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Everything posted by deefalvey

  1. Does anyone know of a website where I can get some info on the crime rate in Cabo? FI's ex-wife is now using killings in Cancun and Tijuana as reasons why we should not take FI's kids down to the wedding with us. I knew this would happen, she has been using the Swine Flu as her "concern" but when I emailed her today to let her know the Travel Advisory had been lifted, she said that she is not concerned about the flu anymore, but about the "brutal killings" that happen all over Mexico. I have already sent her this article: http://www.hautter.com/assets/files/...cn_article.pdf but I feel like I need a stronger case than an article saying how safe it is which was written for a magazine that promotes Cabo. I know she is being cautious for her kids, however its one thing after another.... Any help or suggestions on this would be appreciated. Deanna
  2. What if you used a khaki/sand color? I had the same problem with my invites and sand was my solution. Or gold to go with your chargers? Just my quick thoughts...
  3. Yes - we hit that up on Friday! I also bought linen pants for the groomsmen here - they are currently buy one get one free as well!
  4. It has been removed for the US as well - I sent this to all of my guests this morning Novel H1N1 Flu and Severe Cases of Respiratory Illness in Mexico | CDC Travelers' Health
  5. Melita - GREAT REVIEW!!! Question for you....How did you schedule your food tasting? I am going down for a site visit May 29th and have asked Yarai several times about doing a tasting and have gotten no response. Thanks Deanna
  6. I had my bachelorette party Friday thru Sunday...hmm not so good! This weekend is Memorial Day and the following weekend is my site visit. I do not see good things in my future!
  7. Jamie - this just brought me to tears....I lost my mom almost 4 years ago to cancer and not having her with me on my wedding day is one of the things I used to cry the hardest about. I'm 2 months out and don't know how I will get through the day. SO special that you have your butterflies -I have a special story like that with my mom and when she passed. I wish you the best and know she will be looking down on you - she will have the best seat in the house! xoxox
  8. I ordered this one yesterday. It comes in white with white starfish (as pictured) and ivory with the more natural looking starfish. Cathy's Concepts - Products Don't know if its what you are looking for at all.
  9. AHHH....I didn't realize that someone made these. Kelly - that would be great if you could send your left overs! I will PM you. Sarah - yours look great, I LOVE the hangover releif tag - that is really funny! I wish it was my color
  10. Okay so I know I have seen them on this forum...somewhere...and I cant even find them now in my last 10 minutes of work to post and ask this question...but there are these cute individual Immodium AD packets with like a monster or something and they say "montezuma's revenge" in "scary" letters. Does anyone know where to get these? I have searched online but I keep missing...I must not be typing in the correct search words or something. Any help would be appreciated! Thx!
  11. Jacilyn - I don't know how I never saw this before, but these are awesome!!! Great job!!!
  12. Melette - when are you going on your visit?
  13. my dogs would destroy it : new stuffed animal
  14. haven't been in a while : running
  15. hmmm...I had my first bridal shower on Saturday and my BM's had it at my house. They kicked me out on Friday night while they came in and cleaned. I went out with some other friends and STAYED OUT UNTIL 4AM DRINKING!!! Who does that the night before their shower? Luckily I was fine in the morning. I went out in the morning for a mani pedi and when I came back to get ready they greeted me with a bottle of champagne and sent me upstairs. The drinking did not stop until about 9PM ON SUNDAY!!! Needless to say, I was naughty
  16. Only thinking about using yours later?
  17. I had a bridal shower yesterday and one of my girlfriends bought me the wiil fit - she knew I wanted to use it before the wedding - I have yet to plug it in and try it, but will do so today after work!
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