I had always jokingly hassled (now) FI about never being romantic. Well Christmas morning I open my present and its a piece of paper outlining a romantic day he had planned when we got back to the city after the holidays. Well yesterday was the day! It started off with breakfast in bed, followed by a hair appt for me (during which he scooted off to the barber for a cut too!), and lunch at our favorite Vietnamese place. then it was off to the spa for me all afternoon (during which he said he had a "few errands" to run (yeah right!)) and dinner at a cute little Thai place I have been wanting to go to for a while! All planned by him! He also wanted to take me to the Alberta Parliament Buildings as they still have all the trees lit up for Christmas along with ice sculptures and music! I tried to cancel this as it was absolutely freeeezing out (-35 C!!!) but he said he really wanted to see it and it would be taken down at the end of the weekend. I finally agreed and we got bundled up in a million layers, looking absolutely ridiculous, to go see the lights! They were truly beautiful, and since it was so cold we were the only ones there!! It was like out of a movie! We wandered around for as long as we could and scurried back to the car and headed home. We come in and there are roses all over the apartment! in our room there was a digi photoframe with pictures of us, a cold bottle of champagne, and gold plates of red and cream glass beads with pillar candles. While we were out he had his sister come over to set the whole thing up, the little sneak! it was sooo beautiful! while marveling at it all he came up behind me with the ring, and asked me to marry him! I am so excited to spend the rest of our lives together!