Hi Callie.
Everyone has a budget so just figure out whats most important to you and go from there. I suggest an all inclusive and DR and Mexico are the least expensive and that also depends on the time of year. Good Luck and Congrats!
If it helps I still havent decided I go back and forth between a cruise and an All inclusive about twice a week
I think when it gets closer you see financially what you can afford and thats it. Read the reviews and get some tips then the rest will fall into place!
I think we are going to do a 7 day with a very small group of family and friends I think its easier if you know what people "mesh" and leave out the rest
Traverse City is my Fav place in the State! I am contemplating getting married there cuz our families are not to keen on going out tof the country and are guilting us into it!
Quote: Originally Posted by sandinmytoes OMG i cannot beleive I am sharing this but....... My FI is divorced and after we started dating I was curious what his X wife looked like (cuz I am a girl) and to my suprise in his wedding pic I knew the Best man.. Let me be Clear I REALLY knew him. This man is happily married now with three kids and we talk on myspace sometimes and he knows that I am engaged etc no harm although I have never told my FI because they dont talk anymore since they havent worked together in over ten years I acknowledged I knew the guy!
Do I need to tell him ??The Best Man says no that hes too jealous and it would bother him if the tables were turned and it was his wife! HELP Ok ladies just wanted to let you know I told him all is well
He said he kinda suspected it by the way I reacted when I said I knew him from the picture but he didnt want to accuse me yada yada! I got a pretty good guy we just agreed that we shouldnt invite him to the wedding LOL!
Thanks for all your advice
No we had not even met each other yet THANK GOD, I am sooo not "that" girl and I think thats why I have avoided it. I am comtemplating getting a bottle of hard liquor and spilling my guts this weekend on our weekend get-a-way!~
OMG i cannot beleive I am sharing this but....... My FI is divorced and after we started dating I was curious what his X wife looked like (cuz I am a girl) and to my suprise in his wedding pic I knew the Best man.. Let me be Clear I REALLY knew him. This man is happily married now with three kids and we talk on myspace sometimes and he knows that I am engaged etc no harm although I have never told my FI because they dont talk anymore since they havent worked together in over ten years I acknowledged I knew the guy!
Do I need to tell him ??The Best Man says no that hes too jealous and it would bother him if the tables were turned and it was his wife! HELP
I am wondering if anyone has any info for me on Vow Renewal in the Bahamas. I have done some research and found a few PRICEY options, any help is appreciated. Heres my idea my Mom is wheel chair bound so we had originally thought we would just go to an all inclusive by ourselves and do the legal ceremony at home for our parents. Now my parents say they like the idea of a cruise so we are looking into that. I have my heart set on a beach wedding and cannot imagine being married in a room on a cruise ship the Bahamas cruises seem like the more affordable option for our now guests. We still want to get married legally at home because its so much easier. I was wondering if my Moms wheelchair would be a problem I'm thinking even on a dock she would be fine so give me your opinion and expertise PLEASE!
I hope they take her kids away shes a "Wannabe Angelina Jolie". In what world is what shes doing OK, three of her kids already are special needs and she has the audacity to have more that she has no means to support! Those poor kids the one little girl said in the dateline interview "shes gonna be stressed" they would be much better off elsewhere~
I read it was a hoax too, hmm I used to have a lil crush on him....I think hes Hot in a bad boy kinda way He's the guy its OK to date in high school but you would never Marry! LOL