OK, so I have been going back and forth on playing this season...last season I got within a couple pounds of my goal weight and I know there is no way I can WIN because I don't really have a lot left to lose.
However, we have been camping this week while FI's kids are on spring break and I have been a total PIG!!! I'm sure I've packed quite a few pounds back on, but the crux of my decision making process was about 15 minutes ago when I went to make myself my oatmeal for breakfast and instead of having it, I had a handful of tortilla chips and 5 marshmallows. WTF? Really, who does that?
So, sitting in a beach chair, snuggled in a blanket because its still cold out, and watching the CO river flow by I have pay pal-ed Ann from my blackberry (Ann let me know if you don't get it) and vented to you all - thx. . My running shoes are here and I should go for a run, but I'll probably sit here and enjoy my mimosa and the quiet while the kids are fishing..
Long story short - I'm back for season 6!