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Everything posted by jenniebey

  1. jenniebey


    Congratulations on your engagement! Welcome to the forum.
  2. Congratulations on your engagement! Welcome to the forum. Looks like your wedding is very soon! Yay!
  3. I have Pet's Best for my little pug at about $20 per month. I've only had it for 5 months and haven't used it yet. It doesn't cover routinue stuff like shots, check-ups or dental. But I have a dog who likes to eat everything (macadamia nut = $350 in ER bills) and fight other dogs (small bite = $250) so I figured it was worth it. Plus if you have a pure bred they are bound to get sick from something as they get older. So I figure it will be used then. However $600 seems like a lot. Is it the basic plan or the 'gold' plan?
  4. I know what you mean! I've spent all weekend doing last minute wedding stuff and I'm making progress. But I'm still freaked out! I can't imagine doing all this and recovering from surgery! Erika, how are you feeling?! Quote: Originally Posted by Erika J Ok ladies. I am starting to get a little freaked out/ excited/ frazzled that my wedding is in 26 days and I leave for Cabo in 23 days!!!! I feel like I could be doing more to get ready for it. but I need to lay low from the surgery. Blah, I am so annoying I know.
  5. Kate - so for DIY's I'm doing the programs and menu's myself (with a little help from one of the graphic designers at work) and little first aid kits for the OOTs. That's about it. Mel - I would love a copy of the brochure you gave out with your welcome bags. Anything to save time at this point. mnewbauer - 11 days! That's so exciting. That's great that you have everything done! (I'm hoping to finish up everything in the next two weeks but I know that I will be still finishing up the night before. oh well.) I've been checking the weather lately and it looks like it's still T-storms, but according to all of the WCs I talked to when scouting locations, they say the end of October is usually ok. Yay! You really are in the home stretch!
  6. yay! i almost forgot about the anniversary trip. something else to look forward to... also, just wanted to say we finally had our last room booked today. all 20 rooms are booked. such a relief! now i just have to finish all my diy projects before i leave in exactly 24 days. woot!
  7. Hi Magalie! Congrats on choosing Playa Fiesta for your wedding! I know it was a hard decision for me but once I signed the contract I felt better. Lindsay and Adam are so great to work with. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you too with booking your rooms, but I have a feeling that 2010 will be a better year than 2009 as far as the economy goes. Definitely read the post if you haven't already. There are so many great ideas and tips for making the most of the planning stages. Plus both Kate and Melissa have posted links to their wedding reviews which will give you a great idea of what to expect on your day! Happy planning and just post any questions you might have! Jennie Quote: Originally Posted by mlabbe Hi! I haven't read all the post yet, just wanted to say hi first! I'm Magalie, I live in Vancouver BC and Travis and I are getting married at PF on May 16 2010. We've put in our deposit for May 14-18 and we're just working over the details of the contract right now. Can't wait to get the whole thing actually started, it feels like I haven't done anything yet. Crossing my fingers that we can fill the rooms - doesn't look very good thus far with the economy
  8. Hi! I can appreciate your frustration. I went through the same thing and I was very stressed about it. I knew I loved PF and wanted my wedding there, but unfortunately with a DW you do have to take your guests into consideration. However, remember that it is your day and more than likely your guests will want to do whatever is going to make you happy. Once I signed the contract I felt a lot better because it was a done deal either way. I did exactly what Melissa suggested. I did a rough budget based on the numbers PF gave me and started polling friends and family to see who would maybe or definitely make it and what they thought of the price. Of course I've had some people that said they would be there no matter what back out. But I've also had people that I didn't think would ever make it book. Some people think it's expensive other people think it's a good deal because so much is included. I was able to book all my rooms but it was stressful at the end. They also say that for DW you usually get 50% of the people you invite that actually come. I had more like 40% yes and 60% no. But PF is an easy sell because it's such an amazing hotel and an unique experience. I'm hoping my guests will thank me at the end of it all. Good luck! And make sure you contact Playa Fiesta directly. Adam and Lindsay are so helpful and will give you all the information you need. Jennie Quote: Originally Posted by beau286 Hey Y'all. Newly engaged here. Only about a month. Got a quick start on this all though. Have a few places I'm considering, but at this point Playa Fiesta is the only destination I'm considering. I have a few questions i would like to ask all you past playa brides. Really wanna make this affordable for the guests so that everyone doesn't hate me. Haha. the partial room takeover rate is quite a bit more than the full room takeover. I really want to make it affordable for my guests but at the same time, i dont want to pay 1000's for unfilled rooms. Trying to weigh the pro's and cons here. Right now I have 120 people on my list, so im confident i can fill the hotel for the 4 nights. But then you have to factor in last minute cancellations. ...which is apparently likely. Has this horrid thing happened to anyone before the wedding? I really like Playa Fiesta, but its only possible if it is affordable for me and my guests. And if i wind up spending thousands on cancelled rooms....that could really ruin my special day. Thoughts? feedback. Pros? and cons?
  9. Congratulations on your engagement! Welcome to the forum.
  10. Congratulations on your engagement! Welcome to the forum.
  11. Congratulations on your engagement! Welcome to the forum.
  12. jenniebey


    Congratulations on your engagement! Welcome to the forum.
  13. Congratulations on your engagement! Welcome to the forum.
  14. Congratulations on your engagement! Welcome to the forum.
  15. Congratulations on your engagement! Welcome to the forum.
  16. jenniebey


    Congratulations on your engagement! Welcome to the forum.
  17. Congratulations on your engagement! Welcome to the forum.
  18. Congrats on your engagement Stacey! Welcome to the forum. I'm also a Playa Fiesta bride so if you have any questions feel free to PM me! There is also a PF specific thread under the PV sub-forum in case you haven't already seen it. Happy planning!!
  19. It really is coming all together. Thank goodness! I will be doing a planning thread but right now all my pictures are a mess. Maybe I'll work on getting that in order this weekend! We get to PV in exactly 1 month! I can't wait to sit by the pool and have a margarita.
  20. Congratulations on your engagement! Welcome to the forum.
  21. Congratulations on your engagement! Welcome to the forum.
  22. Congratulations on your engagement! Welcome to the forum.
  23. Congratulations on your engagement! Welcome to the forum.
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