the tutorial and go camera happy : ) How to Take Amazing Engagement and Wedding Ring Photos Weddingbee PRO The Wedding Vendor Blog
  13. Evidently this place has the best ones: https://www.sparklersonline.com/shop..._sparklers.cfm
  14. If you are in a big enough town they usually have a Chinatown....I know Toronto has one, but even so, I bought mine off of ebay - bulk discount was nice and free shipping as well. Just a quick question - someone mentioned issues with Ebay that other people had experiences...what were those issues?
  15. If you are in a big enough town they usually have a Chinatown....I know Toronto has one, but even so, I bought mine off of ebay - bulk discount was nice and free shipping as well. Just a quick question - someone mentioned issues with Ebay that other people had experiences...what were those issues?
  16. I'm in love with this thread - I now have a page of notes : )
  17. wow. I love this. Thank you so much! I have a page of notes after hours of reading ' : P
  18. We're getting married at the El Dorado Seaside in the MR. We just spent the entire weekend planning and it feels like every time we get something completed we uncover another 5 things to do! Ack! I still haven't had my first fitting but am going to call and get it set up tomorrow. Ahhh exciting...am I really getting married in 10 weeks?
  19. I was looking at your centerpieces online and they are great - did the resort charge you for bringing the vellum pictures? Did you buy the palm leaf through them? Also - how was the lighting for dinner - it looks pretty dark in some photos and in others it looks like you would be able to see what you are eating. Thanks again for posting - your pictures are amazing and we look at them everytime we are working on the wedding. Sol is AMAZING....just too bad she doesn't book EDSS anymore. That's the only thing I hate about this resort right now - their rules on photographers seems to suit them at the cost of the photographers and those getting married. Sigh.... Quote: Originally Posted by patrickaya A lot of people are asking us about the picture frame centre peices... We bought cheap picture frames from IKEA, and primed/painted them white.. (you can probablynbuy white frames, but we bought like 60 frames, so it can get expensive!) Then we hinged them together with fabric tape (make sure you use a good adhessive.. the moisture/heat down there made some of them come unglued). Only use 2 hinges, that way you can pack them flat... we pretty much needed a whole extra carry-on to ship them all down though... down send them through checked luggage, they'd get destoyed! We just printed B&W photos on vellum.. make sure your printer can print on vellum, we had issues getting the right settings, but in the end it worked! good luck!
  20. Found these on Sol Tamargo's site and they are of a EDSS wedding from a few years ago (at least 2 because the pier is still intact). Thought I would share - they are amazing! Sol Tamargo Photography Wedding Photojournalism
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan but, claudia charges more for an EDR bride. Shounds like she charges $900 more so it's even worse than the $500 fee. so they are still charging the fee, it's probably just her paying it. I spoke with a few photographers about negotiating down their prices - they all stated that EDSS sets the rates for the photographers and that if you want to negotiate them down you had to go through Lomas (the planning company). This is ridiculous! The photographers cannot even choose to cut their rates because the hotel won't let them. this means I lose out because I can't afford the photographer, and the photographers loses out because they can't even put in a competitive bid. Uggg....at least Karisma wins....
  22. I'm torn on this one! We have close friends coming to our wedding who have been dating for 5 years - we're pushing him to propose on our trip because everyone will be there and it would be amazing to celebrate with them. BUT a few months ago, on the morning of my future sister in law's wedding, my FI's cousin proposed to his girlfriend. It was terrible - he told everyone the night before that he was getting engaged and the whole morning of the wedding he kept making references to it. He made it about him and it was so grating because of the way he handled it - he even proposed after many family members begged him not to, and the bride even asked that he not do it. The newly engaged girl felt so awkward and terrible because she was at someone else's wedding . Anyway, the moral to my story is this - even if you tell them not to there is no guarantee that they will not get engaged (you just have to hope that it won't interfere with your celebration). And if they do get engaged, it's all about how they handle it. If they are low key about it it will be a quick thing, but if they are annoying about it you can bet everyone will be annoyed as well.....
  23. The great part about sandals is that you don't really need to have the shoe size correct - I agree with Old Navy too. We just bought all of our wedding party's sandals there and they're perfect! What a great guest gift! As for guys sandals we went to a leather footwear store and bought a bunch of end of season stuff. We went for 'mandals' - a dressy mens thong sandal. At this time of year it will be hard to find much though. Spring collections usually come out starting in early Feb, so keep your eyes open!
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