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Everything posted by Stephanie1013

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by SgtPepperette My father is passed, and I am estranged from my mom. I have 3 BIL's that I couldnt chose from...so I think Im going to walk down the isle alone, and my FI will meet me half way I love this idea! My father is also passed. While I am not estranged from the rest of my family, I wanted to walk down the aisle by myself (as long as it doesn't mean a lot to my mom or brother to walk me down the aisle). I had never thought of having him meet me half way. I'll definitely keep this in mind! Thank you! Stephanie
  2. I'm also wondering if anyone has any pictures or reviews of Planet Hollywood. Their prices/packages look great but I haven't heard anything about it or seen any pictures! Stephanie
  3. Stephanie1013


    Hello! My name is Stephanie. I'm from Vancouver, BC, Canada. I'm not engaged yet but my boyfriend of 6.5 years and I are starting to think about planning and are considering a Las Vegas or possibly Hawaii wedding. I have been browsing the site and find it very helpful so far! Stephanie
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