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Everything posted by DGG

  1. So in the end, I told the wedding planner we didn't think we would have to pay and it was implied before we booked that a tasting would be free --- so we got to do it all for free.. It all worked out great in the end - the food was delicious and we ate for about 3 hours straight - thankfully, my FI can eat a lot and doesn't gain weight b/c I would have gained about 10 pounds with all the food they gave us.. Thanks for the help
  2. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's clueless about this I never noticed most of the details until now that we're trying to plan our wedding..
  3. One thing to keep in mind if you making payments by credit card is a lot of them charge a 3% fee for international charges.. I called all of our credit cards and the only ones that don't are Discover (although this may be changing soon according to my FI) and Capitol One mastercard... It's not that high of a percentage, but 3% of wedding costs will add up fast..
  4. I haven't done mine yet either - but I know you can get 25 free brochures on vista print and those look good from the pictures..
  5. That dress is perfect - I think it will look beautiful on you.. It's a little nerve-racking waiting for the dresses to come, right?? I did try on my dress but I haven't seen it in months so I'm nervous I'll think differently when I get it - so even if you try it on, I think it's normal to get a little anxious waiting for the dress to come...
  6. Thanks for all of the great links. My favorite site was agiftfulheart.com I got my STDs from them - they were great and so helpful. They even rushed them for me and were so helpful and accomodating. I'm definitely going to order those party flops... Does anyone have lavender chair sashes they want to sell?? Also, has anyone ordered chair covers to bring with them - my resort charges a fortune to rent them, they are WAY cheaper to buy through that site, but I'm thinking that will be way too much to carry with us.
  7. I LOVE that show.. my FI thinks I am insane - he hates it.. I don't know why I like it so much, but it is addicting.. Too bad I can't tape it for you... do you know anyone who has on demand HBO?
  8. I LOVE that show.. my FI thinks I am insane - he hates it.. I don't know why I like it so much, but it is addicting.. Too bad I can't tape it for you... do you know anyone who has on demand HBO?
  9. Welcome! I'm getting married in the Bahamas too .
  10. Definitely too much eyeliner in that picture You look so pretty in your profile picture without much makeup - I think you should try to keep your makeup light - you don't need much
  11. Your pictures are great... you look so beautiful Nathaniel is doing our wedding in May - I can't wait
  12. They just sent me an email - the site is now in English also - so it's definitely easier to look through their site now
  13. Maureen is right if you are booking for a group, the prices will definitely go up.. But if you are looking for just yourself, try the other discount sites and see if you can find it cheaper again if you are ready to book soon - kayak.com is pretty good and lets you compare it to other sites - priceline, expedia, hotels.com. Some of my guests just booked on hotels.com and saved a lot of money by booking a package with them...
  14. Okay, good I'm not alone.. I don't think my bridal party expected us to pay for anything but I just got worried we were breaking some huge etiquette rule . We are going to get them nice gifts - but haven't figured out what yet...
  15. And - Congratulations!! You look really beautiful - I love your dress and your flowers What kind of flowers did you have??
  16. I've done it in photoshop or MSPaint - but the only way I know how to do it is to cut and paste over each number. Maybe someone else has a better way...
  17. I was reading on several etiquette websites and it says you are supposed to pay for at least 2 nights lodging for all members of your wedding party. We are not doing this and didn't think we needed to (and other friends haven't paid for us when we were in their weddings) - but I was wondering what everyone else is doing.. Don't get me wrong, I wish I could afford to pay for our friends and family's hotel - but we are way over-budget and are paying for the entire wedding ourselves - but I don't want everyone thinking we are inconsiderate... this isn't what everyone else is doing, right
  18. If they stay in the resort or with group activities, it is definitely safe.. My FI and I went to Jamaica last spring and we absolutely loved it... But I have to say, things were questionable when we went out for a night in Montego Bay - we had a really nice dinner out and felt completely safe in the cabs (although the resort set that up for us) and everyone was so nice and helpful, but after dinner we went to Margaritaville and we were looking out on the street from the second floor and watched numerous drug deals, several hookers get picked up, 2 hit and run accidents.. we never felt unsafe, but I wouldn't want to walk alone on the streets of the cities... all in all, I would love to go back again and would recommend jamaica to my friends or family..
  19. Not that we know at all what really happened, but if you ask me the names alone border on child abuse - that's just cruel and setting their children up for a lifetime of negativity. Imagine having to introduce yourself with "aryan nation" or "adolph hitler" in your name.
  20. Don't feel bad at all - you had no way of knowing and I chose to buy it also I may just keep them - I've used expired film before and it's come out okay - it's just for fun so it's not like they'll be really important pictures.. but I agree, it's a scam on their part.. We'll see what (if anything) customer service says..
  21. I just got my order - which is pretty fast - BUT - they all expired 1/08. I called customer service, but it just had me leave a message and I haven't heard anything back yet.. So definitely order at your own risk - I ordered 30 and they are all expired 1 year ago...
  22. go to the website - you don't have to download anything - I'm in the US so I went to www.vistaprint.com - but you may want to use the Canada one if you're in Canada. You can go to the free stuff section on the left and chose from the free items (you can do multiple or all of the free items if you want) - once you click on the item, it's pretty easy to choose what you want - most of them have a 'wedding' section or I've been using 'travel' section where they have several nice beach pictures you can use free. If you want to upload a picture you can, but sometimes they charge you for that. You have to pay shipping, but it's pretty cheap - and the items free otherwise so it's a great deal. Once you sign up or order something, you'll get emails with free stuff almost every day (or at least that's what I've been getting lately). I now have tons of free pens, calenders, tshirts, notepads - I'm still waiting on my order for postcards, more notepads, magnets, car magnets, keychain - I forget what else Definitely worth exploring and you can get some good stuff for OOT bags for free. I was also going to order postcards with some wedding info listed on the back and send it out to our guests 3-4 weeks before the wedding to help get them excited
  23. I think you'd be fine at the resorts - I went to Jamaica last year and had milk in my coffee or cereal without a problem.. but if they are really worried they can buy parmalat boxed milk and bring it with them.. Tell them to make sure his vaccines are up to date for the trip though
  24. I know it's a bit of a drive, but if you want - there are a good amount of bridal shops in Wilmington, Delaware with good discounts.. There is one bridal shop here that sells all of its store models for $150 or they'll order it for you at a discounted price.. And the best part about Delaware - no sales tax... Just a thought if you really want to save money and have any reason to come up this way
  25. i already bought them the other day - there is no way to check the expiration date before you buy online.. so I hope they're not expired... I'll post when I get them and let the rest of you know..
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