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Everything posted by DGG

  1. I thought I'd try to post a link to the dress with train and maybe that'll help One last question - my friend says this is too formal for the beach - I didn't think it was that formal so I could use another opinion http://www.casablancabridal.com/Products/Detail.asp?View=F&ModelNo=1760&Cat=Best%20Seller&S ubCat=#
  2. I found a dress I like but it has a long train - they said I can either get it shortened or have no train at all - and now I have no idea. I can't really see the dress with both options obviously and I'm having a hard time visualizing it. I don't really get the point of trains and think I'd be okay without one, but I want to look like a bride and can't decide if having at least a short train makes it a wedding dress.. Did you girls have trains on your dress? If so, did it drag up sand as you walk on the beach?? I think I'm leaning toward no train or a very short one, but I don't know... None of my friends have had a beach wedding so they don't know either - please help
  3. I've heard good things.. I actually just registered for it online They have a lot of different models ranging from $150 and up... I think it'd be a great gift for her..
  4. What you get from that site is actually an original certified copy - you need this for some state medical licenses, so I think it should definitely be okay for everything else.
  5. If you really do need a copy, I've ordered a copy of my birth certificate from this website - VitalChek Express - Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, Marriage Records, Divorce Records and Vital Records - it says they can sometimes get you a copy next day if you rush it. When I ordered mine I didn't rush it and it took about a week. I know it varies from state to state, but it may be worth looking into.. Maybe then can ship it to your resort if it won't get to you in time??
  6. That dress is beautiful and it fits you so well.. It's perfect for a beach wedding
  7. We are getting married in May in the Bahamas. Our resort recommended some photographers, but we really don't like their photos. We would prefer getting someone in the Bahamas, but would be willing to fly someone if we had someone great. It seems like everyone we've emailed is booked.. Does anyone have a photographer to recommend?
  8. So I'm actually a pediatrician so I deal with this every day.. The key with eczema is keeping your skin moisturized, using gentle scent-free and dye-free products, and using steroid creams for flareups only. My favorite products are Eucerin and Aquaphor or Cetaphil. Basically, make sure everything you use on your skin is gentle without any added perfumes. This includes soaps/body washes, lotions/creams, and even your clothing detergents and clothing fabrics. For cleaning your skin, use Dove soap - or even better - use a non-soap cleanser, like Aquaphor body wash or Cetaphil cleanser, or Eucerin makes a new oil body-wash (it smells funny, but works). Like everyone else was saying, don't take hot showers - take warm, quick showers. As soon as you get out, pat (don't rub) skin dry and COVER yourself in a thick cream or ointment. My favorites to recommend are Eucerin Calming Cream or Intensive Cream or Cetaphil creams. You can put a layer of Aquaphor (like a vaseline) on top of dry areas. Moisturize at least twice per day. For clothing detergents, use Tide-Free or All-Clear or Dreft (for babies). For clothes, avoid wool or any fabrics that make you itchy. If you are having a flareup, you can by hydrocortisone 1% over-the-counter, but you may need a prescription cream - there are many and there are different strengths - so you should see your doctor and he/she can give you a different or stronger one if the last creams they gave you didn't work. There are also other treatments available to bring your eczema under control for your wedding - so either see your doctor or a different dermatologist. If it doesn't get better with these changes, you should definitely see a dermatologist to make sure it isn't psoriasis or something else. Good luck!
  9. Has anyone ordered the bathrobes from them? I thought that would make a nice gift for our wedding party but its hard to tell the quality of robes..
  10. I love that idea! They look so great.. If you could post or PM me the template, I would love to use this for our guests... thanks
  11. I think for her I will just have to deal - I have known her for years and I do know her sister pretty well.. I was just so upset because she told me by leaving me a voicemail saying guess what my sister's coming with me to your wedding.. And we don't even have our save the dates printed yet.. For her, if she asked I would probably have said yes... But now I decided when we print our invites, we're not adding +guest for anyone.. If we don't even know a significant other's name, they're not invited.. Although sometimes I wish we stuck with our original thought to elope alone I guess I'm certainly not the only one dealing with this
  12. Thanks, now I feel a little better Now I have to think about what to do with this one friend...
  13. Love the shot glasses.. Where did you get the custom shot glasses? I haven't seen that..
  14. So, I haven't even sent out my invites yet - but we've spoken to our close friends and family and they're booking the trip now.. but I have a question -- Did you guys invite everyone with guest or only people with significant others? We're sort of torn about what to do - I know people are making a long trip to our wedding so I guess they should be able to bring a guest, but our resort is not all-inclusive and we are going to be paying $200-300 per guest for the weekend (reception, welcome party, farewell bruch) and we are intentionally having a smaller destination wedding... I don't know if I'm being selfish, but I don't want to pay for random people or have random people at my wedding.. but one of my single friends already told me she's bringing her sister and I didn't know what to say... Am I being ridiculous Maybe I'm just annoyed she didn't even ask if it was okay
  15. There are sites, like orbitz, that will have price guarantee - so if the price goes down for same flight, they will refund difference.. Read the fine print first, but that might make people feel better about buying the tickets now..
  16. I would love to see that happen, but I wouldn't count on it... The airlines are really hurting, no matter how cheap gas gets, they still want the money and I don't think they'll give back to us... Some even charge $2 for water now..
  17. Yay! We finally booked out wedding there for May! Leigh - sorry for the stressed out messages Who is your wedding planner?
  18. You should add a nutritional supplement drink - like Ensure or something like that. Also, make sure you are eating all regular dairy (like whole milk, whole milk cheese, regular yogurt). Milkshakes are great - you can make a milkshake with Ensure if you don't like the taste alone. Also avocados are a good natural higher fat food. You can talk to your doctor or look online at medscape.com - there is usually pretty good stuff on there.
  19. I've used Aquafresh white trays and think it worked really well.. it hurt one of the times I think b/c I left it in too long but overall it's not too painful and I have sensitive teeth.. The listerine self-dissolve strips don't work that well in my opinion. I've also used Rembrandt in the past and think there whiteners worked pretty well.
  20. In case you were wondering - hemoglobin electrophoresis and hematic biometry (we don't usually use this term in US) just test for types of anemia like sickle cell or sickle cell trait. VDRL tests for syphilis. Urinalysis would test for protein or blood, but you'd probably know about this already or have other problems. They can test urine for other STDs but I'm guessing they would tell you that. They can test HIV rapid in 30 minutes or so in the US now, but they don't say that. There is no simple test for fertility - they could test hormone levels, but that is getting pretty complex and varies a lot during your cycle, etc. BTW, I am a doctor so I thought I'd help explain.. What I think is if you are healthy and don't have an STD, you'll be fine so don't stress
  21. Hi! I haven't booked yet, but I have it down to there and 1 other resort.. When is your wedding? Have you heard any feedback from other ppl who had their wedding there? My only hesitation is there are some negative reviews on tripadvisor, but it looks so beautiful and they seem so nice and accomodating there..
  22. DGG

    First time post

    Hi! I'm getting married in the Carribean, probable the Bahamas. We are planning to have our wedding in May or June 2009. Anyone with advice on destination weddings in the Bahamas, please share:)
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