Hello Everyone,
brand new at this and just finished reading through all the posts and finding the info very helpful. It makes you feel a lot better knowing that tons of other brides are out there wondering the same thing. I was hoping someone could help me out with some things
1. did you all bring your own give aways??
2. I'm having my reception on the beach as well, was it windy at night?? I'm getting married in April 09
3. How was the cake?? I'm getting the ultimate package and it comes with a cake, does anyone have any pics.
4. Any suggestions on how to cut cost by bringing my own decorations or is it not worth it.
5. Was it worth an extra 2000 to bring in Claudia R. for pictures
6. did your grooms where a tux or a suite?? did they complain about the heat
Sorry I know its a ton of questions really Appreciate it