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Everything posted by Chanti

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by poohshek Call the manufacturer and see what they say. It doesn't hurt to ask. Good point. Will do! Nathan likes the BowFlex ones as it goes up to 56 lbs (I think?). My new ones only go up to 24 lbs each, which is more than what I need!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Preciousmi811 Did a run/walk around the beach then crunched out my ab workout. I have 6 months before I go wedding dress shopping, I want to lose 20lbs before than! Good luck, you can DO IT!!!!
  3. I ran 2.6 miles this morning. My exercise routine will be quite disrupted in the last 11 days before we leave. Today, my work colleagues are taking me out to dinner, so no circuit training. Tomorrow, I'll circuit train instead of doing my usual Thursday yoga class, since I got my new adjustable weights and can't wait to try them out! Big huge motivational hug to everyone out there, we're all doing a great job, keep it up!!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by lisaloo79 I'm in the same position right now. We sent out our invites mid April with a June 30th date and have received under 1/2 back. The 30th isn't too far away. Do you wait until the date has passed before making calls/emails?? I would say if you've negotiated a group rate that requires a certain number of guests to be booked and you have yet to achieve that number, then call/email before the deadline. If you've reached the required number to secure the group rate, then it's really up to you. And if you haven't negotiated a group rate and numbers are not an issue, same thing. Obviously the sooner you know what numbers you are dealing with, the better!!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by jmb0902 Chanti- Is the "relax pool" the same as the "adult pool" in the pics on page 2 of the forum? Thanks! Yes, they are the same! We were informed that there are trees nearby on which we can hang our small red paper lanterns on a string, so we'll be adding a personal touch to the decorations. Getting more and more excited!!! Chantal
  6. I suggest sending a personal email, or calling those people who have not yet responded. I wish we would have done that, we may have had a higher turn-out. But we learned our lesson and in planning our at-home reception, this is what we will do! Good luck! Chantal
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by poohshek Sorry I laughing about your equipment malfunction. Glad you didn't hurt yourself. But have you checked to see if it comes with a warranty? Good question Winnie!!! We don't have the receipt unfortunately :-( I just bought a new set of adjustable weights today, I'll try them out this weekend! Chantal
  8. Comme tu portes bien cette robe magnifique!!! Félicitations :-) Chantal
  9. Ran 2.5 miles this morning! Will be missing my usual power yoga class, as FI bought me a one hour massage that I am having done tonight. Much needed!!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by JGAMMAGIRL77 Thanks for the tip. It's just a bit frustrating!!! I ate really healty and I was working out so it was a bit discouraging when I got on the scale. Jess It may be muscle mass: this happened to me too when I started my regimen. I initially gained 4 lbs, but lost in my measurements (hips, waist, chest, thighs and calves), so that is a good sign of increasing muscle mass. Taking measurements once a week help at first, you'll see changes there first before changes in weight!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Soon2beTWells Yikes my wedding is so close, I was wondering if anyone could tell me about the following locations for cocktail on Terrace Lobby and the Reception Dinner by the beach close to the Relax Pool? Hi, these are the locations we have, just got confirmed last week! We chose the terrace lobby for our cocktail party, since our guests can be in the shade or in the sun. I also love the balcony overlooking the back of the resort! The Relax Pool was our #1 choice for the reception. I'd read great things about this location and my Luxe Destination wedding coordinator had recommended it. We chose this over the beach because I was worried it would be too windy, close to the water. Yet this way, we still have a view of the beach. We're arriving June 21st, so we're bound to run into each other!! Best of luck with your final planning :-) Chantal
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by ida I scanned and emailed her my fiance's short form birth certificate and my immigration and citizenship forms and she just emailed back to say they are both ok. I'm probably going to bring a notorized copy down just in case. We're leaving in 12 days!!!! Great! I'm glad to know scanned documents are accepted. I just sent them this morning and had not heard back that this was OK. I've also made a photocopy, guess it would be a good idea to have them notorized... Thanks!
  13. Did circuit training yesterday. I need new weights: my BowFlex adjustable hand weights have a broken slot, so anytime I use the 10 lbs weight, one of the discs flies off. Almost landed on my head once when I was doing my lunge/presses! Definitely don't need a concussion before we leave in less than 2 weeks!!! Will buy new ones this weekend, yet another (big) unexpected expense! Ran 2.5 miles this morning. Chantal
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by ida I just got an email from Aurora for a copy of our birth certificates for the legal ceremony? I thought we just needed our passports? She said the judge wants it. Did anyone else get this email for a civil ceremony? I just got the same email from Aurora! We were under the impression we just needed our tourist card and pass-port as well. Luckily we both ordered our Canadian long form birth certificates in February, just in case. Mexico apparently doesn't accept the Canadian short form one (credit card size). I'll scan it at work today to email it to her... Chantal
  15. Ran 3.2 miles this morning. Then had gnocchi in cream sauce for lunch. Sigh...
  16. Here are my shoes! I will be bare foot for the wedding ceremony since it's on the beach, but will be wearing these for the cocktail party and reception!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Summer&Nicholas I had my appointment with the specialist today and another ultrasound...When FI asked how big she was now she looked at me and said I don't think you wanna know..She's 8.1 pounds already!! When the specialist looked at my results she said oh you're definitely feeding this little one well and the blood pressure is obviously not affecting the growth. So she's not going to induce me yet because my blood pressure has been good since Saturday night and baby is still doing very well and figures that because I'm already 1cm dilated it won't be long until I go into actual labor. Hopefully soon, I told FI it will probably be tonight because now we have to go to the city to deliver which is two hours away But I want to go there now because epidurals are not available at our small hospital here, and if I'm going to be having a 9 pound baby (i'm pretty petite even 9 months prego) I want the drugs! haha Summer, great news that your blood pressure has been stable!!! And wow, that's a nice size for a baby. Don't blame you for wanting an epidural! Best of luck with everything :-) Chantal
  18. I ran 3.1 miles this morning, felt great! I run at 6.0 miles per hour, which my personal trainer said is really high for a petite person (I'm just over 5'1"). Missing yoga tonight, need to get my roots touched up for the wedding so will be at the hair dresser's. Then running home to catch the So You Think You Can Dance top 20 selection!!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Jessica I missed that part. Did they keep both the sisters? They cut the youngest (curly haired one), Megan, and kept the older of the 2, Kaitlyn (I think?). Yes, Mia was really really bitchy last night... I love her work, so when I see her like that I'm a bit disappointed in her personality. I love those 2 brothers too, they're both great dancers and the older one I find is pretty good at choreography too! So excited for tonight! Will actually be missing yoga to watch the top 20 selection :-) Chantal
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by SunBride But then what is the difference between the half day and full day if neither includes breakfast? The way I read it was the full day included breakfast. Sorry for the misunderstanding, I was trying to point out the difference. The half-day does not include breakfast, whereas the full day does. From what I see, that appears to be the only difference. Strange that breakfast costs $25??
  21. Did my circuit training with my personal trainer tonight. My FI had to confiscate the scale, getting a little too stressed out about the lbs when all in all, I've done a great job and fit in my old wardrobe again... I was starting to stress out too much. I recognize that. So now I'll focus on watching what I eat, exercising and maintaining my current healthy weight :-) I think I'm much more "muscle mass" now, so yes, I will be a bit heavier than when I didn't do weights... I'm being too hard on myself and making FI miserable in the process :-(
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Jessica Yeah, they were kinda hard on everyone tonight. I was sad to see that one chick with the red hair (crap, can't think of her name right now!) get cut. Natalie... She is a great dancer, so sad to see her go :-(
  23. Huh? What? She CHARGED you for a favour? Wow. That's harsh. Sorry!!!
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