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Everything posted by Chanti

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 Chanti - I may have to start getting my DH to dl it for me through torrents too because he doesn't usually like the times that it is actually on (like last night 9 p.m. to 11 p.m.). From what I remember about past seasons is that (after the top 20) Wednesdays are always performance night and Thursdays are always results shows. For the auditions last year, they were broadcasting new episodes on Wednesdays and Thursdays up until they announced the top 20. I think they're showing the Seattle and L.A. auditions tonight and I'm going to assume that Mia will be a judge (should be interesting, she's so out there sometimes lol). Hope that helps! Thanks! Torrents are great, that's how we catch up on a bunch of shows. We're never home until 9-10 PM! I remember there are 2 shows per week once they get to top 20, but forgot that also happened during audition week. Short term memory issues! Hey did I misundertand? At the end of the first episode they said something about fall auditions for another round? That would be awesome if they have 2 per year!!!
  2. LOL I guess we should expect him to be permanently banned after tonight!!! So it will air on Wednesdays and Thursdays, 2 different episodes right? Thanks for the info! We can't watch it during week (I've got yoga and he has band practice) :-( I know my FI downloaded yesterday's through torrents, will ask him to grab tonight's too. We decided to make it our Friday night tradition, along with a bottle of wine :-) Yay, I love this show!!!!
  3. Hi, I have a cathedral length veil and was also worried about this. Thanks! Will do what you recommend, great idea :-)
  4. Congratulations Lisa!!! Hope your day is truly magical :-)
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 Guess who's on the next audition episode...Sex! hahaha That guy is so delusional! You've got to be kidding! I thought they told him to not come back this year because he just wastes their time. Oh man that'll be interesting!!
  6. Ran 2.2 miles this morning. Going to power yoga tonight. Seeing some progress on the weight loss since I started running in the morning, almost 2 lbs in 1 week gone!!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by lgarner83 I agree, I think it would be completely fine to send out a reminder email. I think it's so rude to not RSVP!! Especially now as the bride who paid for the postage, ya know?? That's $$$! I hope they RSVP soon!! I agree, worth sending out reminder emails! We got a few more RSVPs when we did this (mostly for "no" but that's better than nothing!). That being said, I'm still pretty peeved that only 30 people RSVP'ed out of the 80 we invited, despite 2 reminder emails (1 one month before deadline, the other 1 week before). Maybe I should have called? Good luck!!!
  8. Just finished my circuit training routine, then went for my second dress fitting. Silly me, forgot to get my shoes though! I need to call the shoe place and pick them up, then go try on the dress again :-)
  9. In terms of your post, how come you don't know whether you're reception will be on the beach or at Seaside Grill? I "reserved" the beach for my reception, but does that not mean that i am guaranteed to get it?? Hi there! We're finding out tomorrow where our reception will be held, and our wedding is June 29th (in 1 month). What I was told was there are several weddings per day, and because of that, and other uncontrollable factors (i.e. sections of resort that may need repair, etc..) they cannot confirm the location of the reception until 3-4 weeks beforehand. Most likely we get what we asked for, but there is no way of knowing with 100% certainty until 3-4 weeks before. We were also asked to include our preference for the location when we first reserved our package, but Anabel was pretty clear in letting us know that it would only be confirmed closer to the actual date. What we did is chose 2 locations, indicated one as our first choice, and the other as our back-up. That way we're hoping to have either/or :-) I'm getting really excited to leave! We head out June 21st, and will be bringing our laptop so that we can still connect to the internet and stay in touch with our friends, and you wonderful ladies on BDW!!! Chantal
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by poohshek Had to make up for drinking too much and pigging out over Memorial Day weekend. The thought of working out did not cross my mind. So today I had a 50-minute cardiovascular session using the Jillian Michaels "Banish Fat and Boost Metabolism" DVD and hit heavier weights on shoulders afterwards. Of course I browsed through a few magazines in between reps. LOL that's awesome! I work on my Facebook Scrabble games between reps! Did power yoga last night for 1.5 hours. Had so much energy! This morning, got up at 6:10 to run 2 miles before work. Winnie, that would definitely be an extra motivation for me, knowing you're doing it too in Texas :-) Tonight I have my second and final dress fitting! Will take pics again, just to see if I've looked like I've lost weight since my last fitting 3 weeks ago. Yay, I get to bring it home next week!!!! Chantal
  11. I didn't know what colours I wanted. Then I looked at websites with theme ideas and got my inspiration from The Knot: I love how they divide up themes based on colours. I seemed quite attracted to and inspired by the red theme. So I chose my flowers as gerber daisies: red, deep orange/yellow and dark pink. The wedding party's colour will be red. Good luck!!!
  12. Ours will be $2500 for 60 guests: Mexican food with interactive stations (food prepared at different stations in front of guests), pinata, iPod hook up for music and dancing, cash bar, laptop connected to projector for photos of the wedding and week in Mexico with our guests, hall rental all included. We'll probably buy 3 bottles of wine per table. We'll be buying Mexican arts/crafts while we're there and that will be the decorations, along with our red paper lanterns on a string that we will use :-) I'm getting excited about this! I'll get to wear my wedding dress again :-)
  13. Ran 2 miles this morning before work. Slowly getting used to this new routine! I'm thinking of keeping it up when we come home from the wedding. Will be doing power yoga tonight after work.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Dreamy101 I just ordered 2 from VS too!! The prices are really good right now with that sale!! I'm resisting the temptation, may cave into it tonight when I get home from work. I'm only short by 2 of having 1 for every day of our 2 week holiday!!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by annieanddaryl Oh Chantal, would you be able to PM me the places you called for these treatments? I wouldn't mind inquiring as well. I'm in Toronto too. Were there any that you heard good referrals about? Yes actually, I've had referrals for the place I go to. It's in Pickering but worth it for me! Will PM you :-)
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by beach2009 I buy a new one each year, even though I don't need it. I love having a collection, wish I could buy them online but I'm worried about the fit. I try on soooooo many in store to find just the right one. Definitely was a concern! I tried using the sizing charts provided, and they've been pretty accurate so far: I haven't needed to return a single one! I'm impressed with the quality of the VS ones, and today is the last day of their swimsuit sale, an extra 20% off the already pretty low prices :-)
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by destination I think he is not kidding, but i KNOW he will do what I ask when it comes down to it. He will probably carry out this charade until the day of tho. Like I said, a major PITA! Oh well, if my brother wanting to wear shorts is my biggest problem at this point I should probably be thankful.(I am) That is awesome! Are you secretly planning on bringing a pair of pants for him? :-)
  18. We didn't have a choice: noon on June 29th, or pick a different date, which we weren't willing to do. Oh well!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Trice Wow Chanti you are so motivating. I had surgery on Thursday so I can't workout right now. I was able to walk around the block on Saturday. Seeing this I plan to do it again today. Keep up the good work! Wow, I'm impressed you were walking around the block 2 days after surgery. Wishing you a speedy recovery!!!
  20. Ran 2 miles before heading on on my commute. Which meant I got up at 6:10 AM instead of 6:35, took some effort!
  21. Was lazy yesterday. Today, ran 1 mile and did my circuit training. Then went to a friend's bridal shower and made up for the calorie burning :-(
  22. We met on eHarmony: perfect match!!! Our first date was June 29th 2008, and our wedding date is June 29th, 2009 ;-)
  23. Hi there, you can do it! We initially booked at a resort in December, and after a couple of frustrating months had to switch to a different resort. So by mid-February, we finally sent out our invitations. We're still getting married on our chosen date despite the inital complications, and in less than 4 months of planning :-)
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by tylersgirl Hey Lisa-I had the peels and micro done at a salon that specialized in it. A skin care spa place. I can't remember exactly how many treatments of each, but I want to say 4-6 treatments. When I went they told me exactly how many treatments I would need to get rid of the scarring. Hope that helps. I really recommend this combo! Hey Desiree, thanks for this post! I looked up treatments in spas near our place, and I found a package for 2 chemical peels and 2 microdermabrasion treatments for $323 (Canadian dollars!). I'm leaving in less than 1 month, so they will arrange 2 treatments before I leave, which is better than nothing, and will complete the course upon my return. I had really bad acne as a teenager, and frustratingly, started adult acne about 2 years ago. I don't want a break-out while we're there, and wish to try to minimize the scarring. I had never even thought of these treatments until this thread started. Thanks again girls!!! Chantal
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