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Everything posted by SoonToBeE

  1. I booked my transfers direct through the lomas travel site. I know some of our guests booked transfers direct with our travel agent. The trip through Lomas was $47 USD round trip and is on a basic bus. You can upgrade if needed... Also, I know Lomas can provide a private bus or private van for you for larger groups. There's a cost, but I would talk to Valeria about arranging that.
  2. I know.....one week. Crazy! I think he will LOVE the shots, even if he knows. It almost makes it better to build anticipation and to get his mind going ; ) I'm all packed and ready to go. Had to go in for another alteration on the dress yesterday and - thank goodness - she'll have the dress ready in two days and she's charging me next to nothing.... Phew. Had my hair trial today and hoping it stands up in the heat....I took pictures and I'm printing them out to bring to the salon at the resort so that they can see what I want. I'm really glad I did the trial. Phew!! I also printed out all my emails from Valeria, my final contract for the wedding and backing up any music that we're bringing down. The list is smaller and smaller now with only a few little things to get done. Lots of appoints this week though.....pick up dress, hair appointment to get highlights, dentist appointment, get my ring replated...oh...and finish planning the wedding. It's too bad all of my things require me to be there otherwise I would enlist some help! Oh well......I hope you uys are less busy the week before your big day!
  3. welcome to the club ; ) all the best with the planning! The BDW forum will be your best friend in the planning process! Don'ty be worried - you can do it, and it will be perfect! I just ordered my long form birth certificate the other day and they arrived 2 days later - they were crazy fast. I'm in Ontario. I would contact your resort to see what their requirements are for legally getting married - some require full length birth certificate, some just a passport.... Once you know that you can get everything organised. Let me know if you need help ordering the long form birth certificates. You can order them online which is awesome! Congrats again : )
  4. welcome to the club ; ) all the best with the planning! The BDW forum will be your best friend in the planning process!
  5. Also....Carolyn and Nicky - I added you on Facebook. I can't wait to see the pics Nicky. Sooooooooooooooo excited! Only 8 more sleeps.
  6. I am sooo excited - we leave in a week tomorrow. I am starting to be all hyper about it. We're packing this weekend and getting everything finished. I just tried my dress on on Wednesday and I need to get it taken in again...boo.... I guess it's better than having to get it taken out! Tracey - I'm so glad it all worked out - remember there is always a solution to every wedding related issue : ) Hope it all works out for the best. I love this forum too. So many ideas and so much support. I feel so much better about the wedding and the location from hearing from all of you : ) It's just too bad that we don't have dates that overlap. Would be cool to meet each other.
  7. Hmmm maybe I'll make a list and try to get some shots up for you when I get back so you have 4 days to pour over them. Are you on Facebook? You can PM me your info and I can add you so that when I post pictures you can see them : )
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by edssbride09 Hey Soon to be E... what are the dates you are at EDSS? I doubt we overlap, but it is so close!!! we almost should have arranged to share stuff for our wedding days! I would have freaked if i booked someone for the wrong day/month! I hope it worked out! Oh and Tracy, if you do have to switch the day, it will be your new lucky day, don't worry about it! Do whatever is best for you and your guests! The signature prices are so much less though, so consider that as you may get more people! We are there March 14-29, I was hoping for an overlap...but too bad! It worked out in the end, but it was a stressful day at work. We were already so far over budget that I was worried that I was going to have to spend another $600 for a flight. Luckily our photog is amazing (Thanks Jon!) and called the airline to organize flights for the right month. He was a total godsend and made the situation much less stressful....phew..... Hoping that's the biggest mix up.....but sure something will go wrong in MX. Oh well....shiit happens...
  9. I got around that problem by saving my files as hi-res bitmaps, I cropped them to fix the print scaling issues...hope that helps : )
  10. OKay...as if I didn't already love this song so much.....I just found this. Cute. perfect: YouTube - I Found a Reason - Cat Power
  11. so many great songs! I am walking down to 'I Found A Reason' By Cat Power. Simple, beautiful and great lyrics. Oh...and I tear up every time I hear it. I'm trying to desensitize myself to the song by listening to it now..... So glad that I randomly found it when I was trying to find 'Sea of Love' by Cat Power
  12. We just booked at the El Dorado Seaside and we are bringing our own photog- they waived the $500 fee because the photog is staying for 3 nights. Looks like this sticky paid off, but wondering if it makes sense to make other resort stickys for issues that are still active?
  13. now I don't feel so bad about my two dresses and my white welcome dinner dress.... : ) It's your time and if you can afford it, why not. Are you planning to do anything with the dresses after the wedding? I'm thinking of donating my second to charity....
  14. best of luck....wedding stress SUCKS! Speaking of flight issues and stress I accidently booked our photog to fly to Mexico in the wrong month. That's right....I don't know what month I'm getting married. Accidently booked for Feb not March. That was a fun stressful day at work.... I only share this tot tell you that it will all work out, the stress will go away and, even if people are grumpy - that will fade too. : )
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by prairiegirl p.s. Translation of Marraige certificate... they will offer to do it for you and send it to you for $90US. I didn't want it to disappear onto the abiss.. so we declined the service, brought it home and had it translated by a certified spanish to english transltor in Sk, and then notarized by a lawyer I work with. Done in 2 weeks. and only cost my $70CND for the translator to do the small marraige licence. (---- we needed it for our catholic belssing this weekend, thankgoodness I didn't wait for the mexican translator to send it out) Thanks for the info - I think we are going to do this as well - who do you bring the document to to confirm that you are married in Canada? Also - are you going to post your pics soon? I would love to see them before I go!
  16. Sorry...I just had another thought - if you are booking multiple flights you may want to look into getting a group deal from an airline. Most airlines will give you a group deal if you have 10 people flying on the same flight. I see that the direct flight from Calgary to Cancun is an Air Canada flight - you can call Air Canada's fgroups department to see what they can give you. I think the general rule of thumb is 10-15% off.
  17. You can check it ourt here: http://www.expedia.ca/daily/enc4105/...d=nhp_flight.e Another option is that you can check out sell off vacations and see what their flight only costs are. I have found some decent deals on there. Their dates can be restrictive, as the tickets are for openings on charter flights by vacation operators that are headed down to Mexico. SellOffVacations.com - Guaranteed Lowest Price! Hope that helps too....
  18. EEEEEEE is right - we booked through expedia actually. I would search there. I'm not sure what everyone ended up flying. I know Jon is flying US Airways. I just checked Expedia and it looks like there are direct flights from Calgary to Cancun....but they're $1150. Connecting flights are $541..... Good luck!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Tracy_S what all did you guys do to get your guests all booked.. I am very upset today as my fiance`s mom and sisters are all trying to tell him and me that we need to change our date, cause the only time signature flies around my wedding date is nov 1st to 8th.. and people are complaining that they really don`t want to leave a day after the wedding... so for the 7 people that can use flights we can fly out nov 3rd to 10th like we tried to get everyone else but now I have to try and figure out how to get everyone else there for possibly the 4th to 11th... but Signature doesn`t fly.. did you guys book signature... or is there any other company that can sell us flights and my TA is not telling me the truth... any help ladiesÉ... errr Sorry I am super upset.... Hey there - Signature is the only operator in Canada who offers trips to EDSS. I know, it sucks. We are flying our travel agent out and booking land (hotel) only with Signature (flexibility with dates) and then booking a flight with a different Airline. I think that's more expensive but it wrks. It sounds like this is what you are doing, so Signature should be able to offer you some flexibility on your dates. For most of our guests we booked the trip through Signature, but a select few booked land only with Signature then booked their own flight. I do agree that you will probably not want your guests to fly out the day after your wedding. We moved our wedding date back a day with the resort and it was as simple as a small email. It sounds like that is not an option. Is there a reason why you are stuck on that specific date? Sorry to hear about the stress......we had people complain about our dates and in the end we moved our wedding back a day to accomodate them. And then they ended up not coming. I wish we had stuck with our original date because now we have people leaving 2 days after the wedding which still feels too soon..... Good luck....
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by katrina we got married without inviting my father. i see nothing wrong with it, as long as you are willing to buck up and deal with any possible backlash. Just revisited this thread.... 'buck up'?? Wow. That's a bit harsh. I'm not sure that is really the most helpful response. I think it's pretty insensitive. Anyways - thanks to everyone who has been supportive about this (to me and to all others who have posted their stories). It's hard not to invite family to a hugely important family event. I hope everyone is happy with their final decision to invite/ not-invite. You have to live with the decision forver, so make sure you like it. I have a few weeks leading up to the wedding and I am soooo happy that I made the decision and never wavered. I know it is the best decision for our day and that our trip will be so much better because of it. Finally got confronted by my mom about the non-invite 2 weeks ago and it just reaffirmed my decision. Sending positive thoughts to everyone else in this position : )
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Tracy_S Oh I know hey!!! Its crazy! So have you paid all your final bills to them already? Cause they keep saying 45 days prior... but then she's telling me some things may need to be paid on site... that doesn't make sense to me? Yeah we are finding out the info for our flights today as we are using points for most of our guests! Good thing for points I tell ya! We only have to pay for the land only pricing! I went or am planning on going with one of their photos obviously I think I mentioned it on here before.. and Nicky said they were great so that works for me.. not having to pay for the outside vendor fee, thats one less thing I don't have to fork out money for!!! HAHAHA Valeria is running my card tomorrow. Don't worry baout the 30/45/60 day payment term that they cite. It dioesn't mean anything. You can decide at your site meeting to change everything, or add anything. They're not going to turn down money : ) We ordered everything we wanted ahead of time, but anything we are iffy on we're going to try to add on-site. We printed off all of the pricing on the Lomas site so we have a benchmark. We're going to see if we can get the rose petal aisle runner for cheap, when we get there.....we'll see. So...in a nut shell....pay when you want! One of my bridesmaids got married at the EDR in 2003 and planned everything when she got there.....they have 4days to order everything and, outside of the photog, I doubt they book anything farther than 4 days in adcvance anyways. Wow...quite the busyy day on the forum today ; )
  22. We also just did these very cool escort cards/ place setting cards for each geat. I designed mini postcards with a vintage spanich back, found a vintage stamp and added our wedding date to the post mark. I absolutely LOVE THEM! They may be my most favourite detail about the wedding. The image on the front is a vintage Mexican print of a man and a woman on the beach. On each card we wrote out our guests a little note and put their seat as the address. Here are some shots of versions without the writing on them. Did I mention that I love them : )
  23. Jon's awesome! I can't wait for you to shoot our trip! So close now! You must be so excited to leave during this cold snap : )
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