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Everything posted by soontobeMrs.L

  1. We are supposto leave on Saturday (the 5th) to the 12th
  2. I am really worried, below is a email from my WC in Cabo. Our wedding is scheduled for 9/9/9, but now it looks like it will be a storm the entire time we are down there, IF, we get down there, flights may be delayed....F&%K! Sorry, stressing out.... Hello everyone, "For those of you who haven’t heard, Los Cabos is in the path of a category 4 hurricane. Sometime between tonight and tomorrow, we’ll feel the affects. Not sure if the eye will hit us straight on or veer off….but at a minimum, we’ll definitely have some stormy weather. Based on the nature of our small town, the loss of power and electricity is very likely. Of course I normally try to reply to emails/voicemails within a few hours, but they’ll probably be delayed by a couple days. So, please be patient in waiting for my reply. Please keep us in your thoughts as Hurricane Jimena heads our way"
  3. I love them!!!! Can you email me the templates, and the wording for the "welcome" [email protected] You did such a fab job!!!
  4. Hello all! I am wondering if any of you can help me with a welcome letter? Does anyone have any examples, or templates? Mucho appreciated! 2 weeks till our wedding. Kristy
  5. Hello fellow brides; I need some ideas for my signage, My FI and I are having needing two different signs for our reception. One for the guest book which is going to be a whiteboard/photo guest book, and the other is for the favors which double as the seating cards. Any creative ideas? Thank you so much for your help!!!! Kristy
  6. I hope this works! I have been having trouble posting! All the best, Kristy Wedding brochure - PDF.pdf Wedding brochure - PDF2.pdf
  7. We had our professionally done, and it turned out great! Just over a month till our wedding, getting very excited!!! Kristy
  8. Hi! My name is Kristy; I was born in Coquitlam, BC worked on a cruise line for the past 5 years traveling the world, and now live with my fiance in Port Moody BC Getting married so soon, yeaaa!!!!!
  9. Wow, thanks that helps alot! Did Dreams provide the cake cutter and the votives? Thanks! Kristy
  10. Hello! So it is now 1 1/2 months till our wedding and I am SO far behind!!! Where can I find an example of a Cabo pre wedding brochure? I really need to get this stuff done! Thank you so much!
  11. My MOH just told me about the planned activities for my stagette and I think it is a brilliant idea, she is dividing the day into activities so ladies can come to one, or select events. She is having spa party at her house where the ladies can partake in mani/pedi's etc., from there we are going to dinner and then to a bar. She hired a limo bus and is getting shirts made for everyone. Everyone seems happy with the ideas! Kristy
  12. Also, can anyone tell me where to order plastic travel mugs from? Thanks in advance!
  13. Hello fellow Canadians!! I am from Port Moody (just outside of Vancouver) and my fiance is from Edmonton, I am wondering if any other brides-to-be from Van/Edmonton have good suggestions for OOT shopping. There are so many dollar type stores to choose from! I am getting married in less than 8 weeks and need to get this stuff together asap! Also, I am a little confused about labels/vista print etc. Do you buy plain stickers and have them printed? How about labeling your canvas bags? Is there something you can buy and iron on yourself? I am so confused. Thank you so much for your help! Kristy
  14. I am paying for all my ladies dresses because it is costing them all to travel for our wedding, we wanted to make it easier on our wedding party.
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