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Everything posted by deefalvey

  1. Hi Girls! I am looking for 2, 3 or 4 raffia fans. I am trying to order ceremony programs and want to size them to the fans...I know when the fans come they vary in size so I just want to get a sample of a few. Does anyone have any left over that I could buy from you? Thanks.
  2. Melissa - great pictures!! You got me excited, we are headed there in a few weeks!
  3. uggh...so I stepped on the scale this morning, just to see - I have gained 6lbs since the end of season 5!!! I guess breakfast of marshmallows and tortilla chips while camping caught up with me...that and all drinking I did. Anyway, I am excited to start season 6...being accountable to you girls is pretty motivating. Best of luck to everyone!! I have 100 days to go from today!!!
  4. great teasers! cant wait to read Ana's review and see more pics!
  5. Loni Sounds and looks like a wonderful day! Thanks for all of your info, I am headed down there in a few weeks. I love all your new tidbits of info. Cant wait to see Juan's pictures!
  6. OK, so I have been going back and forth on playing this season...last season I got within a couple pounds of my goal weight and I know there is no way I can WIN because I don't really have a lot left to lose. However, we have been camping this week while FI's kids are on spring break and I have been a total PIG!!! I'm sure I've packed quite a few pounds back on, but the crux of my decision making process was about 15 minutes ago when I went to make myself my oatmeal for breakfast and instead of having it, I had a handful of tortilla chips and 5 marshmallows. WTF? Really, who does that? So, sitting in a beach chair, snuggled in a blanket because its still cold out, and watching the CO river flow by I have pay pal-ed Ann from my blackberry (Ann let me know if you don't get it) and vented to you all - thx. . My running shoes are here and I should go for a run, but I'll probably sit here and enjoy my mimosa and the quiet while the kids are fishing.. Long story short - I'm back for season 6!
  7. Oh man....wish I had seen this earlier. Mine were pretty and ready to go and then I remembered this.
  8. when I was in college my roomies and i used to share eyeliners and mascara. we all got pink eye at the same time from this. we went to the healthcenter together and the dr there recommended that we use Johnson's Baby Shampoo to take our eye makeup off. It is a gentle cleanser (gentle enough for babies!) and there is no irritation to the eyes. I have used this in place of eye-makeup remover ever since! The perk is that its super cheap and a bottle lasts FOREVER. If you have kids at home there's a chance you already have it....give it a try!
  9. No dance floor, I asked this question on the forum too and EVERYONE told me that I didn't need one...reception at Oceana Terrace...expecting about 75 guests...doing simple simple decor and getting it all through Dreams. Erika - 2 days in a row, how bout that?
  10. So to top it off, these are pocketfold invites and I did the clousure with a glue dot. Who knew they were SO FREAKIN strong? I have single handedly ruined about 10 invites trying to get these things open to get the RSVP envelope out to put more stamps on. I cried and drank wine, but think I have it figured out...will post pics later.
  11. We've got turquoise and sand with hot pink accents....
  12. ok...all they need is to be addressed and have postage put on and these puppies are out the door. I must give credit where credit is due and thank Andi, as she sent me the template and these are totally hers - unless she got them from someone else! Thanks Andi!!! Ok...here goes The outside The invite Stuffed pocket RSVP Card and envelope Schedule of planned activites Passport info Accommodations These took forever as I made 75 of these bad boys all by myself, but I am so happy with the finished product!
  13. I used to work for a Student Tour Operator and literally LIVE in Mexico for 8-10 weeks every summer. I have been ALL OVER. FI and I have been to Cabo, PV and Ixtapa together many times. We both LOVE Cabo and it is close enough to where we live that it is fairly inexpensive for people to travel there. We have not been to the resort - we made that decision soley on reviews from BDW. We are going there at the end of May to check things out and get the lay of the land, but at that point it will be too late to change anything. We are confident that we made the right decision!
  14. Hi Hollie! Welcome to the forum - I'm practically your neighbor, I live in Seal Beach! Your wedding date is the anniversary of my engagement! Happy Planning!
  15. So yesterday I took my invitations to the post office to have them weighed (because they seemed HEAVY!) and to buy all of my stamps to send everything out. The lady at the post office was really nice, she said that the invitations needed 78cents worth of postage and handed me these UGLY stamps that were white and had some guy's head (looked like the guy from the US dime) in brown. I told her this envelope that I was mailing was my wedding invitiation and asked her if she had anything "prettier". She suggested that I spend a little extra and put 2 42 cent LOVE or Wedding stamps on the envelope. The LOVE stamps looked better with my envelope color, so I bought 150 of those stamps. I told her I would need 75 stamps for my RSVP envelopes, so she sold me 75 more 42 cent stamps. This lady works at the post office for crying out loud, she could have told me that postage was going to go up in about a month and suggested that I use a "forever" stamp on my RSVP envelope!! Thank God I did not seal the invite envelope!! Now I have to disassemble each and every one of them and put 2 1 cent stamps on all of the RSVP envelopes. Not only will it be a pain in the rear end - its UGLY!!! I know nobody is going to look at the stamps and say OMG, Deanna messed up, but still....I am a perfectionist. I made each and every one of those invites by hand and threw out many "marginal" ones only to have to put ugly 1 cent stamps ahh...I feel better, now if I could only have a glass of wine at work
  16. I DO need some play time - all work and no play makes Deanna a cranky girl...skinnier, but cranky
  17. Oh I hear ya!!! FI and I are paying for our wedding on our own. My FI's parents keep telling us that they are going to "help out", but have yet to contribute one red penny. They HAVE, however, paid for flights AND hotel for both of FI's brothers and thier wives to go down.
  18. I think Shannon will win too...I lost this week too, but I'm sure it wasn't enough. I'm going to endulge this week, FI's kids are on Spring break starting tomorrow and we are headed to Palm Springs. I'll treat myself and fatten up a little to start out BL6.
  19. I think Shannon will win too...I lost this week too, but I'm sure it wasn't enough. I'm going to endulge this week, FI's kids are on Spring break starting tomorrow and we are headed to Palm Springs. I'll treat myself and fatten up a little to start out BL6.
  20. OK - I'm in again...I have bachelorette party in Vegas in mid-May, site visit to Cabo at the end of May and the BIG DAY at the end of July.
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