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Everything posted by deefalvey

  1. I am under the same inpression as Dana - past brides, where are you?
  2. Ann I know its a little more work for you, but maybe can we have the week's update and an overall update? Maybe that will give us all the little extra push and motivation we need. I know I could use a huge shove right now - I did nothing today, again!
  3. Thanks for sharing - I downloaded, I'll check it out tomorrow!
  4. DJ M - This is great! I'm sure you have some peace of mind knowing this is cleared up! Marco - What a great story and a great reference!
  5. Are you guys including her in the wedding? My fiance has 2 boys (8 and almost 11, they were 2 and 5 when we started dating) and while they have never been apprehensive about me or me marrying their dad, they do have a mother who is negative about me and this wedding. When they came back from the first weekend of being at their mom's after we got engaged, the were kind of distant and we could tell she must have said something. We are including the boys in the wedding. The older one is serving as the "junior" best man and the younger one is the ring bearer. I am saying vows with both of them and exchanging gifts (they are giving me a wedding band and I am giving each of them an ID bracelet) during the ceremony. We are making this wedding as much about the 4 of us becoming a family as it is about me marrying their dad. Once we explained all of this to them they became excited again and asked us if we could have the wedding next week. Blending families is never easy, I don't know if my story of my situation will be of any help. Best of luck to you!
  6. OMG! I think this is THE most valuable thread on this whole site! Thank you so much to all who have contributed. I have learned SO much - and worked SO little while reading it
  7. Holy Crap Marianna! Nice Work! Great Job to everyone else who were "losers" this week too!
  8. I did the exact same thing and bought the gable boxes from Paper Mart. Here is the link. Paper Mart - Best for Less - Gable Gift Boxes I bought the large sized, brown ones. I am either going to make stickers with our monogram or make little hang-tags with our monogram to hang from the handle.
  9. Your Grandma's expressions are priceless! I was going to register for the Roomba, but FI bought me one at Circuit City since they are going out of business. I have 2200 square feet of travertine floors and a lab who sheds like crazy. Needless to say, I LOVE my Roomba!
  10. Did anyone order these from somewhere personalized with their monogram? If so, where did you order from and do you know what you paid? Also do you know what the minimum quantity was? I keep finding them, but with a minimum order of 250 and more. Thx
  11. found my BM dresses over the weekend! - sorry for the link, I cant get the dress in a jpeg format! Jasmine Bridal
  12. Ok, so after 3 trips with my 2 bridesmaids who live close to me and 3 trips of me practically screaming WE ARE NOT GETTING THOSE DRESSES - THEY LOOK TO MUCH LIKE PROM DRESSES, we finally found them! Sorry for the link - I couldn't figure out how to get just the pic up. If for some reason (I haven't posted a link before) it doesn't take you right to the dress, its style #B8090, in the color shown - Bahama Breeze. Jasmine Bridal
  13. Amy Where did you order your stadium cups from? I thought you said Oriental Trading Co, but I cant find them. Help!
  14. uggg....rough weekend! Glad to hear I wasn't the only one. We'll see what the scale says on Wed. I'm NOT stepping on it until them!
  15. I just read someone's review this morning, it may have been from the Riu Santa Fe though - April, Beach Bride 80, said that the upgrading to the outdoor Jacuzzi suite for was the best money ever spent! The rooms are gorgous and it is great to watch the sun come up outdoors in your jacuzzi.
  16. I feel you. I had this same concern at first. It took me a while to realize that my WC is working on a wedding almost every day and that she is busy and not in front of a computer often. If I had it my way she would be like me and have a black berry attached to her hip and be able to answer my questions throughout the day, however that is not the case. I have come to realize that if I send her everything I can come up with in one day, she ususaly can answer those questions by the next day. When I get that email, I respond with my next set of questions. I have found it most beneficial to put my questions in a number format like this: 1. 2. 3. So that everything gets addressed. Most of the time it does, if it gets skipped, its easy to just add it to the list the next time.
  17. here it is - sorry the pics are bad the salon has a "no picture" policy, but since I was buying the dress they let me do it in the dressing room First dress I tried on!!!
  18. Congrats Trish! Ugggh! I am in charge of birthdays at my office. I just had to go buy 4 coffee cakes! This is torturous! Looking forward to another successful week! Good luck everyone!
  19. Ann you are too cute for being worried about us! We are big girls, we know what to do! You take care of yourself and that baby!
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