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Everything posted by Gail

  1. congrads. you look beautiful. can you give info/prices for hair and make-up please. I booked carlos- glad to hear he was great. I was just told to ask for him, thanks for telling their is more than one- so which one do i ask for, owner?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Kits55 here is a picture of the coolers. you did a great job. They turned out awesome. Ordering bus cards from vista to put on top in area for rm key.... can't wait to get them. thanks again for putting it together
  3. when i try to upload image from google images to vista it says resol to low and shows blurry- anyone have this prob? Where did you all find luggage tags- i have been looking at michaels and mine don't carry clear ones thanks guys
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Alipires1 I am looking for new things to do with my free items from Vista Print. I thought it would be really nice for everyone to post their stuff all in one place, so people new to VistaPrint can get some ideas. Please post anything you have made with VistaPrint. Postcards Maraca Tags I made this for a friend..it is a car door magnet. We put it on the back of her SUV. Can I ask where you found pic for post card- i love it- looks great
  5. i have been struggling with this also. I want something upbeat. I don't have a big wedding party. Just MOH and BM. So, if I want to do first dance after intro- how would that work?we would walk in then change right into first dance song And WHAT INTRO SONG!!!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by jwalkowiak Hi Gail- What did Gabriella repond when you ask the cost for the Gazebo to be fully decorated like the picture? Did they give you a cost? Thanks! just what i posted earlier .. the price for each arrangement on arch and gazebo column. but i will ask again and let you know
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by LindoBride2009 Hey girls. It seems like most of the brides on here right now are Beach/Del Mar & I'm at the Lindo. I don't have any questions or comments on wedding related stuff, I'm pretty much done with my planning, but I just wanted to say hi. I leave in 2 weeks & I cannot believe that my time is almost here!!! Good luck! I'm sure everything will be perfect. Make sure you check in when you get home
  8. i sent a "concerning" e mail to gabriella regarding inconsis answers and "extras"- not giving me exact answer when I sent pic and asked what it would cost to have gazebo to look like that. I think I was PMS ing that day. So due to that is prob why I now have reyna e mailing me
  9. Thinking of having violinist for ceremony that is offered at iberostar, anyone have any thoughts/suggestions. Thanks
  10. As per to your question…we have rent the Brazilian restaurant as a private event just once… (3 years ago) we are having now another one in May because we have a bride that want to have it. Please note that in all this cases the General Manger of the Hotel made a BIG exception. Beside the brides had to pay $ 1000 USD extra to rent it. Unfortunately the General Manager that we have in the hotel at the moment won’t allow to happening this again. I’m sorry! The only restaurant that we are allowed to offer as a private event is the Tropical Restaurant. this is the response I got after 3 e mails to gabriella, this reply is from Reyna, which has never e mailed me until now-
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Stina168 Hey Gail, Do you have the picture you sent her? I'd like to see it. I'm at [email protected] On the way. I can't get pics to post on here not even my sig pic. I have to open photobucket account just haven't had time to. After 4 e mails and getting irrit with her she said its 60.00 USD to look like the pic, it's the one WC sent me. Maybe you can post pic for everyone if you can Kathy, does that sound right?
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 Gail - It's located just behind the Iberostar Paraiso Beach/Del Mar theatre, so it is central to both of those resorts. I hope this makes sense/helps. Let me know if you need anything else! Fudgie - Thank you so much! I see your big day is just around the corner, can't wait to hear all about it!! Is that the one in the garden?? WC said they had in the gardens Thanks Again
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 Gail - Which restaurant are you trying to rent out? The Tropical? I don't know if the Tropical and the Brazilian are the same place or not, but the Brazilian had A/C. I was freezing my boobs off when we ate there one night lol. I had planned on renting tropical since we want private rec, then I read dbellie and others saying now you can rent out a la carte rest for priv rec and I was going to consider since past brides said prob with trop in June is it is so hot. I e mailed WC and they say not renting them out Thanks for your continued help- did you read what i posted WC said regarding arch- 3 arrang- what did they want for ivory or whatever they have on there?? Thanks Again
  14. ok I checked it out- def ordering! Thank You- I LOVE THEM. gives option for coupon code- anyone know where to get
  15. for anyone that already used mannia- did you provide complete list of songs? Not sure what he would play if I didn't
  16. Thank you for so much detail. I was also going to have mine at dreams tulum when it was closed- i was early in planning/booking process so I changed to iberostar- We have 2 neices going and needed a resort with kids. However, I heard this resort is amazing and we were going to book for 5 nights for seperate honeymoon after spending wk with guests- and I would of paid for swim up room
  17. Thank you for so much detail. I was also going to have mine at dreams tulum when it was closed- i was early in planning/booking process so I changed to iberostar- We have 2 neices going and needed a resort with kids. However, I heard this resort is amazing and we were going to book for 5 nights for seperate honeymoon after spending wk with guests- and I would of paid for swim up room
  18. Thanks...I'm going to check out site!!! Thats why I was considering cocktail hr before everyone got plastered- we have a big drinking crowd- but didn't know if that would be weird- its at terrace outside where rec is at iberostar. also, didn't know if they would have enogh time and then would I have to move it in
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