I will admit it: I'm usually pretty high-strung, neat-freak, hyper-organized, borderline OCD to some. But when it comes to my wedding (June 29th, 2009), I'm being really laid-back and not stressing about it. I'm not going to be making/ordering centre-pieces, additional decors for the wedding venue, hiring outside of resort vendors, or even buying shoes for that matter... Reading this forum and seeing all the work some brides are putting into their wedding is making me wonder if I'm not stressed out/organized enough. What is important to me is that I will be marrying the most amazing man in the world. I really couldn't care less if my nails aren't perfect, my hair isn't top-model comparable or that I will be bare-foot in a relatively "cheap" wedding dress. Does that make me weird? Should I ramp it up a level and strive to be the perfect bride?