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Everything posted by Angela139

  1. Hi Kimberly! Congrats and welcome to the forum
  2. So the bd photos are a gift? I learn so much on this site... lol not trying to hyjack the thread, but did you tell your FI you were doing the shoot, or was it a total surprise?
  3. Okay, I am at a total loss - what are you all doing? And what price range is appropriate, do you think? Thanks in advance for your input and/or suggestions!
  4. Ultimate, that's our wedding song as well!!! I LOVE it. I get tearry too! (although not as much anymore, since I've literally listened to it over 100 times! lol) I think it's a perfect choice, but then I'm biased...
  5. I think Tylersgirl's advice is awesome - as is everyone else's. We personally have indicated to our invitees that they can bring anyone they want, including friends (ie. not limited to dates)...we did this because it is an AI, and we are all staying there for a week - some of our guests would be pretty bored otherwise, not knowing anyone and not having anyone to hang out with. Our photographer is even bringing a friend (not at our expense). But if our destination wasn't AI, I think I'd take Tylersgirl's advice. Hope it works out!
  6. Saraece - that's such a great idea! I think I have one of those drug store cards somewhere...maybe it's time to put it to use! I haven't really gotten to the OOT bags yet...so no idea what our budget is. But this thread is very helpful for giving me an idea of what to expect! Thanks Ladies
  7. craving: poutine (but I'm trying to be good!) lol
  8. Those are awesome!! I have never heard of bd pics - is this a common thing?
  9. We're being losers this year and not exchanging gifts - with a view to saving for the wedding. Kind of sucks, but it makes sense in the long run.
  10. Hi Girls! Just wondering what you all were doing with your FIs in terms of allowing them input into the planning process...I mean obviously it's their wedding too, but my FI is starting to drive me nuts! lol He is giving me a hard time about the colour of my bm dresses (I really, really want fuschia, my favourite colour, but he keeps saying it's tacky and inappropriate and really doesn't want me to use it), my flowers, my hair (I want an updo, he wants it down), etc etc etc! lol Isn't the bride supposed to get to pick this stuff?? I had no idea he'd be so opinionated on these details, and it's starting to drive me a little bonkers... Any input or advice would be appreciated!
  11. K&R, those are amazing shots!!! And I LOVE the exposed brick in your living room...wow
  12. that is a gorgeous dress! Very similar to what I am looking for...but alas, I am NOT a size 6! lol
  13. What about little toys for playing in the sand at the beach? Like pails, or little shovels?
  14. Caroline, I know exactly how you feel!! None of my siblings (I have three of them) are coming to my wedding either, despite the fact that I constantly travel to see them, and have always lent them money and helped out in other ways. But when it comes time for MY turn to need something from them, they all turn their backs, and in fact gossip among themselves about how "selfish" and "outlandish" I am for wanting to get married somewhere other than my hometown (where I haven't lived for 15 years, and where almost all of my guests would have to travel to anyway!). I guess we just have to let it roll off our backs, and focus on how amazing our weddings are going to be, right?
  15. Tammy and Christine - LOVE your bouquets!!! Everyone else's are beautiful as well
  16. I didn't wait, personally, primarily because I was worried about waiting too long before booking such a large group for a resort. But some of our guests are trying their luck and waiting for last minute flights, which is fine with us
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