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Everything posted by deefalvey

  1. Thanks for sharing your experience, outfits as well as your wishes...it will be helpful to us who haven't done it yet. You are not a rookie on this board - you should know better than to tease us and post w/o pics!
  2. Everything looks wonderful! I LOVE your sign that points one way to the wedding and the other that says "last chance". That is so funny
  3. Great job on the itinerary! I have the same welcome letter - taken from someone else on the forum of course
  4. Ana - thanks for posting these. Its great to acutally see things set up as opposed to what I have created in my head.
  5. Andi!! Everything is absolutely AMAZING!!! You have done a wonderful job!!! Have fun in PV!
  6. Tara - Great review and great pictures!!! I am going for a site visit in May, this is getting me more excited!!! Thanks for sharing and posting!
  7. Kelly I feel ya...my FI grew up with 2 live in maids who did everything for thier family - cook, clean, laundry, etc. The only time I can get him to clean is when I get him REALLY REALLY pissed off (and then its kinda destructive cleaning - anything that is not his goes in the trash), or if he invites people over he will clean up the kitchen area. We both work full time jobs and at the end of my day I go and pick his kids up from daycare, get the homework done and get dinner going before he even gets home. His job is super-stressful and mine is not and that is his justification for not being able to help out around the house - that he is physically and mentally wiped out by the time he gets home... We live in a large house - 4400 square feet and there is A LOT of cleaning to do - 4 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms and 4 of us living there. When I had a meltdown at the end of one of his rants, guess what he told me to do...hire a housekeeper! So I will say, I share your anger in this
  8. great review - thanks for sharing all of your wonderful details!
  9. Geralyn, I lost my mom 3 and a half years ago, and I remember feeling the same way. The first 6 months I just dove into work to keep my mind busy and off of things and then after that I really went donwhill - sad, depressed and crying ALL THE TIME!!! I turned into the worlds biggest bitch to FI (we weren't engaged at the time, and how we stayed together is a true testament to how much he loves me). I went to therapy for a little bit and it helped, but it wasn't until I found a girlfriend who had been through the same thing and had felt the same thing that I really felt better. You are just greiving sweetheart, and it will get easier. I am dreading my wedding day without my mom, but I know I will get through that too...let me know if I can do anything for you Hugs Deanna
  10. We had a lot of factors... 1. FI has kids so it had to be in summer when they are out of school otherwise the ex would not let them go 2. We knew we wanted to get married in Cabo and then narrowed it down to Dreams and then looked at what dates were left (got engaged in Oct, decided on Cabo in Nov, getting married in July - not much summer selection left) 3. We got engaged on his birthday, tried to get married on mine, only the day before was avail, so settled for that. I didn't REALLY want my anniversary and my bday to be on the same date anyway
  11. Hi Rhonda! Day of the wedding I'm with you - I'd say NO WAY! Your FI and friends might be different than mine, but mine would come back late, drunk and sunburnt (bad for pics). Day before the wedding - I'd say depends on when your guests are arriving...My FI and friends are going early in the morning for 4 or so hours. It is a planned excursion, all guys are invited and paying for themselves. I am supplying the sunscreen for the wedding party
  12. We just got ours 2 days ago...question, do I need to send a thank you card now?
  13. Fantastic - have fun before the family arrives!
  14. Ayita - this is absolute CRAZINESS!!! I pray that everything works out for you. At a time like this I would be so greatful for BDW. MarieSam - great work, hopefully your info and tips can come to the rescue if need be. Keep us posted!
  15. Thanks for the tips girls!! This is good info to have!
  16. Erika - Welcome!! One more place for us to hang out! Yay!! Jacilyn - after tonights dinner, maybe you will be starting BL6 a little higher, makes for a great weigh in on week 1! Good Luck everyone!
  17. Ana - what a wonderful day! Thanks for coming back with pics for us, you look amazing!
  18. good job...FI and groomsmen attire is next on my list of things for him to get done. It stresses me out!
  19. I confess that I am at work and I have not done one single "work" related thing today. So far I have been on BDW for what seems like hours (okay only 3) designed 2 Luggage Tags and a Photo Share card on Vista Print and searched online for a cake topper for our cake. 1 hour to go and I have no intention of doing ANY work!
  20. Great Dress!! Dimitri's comment would scare me...wouldn't want it to be see thru!
  21. Kate I am sure you are getting more advice on here than you were looking for, but something that worked for me was keeping my food diary online (I know you are keeping a diary, but not sure how). I found that I was able to track my calories more accurately this way. I went to LIVESTRONG.com to do it and found most of the food I ate in their database. The website gave me a caloric guideline to follow based on my goal and it calcuated my percentage of carbs/protein/fat I was eating. It also allows you to enter in the amount of exercise you do in a day to calculate if you are eating more calories each day than you burn. If food seems to be the problem (which was and is mine) this will help. If by chance you have an iPhone or iPod Touch, there is an app which you can download and it makes tracking everything that much easier. Best of Luck to you!!!
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