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Everything posted by deefalvey

  1. We are doing the Mexican themed Welcome Dinner, however we are doing the Casino Night afterwords. I think you will be fine with just the dinner - we have a lot of gamblers in our group, so we thought that would be fun.
  2. Congrats LeAnne and great job to everyone else! Here's to another week!
  3. right now I have a tub of chocolate chip cookie dough in my fridge for my FI's kids. when my dog needs to go out in the middle of the night, I sneak a spoonful before I go back upstairs to bed - Bad Bad Bad!
  4. I recommend getting them done day before or day of your wedding. For some reason I ALWAYS seem to chip my pedis when I have french polish
  5. I've been running again lately and need some new musical motivation. Whats on your ipod that keeps you going? I can only listen to "Womanizer" so many times - that song keeps me going!
  6. Everyone seems to be doing so well! I think I need to pick up one of these workout DVD's to mix it up, I have just been running outside with my dog. Down 2.4 this week. You guys are going to be tough to hang with! Great job to all!
  7. JANUARY January 9 - Jen (Jennifer Davis) January 16- Carolyn (Carolyn) January 23- Tati (tchuchuca) January 29- Tina (~*petals*~) FEBRUARY February 3 - Danielle (daniellenderek) February 9 - Candiekiss (Candie) February 14 - April (litl_april) February 22 - Ana (Ana) February 26 - Katy (KatyKo) MARCH March 4-Cachet (cdc0427) March 17 St Patrick's Day - Lisa (lisaloo79) March 21- Danelle (missdanelle) March 21 - Bridget (Bridget810) APRIL April 12- Kristen (kristendotcom) April 15 - Erin (Erin6341) April 25 - Melissa (SgtPepperette) MAY May 9 - Lisa (Chiquita) JUNE June 5 - Jessica (Jess) June 5 - Helen (Helen_S81) June 28 - Heather (*Heather*) JULY July 1- Brandi (MsBrandi), Kaylee (KAMAY11) July 6 - Adrene (YoursTruly) July 10- Susana (Susanandmo) July 18 - Tami (foxytv) July 18 - Lacey (laycj1 July 25 - Deanna (deefalvey) July 29- Desiree (Tylersgirl) AUGUST August 04 - Amanda (BachataBride) August 15 - Abbie August 18 - Kathy (Cattie) August 22-Stacey August 25 - Jenn (JenniferLynn) SEPTEMBER September 15 - ErinB September 16 - Samie (lil_miss_frogg) OCTOBER October 1 - Kathie (Kathie) October 13 - Kristy! October 18 - Kathy (paraisobeachbride2009) October 29 - Angel (Angel) NOVEMBER November 20 - Kristie (aaronsgirl) November 25 - Ayita DECEMBER December 1- Tiffiney (Tiffiney01), Michelle (beachbride0 December 2 - Denise (FutureMrsLewis) December 8 - Casey (*Casey*) December 11 - Lisa (Lisab)
  8. Ladies Lunch is a great one - A trip into town and lunch at the Office Bar or Mango Deck is ALWAYS fun! You are in the sand, right next to the ocean, food is good, drinks are better and there is usually some good music/entertainment going on. Don't forget to pack the sunscreen and you have to be ok with the guys selling stuff on the beach, but its a great time!
  9. OK, hope to be back on track today. I did not work out all weekend! Saturday afternoon and most of yesterday I had the WORST migrane ever, so I was in bed most of the weekend. On the flip side, I wasn't eating much either However - I did buy my wedding dress on Saturday!
  10. OK good - sounds like I am on the same page as everyone else. I have a hoity toity FMIL and just wanted to see if dancing on the concrete was the norm. Trust me, I don't want to spend the extra money!!!
  11. I was recently thinking about the same thing. Anyone?
  12. Just curious if you had decided, I am seriouisly considering him too. I would love to use Juan but he is just out of our budget. I am impressed with the photos on the Mango website and the one review on here sounds positive.
  13. Erika - Did you decide on a photographer yet? I know you were considering Mango at one point.
  14. Becks - I swear you have some of the greatest stuff on this site This list is amazing! Thank you Thank you Thank you!
  15. Congrats Andi! Thats so exciting!
  16. Nice Erika! I have been waiting to see this updated!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by JGAMMAGIRL77 I'm getting married in Nov. 2009. I'm using Marco and he has been great to work with. Since I am at the beginning phase of my wedding planning he has done a great job at providing me with several ceremony options and has been very responsive to all my questions. Did you book Marco yourself or did one of the WC at Dreams book him for you? Was there an extra expense to having him as opposed to John Fagan? Thanks
  18. The basic package includes the standard dinner option at $29 per person . The middle package includes the silver dinner option for 20 people. Each additional person is $31. The higher end package includes the gold dinner option for 20 people and each additional person is $41. Hope this helps.
  19. This may seem like a dumb question, but I've gotta ask - Did you guys rent a dance floor or just use the concrete? The dance floor seems like it would "look" nicer, but it seems like a lot of $$ to spend for it. Please let me know what you guys did. Thanks!
  20. personally I am going to change my name. something to keep in mind - us girls dream of our wedding day and all that it encompasses since we are little girls. I think our men at some point dream of having a Mrs. _______ at some point. don't crush his dream!
  21. I am getting married at Dreams as well. I am only using the Dreams coordinator - Yarai. She has been great so far. I am using Tammy from this site to do my room block and negotiate rates. Like mentioned before she is a Dreams Bride and has had a lot of experience working with this hotel. Tammy can either help get you started or you can fill out the date request form on the Dreams website.
  22. My girlfriends and I just talked about this the other day. They were asking me where I was going to register and I said that I hadn't decided yet. They both told me that when they got married, they wish they would have gotten cash. I said me too. They suggested that I register for some stuff for my bridal showers, but offered to spread the word that cash was the best wedding gift. When asked what they are getting us as a gift, they plan to say "when we got married we didn't really need any stuff, we needed $$, so that is what we plan to give them. I think Bill and Deanna are in the same situation." We'll see how well that works!
  23. Congrats! I got engaged in Oct 08 also! Welcome to the forum - click on any of the moderators "how to" links and you can find the meaning of the acronyms. I was a little lost too at first
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