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Everything posted by Roxyk05

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by amandseth WARNING!! I heard from Patricia today, after sending her my ala carte preference and # of guests. We've currently got 41 booked, and perhaps a few straglers. She responded by saying, "About the guests, i remind you that our a la carte restaurants are not that big, we can`t fit that many people in the seating, the maximun are 40, so the 41 are ok. But my suggestion it`s to go for a private reception, it`s better for you because it`s more tiem and better service. I`m sending you the info." 'The Info' tells me that a private reception in a banquet hall starts at $35/plate and on the beach $85 per person! This is NOT in our budget, so I wrote back and told her this is the first I've heard of a limit, and we have not budgeted for it. I offered to change restarants if she thinks there is one a bit bigger to accommodate us. I'm really hoping that she's just trying to sell me on spending more $$ at the resort and that this is not going to be an issue!!! I will keep you all posted on how it pans out! Keep your fingers crossed for me! We were having the same issue with 41 guests...All I can tell you ladies is to stick with your guns and don’t back down! Get your travel agent involved if need be to speak with the Manager. We’ve been booked at the resort for over 10 months and they tried to spring this on us 6 weeks before our wedding...I was livid and eventually they agreed to go ahead with our wedding plans as agreed to originally. Our back up plan if we do have extra people book last minute is for those guests to make a separate reservation in the same restaurant at the same time. The reception is only an hour and a half long and from what I’ve been told from other brides that have been married here is that there isn’t a lot of time for much except eating during that time....so really your extra guests won’t miss too much. Of course this isn’t ideal, but when the other option is spending an additional $1300 on a private reception (excluding bar service) it is really the lesser of the 2 evils. Good luck ladies!! Cheers!
  2. This is a really good option too...might be the one I walk down the aisle to acutally! YouTube - Ben Harper- Forever
  3. Hi Ladies! This is getting very exciting!! Only a few months to go!! Whoo hoo! Roxane & Sean, November 1 - 15th wedding date on the 6th Natasha & Grant, November 6-13m wedding date 9th Tiffany & Mario, November 11th-20th, wedding date the 14th Tlseege & TammyB, November 13th-16th! Ashley & Brendan, November 14th-21st, wedding date the 18th
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Llama It sure does! What a great idea! I've also been told we should wait a few months to book because the wedding is still nine months away. If you don't mind me asking, how many guests do you have going and what package did you chose? Llama We struggled with the decision to wait or book too, in the end we decided to book early to give our guests a date and price so they could start saving right away. So far we have 37 people offiically booked and we're expecting more to book closer to the date. We chose to do the civil ceremony package to do it legally. My girl friend Allie just got married at the resort (vow renewal) and she said everything went amazingly and the WC's are great! I've pretty much submitted all my package options and have the date booked so the next 6 should hopefully be smooth sailing! Fingers crossed!! *Note to all* ~ One thing to mention is that if you plan to do your first dance on the floating bridge by the live band (like mentioned in a previous post) DO NOT book your wedding on a Thursday, as this is the only night that the band in that lobby area does not play, instead there is a market where the locals sell their art. This could be very disappointing for a bride & groom that are looking forward to that moment and are not aware of this... Happy planning everyone!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Llama Hi, I am new to the site and also considering this hotel for my wedding in January 2010. Are there any Canadian brides out there who held there wedding here who can recommend a good travel agent? All the quotes we have had back so far have been way too high! Hi Llama, My suggestion is to shop around and in the 'Mexican Spirit', barter with a few different travel agents. I sent a general email out to a few different agents in my area stating the resort I wanted to book at and the price point I was willing to pay. When I started getting quotes back I would forward the lowest quote out to the other agents asking them to beat it, and so and so forth...In the end, we ended up getting upgraded to Junior Deluxe suites and free first class upgrades for my fiance and I for $1652.25 all taxes and fees included ($1350 before taxes) departing out of Vancouver. Hope this helps!
  6. Hey Amandseth & TLseege! I will be there from Nov 1st thru till the 15th! Can't wait! It would be sweet to meet up and have a bevy!
  7. Hey everyone, I'm almost done all the planning for my wedding, so here's what I know...you can have more than 20 people attend your wedding, it's just an additional $$ for things like dinner, champagne toasts and wedding cake per additional person and it's about $10 per item you'd like to add. Also, yes the 2 reception options are 6pm and 9pm. Hope this helps!
  8. RW Co in South Center Mall has really nice beige linen suit's with cream/white pin stripes! The pants are $69 and the jackets are $129 and are sold seperately! Hope this helps!
  9. Just read that People TV article...The contract thing kinda makes sense I guess as to why he did it publicly...but I think if he really wanted to save Melissa's feelings from being dumped on national TV he would have pretended things were going good with Melissa and then ended things after the show...Yes it could have risked his chances with Molly, but if he really is the genuine good guy that he protrayed himself to be that's what he would have done... I heard a theory that this was planned from day one, that they were going to make it look as if it was one girl 100% through the whole show and then change it last minute for ratings...if that's true this show is evil!! LOL
  10. Hi Parissa, That's so good to hear! The more good things I hear about the resort the more excited I get! We are getting married there November 6th, 2009 so we will be missing eachother by weeks! Hows the planning coming?
  11. Hi Courtney, Thank you for posting all this valuable info! I too would love to see the pics of the reception set up if possible. My email is [email protected] Thank you!
  12. Hi Tinaczar! First of all, Congratulations and a big "THANK YOU" for sharing your wedding experience with us all! I would love for you to send me the pics if possible. My email is: [email protected] My question for you is regarding the reception menu. I've been told that you have to choose a set menu for the whole group. What menu items did you choose and how was your meal? Did you get a chance to eat at any of the other ala carte restaurants and if so can you recommend any specific dishes? This so far is one of my biggest struggles with the planning process. Thank you, Roxane
  13. Hello all! I'm currently in planning mode for this resort too. At first Damarys will tell you flat out 'no outside photographers', but I kept pestering her after hearing of others that have had outside photographers at the resort and here was her reply... "The Hotel policy does not allowed outside photographers, and the photographers that have come show up on the same day and we should let them in paying a day pass of $70.00 USD per person and it is valid for 8 hours, dinner or private receptions are not included." I also asked about if the photographer stays at the resort as a guest, and she said it would "not be a problem". Hope this helps! Roxane
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB I kinda do to! LOL I haven't seen the movie yet, but I read the first 3 books in 3 days. I left the 4th at the IL's house and had to wait for DH to bring it back when he came home. I almost went out and bought another copy. I'm sad because I have to work almost non-stop for the rest of the month so I'll only get to read a few chapters a night. I have a tendancy to stay up until I finish reading a book, so I don't read as often as I like. Must...go...to...sleep! LOL Do you know if she is working on another book? Oh I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one with this strange obsession!! If you go to the Stephanie Meyer website she has a link to the book she is the works of writing called 'Midnight Sun" which is pretty much Twilight re-written from Edwards prospective. Apparently it got leaked online and she got really choked (rightfully so) and has stopped working on it all together, but has edited and posted a draft of what got leaked on her site to stop her fans from reading the illegal version. She also said that she is too upset to continue writing Midnight Sun at this time and has put the project on hold indefinitely...I'm really hoping that after some time she will continue with this book and continue to add books to the saga. It would REALLY suck if she quit...
  15. Here are my must haves : ) Walking down the aisle to: Everything - Life House Après ceremony songs: Jason Mraz - I'm yours Ingrid Michaelson - The way I am 311 - Amber Jack Johnson - Better Together First Dance: David Grey - Sail away
  16. This is an amazing contest! What a great way to get real answers and opinions from the heart about the one and only reason we are all here in the first place!! LOVE!! Here's my go at it: Real love is...co-existing in life with someone that means the entire world to you. Wanting to share all the joys and heartbreaks that life brings with the knowledge that all that you experience will only bring you closer. Our wedding is taking place on November 6th, 2009 at the Grand Riviera Resort in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico!!
  17. I really like the song "Everything" - by Life House - I just heard it for the first time the other day, it's really pretty! YouTube - Everything by Lifehouse What do ya think?
  18. I'm having the same problem...but I've heard of people that hire photographers and then they pay for their resort stay/accomodations for a few days (3) and also flights (if the photographer is not local to your destination) plus the regular photography charges...which can end up being quite expensive. But there are options around this if you are willing to pay for it : ) Is anyone taking this route? And if so how much is it costing you?
  19. Just started back a the gym a few weeks ago...today I went to a step class and a sculpting class, 2hrs in total...it feels really good to be back at it, although I have some serious work to do to get back into beach bod shape! Good thing I have amost a year to do so!! Roxane
  20. Hi Candice, We are taking that route too...it's important for us to do it infront of our family and loved ones : ) The blood test sounds a little sketchy...but it's the price we pay I guess right? Take care, Roxane
  21. I recieved an email from Damarys yesterday confirming 2 weddings per day too! Whew!!! I've heard the same as Tiffany, if you pay in full in advance for your wedding package they lock in the pricing for the time period that you've paid. I'd maybe get it in writing (email) that the will not up the price after the fact though... Tiffany ~ We are going with the Civil Ceremony. If you do the renewal of vows is it still legal? Or will you have to get married at home first then do the ceremony at the resort? Has anyone heard anything about flowers? I guess the resort has recently changed florists and the offered selection for bouquets is pretty limited...does anyone know if they will make slight changes or add flowers to bouquets? Roxane
  22. Okay good! ...When I heard 5 I got a little apprehensive and thought "Is there gonna be 5 brides traipsing around the resort at the same time?" That's a tad bit much I think! I'm glad you guys are confirming 2! Thanks ladies!!
  23. Hi Ladies! I have reserved my pricing and I am just waiting for my guests to put their deposits down to secure the quote and block of rooms. Although, airlines and online sites are/have been unable to book that far in advance, you can get quotes through travel agents. What I did was I had 4 TA's getting me pricing and then when one of them would get a good deal, I would forward it to the other TA's asking them to beat it, they usually were able to...I "haggled" with them all until I got the pricing I wanted AND upgrades ; ) I recommend doing it this way! It seems a little sneaky but why not try to get the best pricing and perks as possible right? We are travelling Sunday to Sunday, Nov 1st thru 8th and the wedding date is Nov 6th! The ceremony is officially booked for 4pm!! Very exciting!! I've heard something about 2 dinner seatings at 6pm and 9pm so I figure 4pm is our best bet to get pics and mingling in before the reception at 6pm... Candice ~ the resort is HUGE, so I wouldn't worry about the resort being booked solid : ) I've heard of a few brides that are booking the wedding date and then waiting to book their accomodation & flights. I've put my deposit down for my date, but not my rooms yet...I will be in the next 2 weeks though. I will email you all the details I have tomorrow from work (I have all the info saved there). Tiffany ~ we are staying an extra week in the swim-up suites for our honeymoon! I'd love to meet up!! One question...does anyone know how many weddings the resort holds per day? My TA said 5!!! That seems like a lot...kinda sounds like an assembly line...not good! I emailed Damarys about that today, but I am sure it will take a few days to hear back...but if one of you knows for sure and could let me know how many that would be great, otherwise I'll post what Damarys has to say...as soon as I hear from her!
  24. Hi BrideNov2009! I'm getting married at the GRP on November 6th 2009! I have the 2009 pricing and a bunch of other info too...what's your email addy and I'll gladly send it to you! Roxane
  25. Hi Ladies, Here is my dress.... http://i374.photobucket.com/albums/o.../100_25501.jpg http://i374.photobucket.com/albums/o...5/100_2548.jpg http://i374.photobucket.com/albums/o...5/100_2548.jpg
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