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Everything posted by deefalvey

  1. ok.... I could use some advice here....I have the same questions as the previous post...Is there a way to put all of the pics in one place where all of my guests and I can download and print and not have to pay to order? Kodak? Snapfish? Shutterfly? Photobucket? Anything? Thanks girls!!
  2. I remembered this week, however I missed last week. I am so stressed out with wedding stuff and I still have 6 weeks to go. FI is traveling so much for work and he and I are fighting...his kids are sick and I am the one who has to come home early/stay home to take care of him, when I really need to be at work. When I am stressed, my weakness is food and I try to deal by eating. I hope this passes soon...
  3. you both beat me to it.... Jac, I thought of you right away!!
  4. Michelle - everthing is gorgeous!! I LOVE your dinner tables - you really make me wish I chose red! You were a beautiful bride!!
  5. Posting my review is on my "to do's" for tonight! Hopefully it will get done. Everything was amazing!!! FI is out of town for the week and his kids are with their mom. I have 2 nights to do nothing but wedding!!!
  6. crap! its 9:00 and we just got done with dinner and I haven't weighed in....maybe I'll take the dog for a quick walk and then go jump on the scale. I don't know how I forgot - I guess staying in Cabo an extra day threw me off...
  7. I ordered the ones from Oriental Trading Company last week - they are plain and then we will paint them the wedding colors. They haven't arrived yet, I can update when they do - should only be a couple more days.
  8. Girls - everything is TRULY amazing here!! I am SO glad we took this trip and came down to see everything!! I have seen 2 small weddings and a vow renewal. I have met honeymooners here who have seen large weddings and everyone has said that everything looked great!! Coming down to pick out food and talk to Yarai has made me that much more excited for our actual week down here. 7 1/2 weeks to go, I know its gonna fly!! Can't wait!!
  9. Erika - you are crazy girl!! Good job on getting them done!! I can't wait to see how they turn out!! What a special thing to have incoporated into your wedding.
  10. I am working on my list of questions....is there anything you guys want me to ask? I am meeting with Yarai at 11am on Saturday, so if you think of anything, let me know! Anyone going to be down there?
  11. Uh oh...finally happened, I was a loser and did not lose this week Love the challenge today! I booked my BD shoot yesterday for June 16th, so there's some extra motivation!
  12. A bunch of us on the forum are doing a contest - BDW Biggest Loser - check it out!!! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t39768
  13. I"ll take the luggage straps and the white ribbon. I'll PM you now.
  14. Michelle - what did you choose for you dinner and apps? I am going for my site visit this weekend and need to let Yarai know ASAP what I would like to do for my tasting. Thanks!
  15. OK MarieSam...I booked her! I let her know she was a referral from you too Have you gotten any teasers yet? Now that I have booked, I am dying to see them!
  16. we leave in 8 weeks from today and it really hit me when we woke up this morning. I worked like a mad woman and did a lot of shopping today. I bought: -ceremony flip flops for me and BMs -reception shoes -monogrammed cups for OOT bags -more raffia fans -mini maracas to use with dinner placecards I also finished my first aid kits yesterday and have started doing the ribbon on the half of the raffia fans that I do have. I am realizing that I have lots to do and the clock is ticking....AHHHH!!
  17. "I think her prices are actually cheap considering everything she provides you with. I would recommend her without hesitation ~ any girl who shoots with Beth will not be disappointed! And DEFINITELY get the works done -- they are so so good at styling and makeup. " MarieSam - I was just on her website looking at her packages - which package did you go with? Eagerly waiting for teasers!!! Deanna
  18. Wow! Great job everyone! I woke up today and realized I leave in EXACTLY 8 weeks! Time to step it up a notch. Jac - you look great in that pic!
  19. Best of luck to you - i will be at dreams that weekend doing my site visit!
  20. Does anyone know how many appetizers you get to pick?
  21. Thanks Tammy - you don't have to sell me...FI and I go down 2-3 times a year too. I am not worried at all. FI's ex is just a drama queen, so I need something concrete to send her. When she was trying to argue about the swine flu I sent her a link that showed a dot on the map of the US and Mexico where every case of the swine flu had been confirmed and when ALL of Baja was blank and there were more cases in our own backyard, she finally shut up. I will call the consulate tomorrow to see what kind of info I can get.
  22. Mich - great idea! I could not find anything online that either supports or denies her arguments. Good Luck next week, hope everything goes smoothly!
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