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Everything posted by missdanelle

  1. my nominations; B2B-*Heather* & Mrs.- Morgan
  2. i love black as an accent color, everything will look great!
  3. oh i forgot one... nights in Rodanthe was really good too!
  4. I just watched The Secret Life of Bees... i didnt think I would like it but It was really good!
  5. what I don't have a lot of at the moment : patience
  6. hey girls, what a great idea! Im the proud mother of Joaquin below... he just turned 2 on the 9th of Feb. Hes amazing, I love being a mother! All the pics so far are too cute. I love the cheeks on Wyatt! ... and quadruplets Savannah, you go mamam!
  7. Those are so cute ! I cant wait to see my lil guy in one!! thank you!
  8. I finally broke the laziness cycle... lunchtime cardio 3 miles! P90X tonight (thats the plan!~)
  9. exciting but scary: spending money
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