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Everything posted by Angela139

  1. Angela139


    Hi Linda! Welcome to the forum, and happy planning! This forum is a GREAT resource
  2. Thanks ladies! I feel a lot better about doing this now
  3. I am so in a similar situation! We have sent an email with deposit info, etc, and have only had ONE couple put one down so far! I keep trying to remind myself that it is about FI and I, and no one else, and that it doesn't even matter if anyone else comes...but it is definitely hard. I'm sure whatever happens, your wedding will be beautiful! xo
  4. My favourite tradition is tree decorating. We used to play classic christmas caroles, make hot chocolate, and the whole family would participate. Wow, nostalgia! That's definitely something I hope to share with my children...
  5. My confession (or one of them!) is that my MIL drives me nuts! I honestly think that she is certifiable - but FI is a mama's boy, so I absolutely cannot let on. But whenever we go visit (thankfully she lives in the burbs!) she literally sits on my last nerve and gnaws at it until we leave! She doesnt' mean to - she's super sweet. She's just also kind of crazy, you know? lol I do love her, I do...but wow. lol
  6. Five our our "couple" friends are getting married within 10 months of us! It's a bit of a stressor financially, on everyone, but no one seems upset about it, including me. If I were you, I would wait until I could get a hold of her, and then just talk to her about it...; the poster above may be correct, she may be upset about very different things. Either way it is your wedding, and you have to do what is right for you.
  7. I completely know how you feel! I had to have the same talk with my sister... it really sucked. I was her maid of honour, and I really, really wanted her to be in my wedding! But she has three children, and she is the family bread-winner (stay-at-home husband) and just really couldn't pull it off. It broke my heart to say okay, well that's too bad but I'm doing this anyway... but I did, and as time goes on, I'm getting more and more okay with it. As girls keep telling me, the people who show up to our destination weddings are the people who really want to be there...
  8. Good Lord, I had no idea (honestly!) that we were supposed to buy them gifts!? LOL Wonderful. lol Do they buy us gifts as well?
  9. I just don't have the creativity or patience to do this - although they are my favourite kind of invites!! Kudos to all you ladies who pull it off!!!
  10. Saraece, my guests don't speak Spanish either, but are you not having your ceremony translated simultaneously?
  11. That is such a great idea! I hadn't even thought of it, thanks It might also be a nice way to involve my future mother in law in the ceremony (she REALLY wants to be)
  12. That dress is BEAUTIFUL!!! What an amazing deal too - you must be elated!
  13. Here is what we're working with right now, but it is still fairly fluid: travel and accomodations for FYI and I (one week at Majestic; honeymoon week at the Excellence): $6,100 Wedding package with resort: $1,750 Private Dinner after ceremony: approx $2,500 (depending on # of guests) Renting Parrot Bar for private reception after dinner: $600 Sound system rental: $300 Flowers: $900 My dress: $2,000 His clothes: $900 approx? (I have NO idea how much men's wedding attire costs??) My bridesmaids dresses: $800 Subsidizing portion of trip for certain VIP guests (e.g. parents, best friend): $4,000 Photography: $1,700 (this is just the cost of her trip - her services themselves are free!) Invitations: $650 Favours: $600 Okay I'm not even adding this up! lol Wayyy too much money being spent here, I think I need to do some corner cutting! And that's not even including our bands, which together will cost $4,000. Wow! I have to find a paper bag to breathe into now... lol
  14. I agree Drbrainfreeze - those are stunning! I never would have thought to put those two colours together, but they work wonderfully!! Sunstarsmoon, I'm thinking of having mine shipped to the resort (along with some other stuff that we just can't fit into checked baggage).
  15. Hi Ladies! I understand that the ceremony in the DR must be said in spanish in order for it to be legal. that's fine, I can live with that - BUT I want to do our own vows in English, and do a sand ceremony in English too. Has anyone else done this? How did it turn out? I'm worried about the duplication between the vows, and whether it will look stupid to say two sets of them... I'm also wondering who to get to do the sand ceremony in english, as the officiator at my resort only speaks spanish (the wedding coordinator apparently translates the ceremony simultaneously). Does any one have any experience with this? Ideas and/or insight would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks, Angela
  16. Welcome Dawn, and congrats on the engagement!
  17. Congrats Melanie, and welcome to teh forum!
  18. Hi Veronica! Welcome to the forum, and happy planning!
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