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Everything posted by Chanti

  1. 1) All inclusive 2) Adult only (although we ended up switching to a child friendly one due to one specific baby) 3) Full service spa 4) Comprehensive and reasonably priced wedding packages 5) Allowed outside photographers
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Soon To Be Mrs. Gomez I was only 22 when I got married the 1st time and it was awful because I allowed my ex-husband to basically control me and as I evolved, I did not allow this so it caused lots of friction and led to divorce. Thinking back, I wish I would have never got married that young but I guess it depends on each person's personality. My new marriage is great so far because we are both over 30 and are more mature. Hopefully Ashlee will work through issues. Ditto Michelle! Same story as mine basically. I'm hoping the second time around is better :-) Chantal
  3. I'm in Toronto, still wearing my winter clothes. Looking forward to bikinis and sundresses in Mexico, thank goodness we're leaving this gloom in 2 days!!! Hopefully it'll improve by the time we come home on July 5th!
  4. Argh, I've missed the last 2 weeks of the show!!! Need to catch up :-(
  5. Congrats Carly and Beach Bride!!! Beach Bride, I'm not even pregnant (yet), and am nonetheless following this thread. We're hoping for a baby soon soon :-) Maybe I'll be able to chime in with something useful myself soon. I find you are all wonderful women with insight that will be valuable to me some day... Best of luck to all of you expecting imminently! Leaving for the weddingmoon on Sunday, yay!!! Chantal
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Rebecca&George Our reception is the same length....and I am sure I will see you in the Disco - because 10PM is way too early for some of our friends and family to call it quits ) GOOD! I was worried we'd be the only people there on a Monday night and some of our guests are the type that won't dance if the place is empty. I love it when I have extra room to move! See you soon and good luck!!! Chantal
  7. Did circuit training yesterday. Ran 2.5 miles today. The scale came out to weigh our suitcases for our trip and I made the mistake of weighing myself this morning after a weekend of cheating (sushi, wine, beer, cocktails, peanuts, chips, etc...) and I'm 5 lbs over my pre-departure goal :-(
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by BellaBeachBabe Hi everyone, I just got an e-mail from Aurora stating that the reception only last 3hrs? Is this the case with all of you? She told me my reception would start at 6:30 and finish at 9:30? Ummm...that is a bit short no? Especially when I have a DJ booked until 10:30 Hey there, this is the standard timing apparently, our reception is 7-10PM. We're only 14 people though, so didn't hire a DJ. Not sure how possible it is to have the reception time extended. We're just planning on hoping over to the disco with our guests who are not too exhausted at that point! Chantal
  9. Was lazy today. Almost finished all our packing though so that helps! Will get back on track tomorrow :-)
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Seven He knows how much I weigh and my bra size. LOLLL this made me laugh! Recently my FI was showing off his BBerry Curve to a friend, and saying "Oh here is Chantal's profile, when she calls this cute picture of her comes up". I looked, and right under my photo is my bra size!!! It was too funny! Yes, he knows what I weigh. I lost 17 lbs since January, and he took away the scale last week because I was becoming a bit obsessed by numbers. I've felt much better since I can't weigh myself and just exercise and watch what I eat now... Chantal
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Nisi39 Wow this is great! I joined "The Knot" (just so I could see the dresses) and now they won't stop sending me emails! Occassionally I look at them and this one in particular mentioned speaking to a dermatologist about getting a Botox injection for your wedding day to stop sweating... I thought that was kinda strange, but worth investigating, so I decided to come here to the experts and sure enough you guys are/have discussed it.. Thanks... I have hyperhydrosis as well. I can't use Drysol on my armpits anymore, I could only use it daily for about 2 weeks and after that it burned a lot. BUT the sweating has decreased a lot, so it probably killed most of my sweat glands there! It did not work for my hands and feet, so I consulted with a dermatologist RE: botox. He informed me that it is extremely painful to get on hands and feet and totally scared me so much I never tried it. For those who are thinking of this treatment, make sure you ask about how much it'll hurt! Chantal
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by BellaBeachBabe Hi Chantal, You didn't have to put a deposit for the wedding? What package are you having? I have the Ultimate pakg and I had to put a $500 USD deposit to secure my date and to get that all important confirmation #. This is strange.... We have the Ultimate package, getting married in 17 days. Maybe it's a new requirement for weddings taking place as of a certain date? We were told "no need" when we asked about a deposit, and that we'll settle the account when we check in. I hired Luxe Destination Events and the wedding coordinator there, Lisa, is the one who has been in communication with Aurora, our wedding coordinator at Dreams Tulum. I just left Lisa a voicemail asking why we didn't have to put down a deposit when other couples are being asked to do it. Very weird indeed!
  13. 9 DAYS UNTIL WE LEAVE!!!! I'm so excited!!! I'm confused as to why deposits are being requested by the resort for some of us. We weren't asked for a deposit and will pay for everything upon arrival by credit card. Anyone know why there is discrepancy? Chantal
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by ashey063009 Just had to check in to get some motivation for my 8km. *sigh* I think I can. I think I can. I think I can. hee hee You can do it!!!! I ran 3.5 miles (5.6km) this morning. Got so into it I "forgot" I needed to go to work and almost missed my commuter train! We leave in 9 days!!! Frantically packing... SOOOOOO excited!!!
  15. Just finished my circuit training as promised! Now getting ready for my 6 AM run...
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by MarieSam Chanti, so glad you're ok I swear if this thing getting raised to level 6 with my wedding, I am gonna wanna shoot someone!!! I am so freakin sick and tired of the damn swine flu!!!!! MarieSam, you predicted it! Got raised to level 6 today by WHO... It'll be fine, like it has been pointed out, it is now everywhere so we're not in any extra danger by travelling to Mexico. Positive thoughts!!! :-)
  17. We're getting married at Dreams Tulum in 18 days. He proposed November 17th 2008, and we only started looking into resorts in January-February 2009. We booked Dreams Tulum for June 29th 2009 at the beginning of February (so only 4.5 months away from wedding date). You have plenty of time!!! Especially if you're aiming for a smaller rather than larger wedding. Good luck!!! Chantal
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by autjo We're on week 5 of P90X and still going strong. 15 lbs lost so far and I am totally stoked about actually being in shape. No work out tonight because we have kickball, maybe I'll run a couple of laps around the fields before the game... Great job! I know what you mean, I've lost between 16-17 lbs and feel in GREAT shape! Now my new goal is to maintain this new body of mine after the wedding. Missed my morning run today, had a really rough night's sleep... Will do my circuit training tonight though, and plan on speed walking with my 8 month pregnant girl friend afterwards!
  19. Arghhhhh, haven't seen last night's show yet!!! It's torture... FI downloading it for me. Obviously I can't watch tonight until I've viewed last night's episode though!
  20. I'm a health care professional, and ended up with the swine flu in April (RIGHT at the time the whole story hit the media), thanks to a patient who had just returned ill from Mexico! It was confirmed by the lab at the hospital where I work, and several other doctors and nurses also had it. I've had the seasonal flu as well, and I have to say my symptoms with the swine flu were exactly the same but didn't last as long. Well at least I am immune to this strain now :-)
  21. Thanks for the great advice on tipping!!! We're leaving in 10 days and will be married in 18!!! I'm getting soooooo excited!!!!
  22. We're getting married in 18 days and we stopped the birth control pill last week! Yes, maybe that's crazy and I'll end up with my period on our wedding day, but I'm willing to take that chance. We had decided that we would start trying right after the wedding. Then we thought: wouldn't it be cool if we succeeded in conceiving during our honeymoon? We'll see what happens! Good luck to you!!! Chantal
  23. Thanks for all the great tips! I've started packing already as we're leaving in 11 days. I'll be sure to refer to this thread as I complete the packing! Chantal
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Scott-Pierre I have come to realize that some people just won't send the RSVP card back. I have several guests that have already booked their trip, but never sent me an RSVP. It is frustrating b/c not all of my guests booked through my TA, so it is hard to keep track of who is actually coming. Sometimes people don't realize that it does cost extra to include an RSVP card with your invitation and that it wasn't put in there just to look pretty. You are actually supposed to send it back. Sorry... just had to vent a little! Tell me about it! We sent out 80 invites and got 25 RSVPs back...
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