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Everything posted by Carie

  1. Hi, Has anyone getting married or been married at the Colonial had the sea breeze package? I am asking as we just received the menu and are supposed to pick our options but were finding it a little confusing? Did any one else expierience this as well?
  2. The thought of getting blood taken creeps me out a little too to be honest! But I just think that people get it done daily!!! ha-ha tends to meake me feel a little better! About Christmas it's nuts how close it's getting!!! Is it as cold there as it is here!? It's like -47 with the wind-chill! Makes Mexico seem like such a good idea!
  3. IndianBride...no were not having a welcome dinner I wasn't aware there was such a thing, what's it all about? Sounds interesting! Smartinez, thank you again for the helpful information it seems the Barcelo is a little eaiser pertaining to that stuff then other resorts!! "Good For Us" ha-ha What day did you arrive to the resort? Heather007, that is just awesome about your weight loss, you must feel like a completely different person!! We were thinking of getting married here then doing the renewal in Mexico seems to make the whole process a little eaiser!
  4. You have 20 swim suits!?? That is nuts you must be so excietd!!!! I am getting very excited as well. I am actually having troubles sleeping becasue of it! I was reading on one of the forums about the paper work that is needed to get married! At the Barcelo we only need pass port, tourist card and birth certificate right? Do they need to be translated at all?
  5. WOW I am so glad to hear all the positive feedback about the resort! Makes me feel much better about our decsion to get married at the Colonial. Smartinez your pictures look awesome your hair was beautiful and I loved the colors that you picked! Also thank you for all the clarifications on details!!
  6. Hi Guys, Thank you so much for your help! I was really hoping that we didn't need to worry about centerpieces and all that jazz. I mean that is why we are going away to get married, less to worry about right. So what other colors in linesn and bows did they show you once you go there? Thank you again, Carie
  7. Hi Ladies, I have a couple silly questions so please don't laugh at me! ha-ha We are planning quick and I can't help but feel we are very far behind? Ok here I go....what wedding package did you go with? I see for the Sea Breeze which is what I think we will go with you have to pay extra for each additional person after 20? If this is correct do they count children in that number? Also at what stage of planning did you pick table linens etc.? I think that we will be in one of their banquet rooms so are we responsible for picking lines etc. before we get there? Also, do they have standard centerpieces etc. or do we have to take or purchase there? Thank you I would love any help I can get!!!!! Carie
  8. Do you mind if I ask you some questions about your wedding at the Colonial?
  9. Hi, congratualtions on your wedding! I am so glad that there are people to talk to as we are from Canada and never been to Mexico! Our WC is Gabriela, who did you guys have? I would love to see your pics? Overall how was your experience at the Barcelo? Thank you again!
  10. ha-ah funny thing as soon as I made my post yesterday I get all the info I need from the WC!! Sorry! ha-ha now I feel bad. Thanks for the advice I will check it out! And congrats to you as well.
  11. I am as well getting married at the Barcelo Maya Colonial in Feb of 2009. All I can tell you so far is the resort looks beautifil and the WC are hard to get a hold of! So be warned! ha-ha!
  12. We are getting married at the Barcelo Maya "Colonial" this February, 2009! I am glad to hear that I am not the only one having troubles getting a hold of the WC. I am getting a little impatient. Besides that I am happy to hear all the great wedding stories at the Barcleo!!
  13. Carie


    Hi Ladies, My name is Carie and am recently engaged and we are getting married this February 09. We are headed to the white sands of the Mayan Riviera. We've never been there so we are extremely excited!
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