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Everything posted by pearlygirl

  1. I agree with geology rocks.... I think we all have some doubts and concerns about our DW weddings/resorts. I am getting married at Riu Negril on 2/3/09. My first contact with the WC was in November, and she has answered every email I've sent her...although, sometimes it takes up to two days for her to respond. Someone was getting married there on 1/6/09, so hopefully she'll post a review when she returns. I'll definatly post a review and try to post pictures when we get back because I know how frustrating and overwhelming it can be with such little information available about the hotel. Also, you can check tripadvisor.com for reviews on the hotel. Most are not wedding oriented, but I think there is a search tool there and you could try searching weddings. They also post traveler photos, so you can see pics taken by actual travelers rather than the ones the hotel puts on the website. I don't know what email address you're using, but this is the one I use to contact Dionne, the WC at Riu Negril. It is [email protected] And don't worry, if you are not happy w/ the hotel, I'm sure you'll be able to figure out somewhere to have your reception. It'll all work out in the end!
  2. I don't think it is wierd, especially when you live "up north" and the weather can be terribly unpredictable. We're getting married this February and having our AHR sometime this summer. I wanted to do it in April or May, but that's even to early, we'll probably still have snow at that time! I don't think it is too spread out, and I'm sure whoever you'll be inviting will understand why it is so many months away. There are a lot of threads on AHR's and I think a lot of girls wait until the summer months.
  3. I don't think you are crazy to start planning now.....Some girls started planning their weddings when they were 12 and others started planning after their first kiss Mr. Right! JK This just means you'll be more organized and prepared than some of us who planned only 3 months ahead
  4. I like the idea of having her walk my son down the aisle! And originally, I was just going to have my son walk me down the aisle, but later realized that my dad would be so hurt if he didn't have that honor. So now I can tell my mom that Caden (my son) is disappointed about not walking me down the aisle and I'll ask her if she'll do it. That way, it'll seem like she's doing it for Caden and not because I'd like to just walk with my dad. Because I think if I told her, "Mom, I just want my dad to walk me down the aisle" that she'd be hurt and wouldn't want a "back up" job. Thanks so much girls. I love the brainstorming! We're sooo sneaky, but in a tasteful way
  5. Thanks girls! I knew you'd come through for me once again
  6. I had the same problem and I found a very pretty Swarovsky Tiara on ebay from venus_veils for $41.99. I already recieved it and it is very pretty and I'm happy with the purchase. It was so much better than paying over $100 at a bridal shop. I don't know how to get pictures in here, but the have the same tiara at the following link. Bridal Wedding Swarovski Crystal Rhinestone Tiara TH11 - eBay (item 190277679946 end time Feb-01-09 11:53:24 PST)
  7. Wow, thanks for the quick responses! This is where it gets even harder.....my mom and I are extremely close. We even work together, so I see her everyday. My dad and I don't have that same close relationship, but I do love him very much and I'm excited that he's excited to walk his only child, me, down the aisle. I don't think my mom will really mind me having just my dad walk me, but I don't know the words to use tell her. I suppose honesty is the best way to go. We are having a sand ceremony, but I'd rather have the minister officiate that. And we aren't doing any readings or having a bridal party. Plus, I don't think she feels she needs a "special part" in the wedding. She was just assuming they'd both be walking me down the aisle. So now I just have to get the nerve to tell her. I'm sure it'll be okay. Thanks for all the suggestions!
  8. We'll be traveling w/ my 9 year old son to Jamaica...he has his passport already. I know I need to have a notarized letter from his dad with permission to take him in and out of the country. Does anyone know where I can find a template or example of that type of letter? Or does anyone know what information needs to be included in the letter?
  9. I know there are tons of great totes on sale on this thread, but I just wanted to let you gals know that Victoria Secret has some larger "PINK" totes on clearance under $15. They're cute, but not "wedding" themed or anything. I'm sure they'd be good for beach totes. And yesterday, if you spent $15 at Bath & Body on-line, you could get smaller "Spring" totes for $6 each. I don't know if that deal is still going on today, but I thought I'd share the info.
  10. How do I tell her that I only want my dad to walk me down the aisle? When my BFF got married in October, she had both her mom and her step-dad walk her down the aisle (she is estranged from her father). Now my mom thinks that both she and my dad, who have been divorced for 15 years, should walk me down the aisle. Needless to say, they still don't get along and this trip will be stressful for me because of that. I was going to have my 9 year old son walk me down the aisle, but my dad would be totally crushed if he didn't have that honor. Anyway.... I know its my wedding and I should do what I want, but how do I tell my mom that only my dad will be walking me down the aisle without hurting her feelings? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
  11. I'm with all of you gals....cash would make a better gift than any more household items, especially after combining two households. (We moved in together this past summer, and FI doesn't want to give up any of his stuff, so now we have double sets of everything...ha! I guess I'll have to slowly get rid of it) But.....I was reminded by two of my friends that if you don't register, people will buy you things you don't want or things they think you should have instead of giving you cash. At least if you register for some things, you'll get something you kind of want or need instead of random gifts.
  12. Since you are getting married in Mexico, maybe you could have tacos (along with some other snacky things, of course). One of my friends did that, just make a big crock pot full of the taco meat, then all the fixins on the side for everyone to make their own. Another friend had tacos-in-a-bag, which I thought was kinda wierd. Instead of having the taco shells, she had those little snack bags of Dorito's and the guests were supposed to crunch up the chips in the bag, then add the fixins, then shake it all together and either eat w/ a fork or pour onto a plate. Like I said, that was kind of strange, but whatever works, right? My personal favorite is taco dip or fresh salsa, especially if you wanted to keep it Mexico themed. Then you can make mini-margaritas too! Other things I've seen at showers are rigatoni, meatballs, chicken wings, veggie tray, meat & cheese tray, pinwheels....and, of course, cake. Now I'm hungry!
  13. Here's a few others I found... Old School Wedding Song by Mark "Chokey" Taylor Love Me Forever by Dennis Brown Stick by Me by John Holt I did a lot of searching, and there were a lot of old school songs by Dennis Brown and John Holt. These were my favorite.
  14. This was sent in an email to me from the WC at Riu Negril. I'm pretty sure the required documents are the same at ROR. Notarized / certified copies of Birth Certificate Notarized / certified copies of divorce papers (If applicable) Notarized / certified copies of death certificate (If applicable) Notorized copies of Documents stating name changes (If applicable) Notarized written parental consents (If below 21 years) Notorized Photocopy of driver’s license, or Passport.. If Clients are European there will be an extra charge of $200 for legalizing Marriage Certificate.(Prices are subjected to change without notice.) All documents have to be sent, notarized in English and 30 days prior to planned ceremony Riu Negril DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR MARRIAGE.doc
  15. Yes, thank you Petals! That is a great thread. Now I have to check out the songs!
  16. I totally understand that you'd be upset if they announced their engagement during your wedding week. In fact, I told both of my friends BF's that they are not allowed to propose in Jamaica! I'm sure it was rude of me, but I want to be sure no one "steals my thunder" during my wedding week. (If anyone is a "Friends" fan, you know about stealing thunder)
  17. Hmmmm, I think I'll invite you all to my wedding because you are so generous I usually give $50, unless it is a close friend or family, it is usually $100 (we're usually involved in the party planning and buying dresses etc). If I had more to give, and I wish I did, I'd definately give more.
  18. I think that if you want a shower, then you should have one. It's probably hard to ask someone to do it, but maybe you could have your mom ask one of your friends if they'd like to "help" her plan one for you? It's possible they all assume someone else is hosting a shower for you and this way, it won't be just your mom planning the shower, and it is a way to have your friends be involved in the planning. If you are running out of time, I bet you can always have a post-wedding shower, even though it isn't "traditional". Then everyone can look at your pictures too!
  19. I just wanted to share this non-traditional Reggae song with you gals. We're not playing any traditional music in our ceremony. I found this song and I think it will be one that we will play while our guests are being seated. I'm not very computer savvy, so I downloaded the song into my iTunes. I couldn't find any direct links to insert here, but here is the song title and artist if you'd like to check it out. The song is called "The Wedding Song (It's All About You)" The artist is Mark "Chokey" Taylor. It is a fun and upbeat reggae song and the lyrics are cute.
  20. First of all, your dress looks amazing on you! It's perfect. Second, the hope chest is such a nice present from your mom & dad. So much sentiment and thought was put into it. I love it! Here are my opinions to your questions.... This is the first hair flower I've looked at so I don't have anything to compare it to, but I like it. It seems pretty simple, but elegant at the same time. I also think that the sash, the flower and the chandelier earrings would be to busy. Could you wear the earrings your student gave you to your welcome dinner or another wedding-related event while you're on vacation? Then you could wear a simpler earring w/ the necklace and bracelet your mom gave you (I'm assuming she'll be there and may be a little hurt if you don't wear them?) While the dress looks amazing with or without the sash, I kind of like it better without. Anyway, good luck deciding what to do. I know these details can become very stressful!
  21. I just wanted to let Riu Negril brides know that I recieved the same email and the prices are the same for the Riu Negril....just in case anyone was wondering
  22. lisaloo....At least you have some time to do a lot of price checking and research. That is a major plus because you can be sure you'll pick the right resort. I also think that if you narrow it down to a few places and book your wedding date with more than one hotel, you can cancel the date up to three months in advance. That's just an idea so you'll at least have your date and time reserved while you finally decide on a resort. But I'd make sure with each hotel first so you don't end up having to pay any cancellation fees. I think that if the price were right, I'd rather be at the RTB because it is a "Palace" now and probably nicer than the Riu Negril. Hopefully some of us Riu Negril and Riu RTB brides can give you some good reviews of each hotel when we return!
  23. I forgot about your shower question..... As far as a shower, I think you can do it like a traditional bride would. There are many threads in the General Wedding forum related to showers etc. Maybe they have ideas there. As for me, I wasn't going to have one at all. But my FSIL (who was actually a good friend and hooked FH & I up) decided to plan a surprise shower/bachelorette party. Its this Friday, and I'm not supposed to know about it.....Ooops!
  24. I think if you want an AHR, then have one!!! We weren't sure at first, but we are having a Jamaican themed AHR at our house at the beginning of the summer. There are a lot of people that aren't able to come to the DW, and it is a nice way to celebrate with the people we wish were coming. I figured that after the wedding, we'll send out a wedding announcement with a pic from the weding and an STD for a summer AHR. FH doesn't really like the idea because he thinks we're fishing for money gifts. I, on the other hand, would like to send announcements because most of our friends and family are not coming and I'd like to send them at least one picture and also be aware that we are having an AHR this summer so they can plan ahead. Money gifts are just a perk Anyway, I think if you want an AHR, then have one. It doesn't have to be fancy or expensive. But I think it is a great way to celebrate your marriage with the people who won't be able to attend the DW.
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