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Everything posted by BBtoB

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by dbellie1414 nope, not staying at the maya we are at the grand... not so good news for us regarding our wedding we have alot of questions and it's a week away... it's sucking right now... especially cuz we had the brazlian restaurnat as our private reception rented out and ummm now not so much! as far as anything at the del mar or beach everything is closed all restaurants and gazebo's you cannot be on the property (we asked) so as far as the tropical you are s.o.l! eek! i am so sorry about the reception. Were you already staying at the Grand?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by dbellie1414 Ohhh, the wedding coordinator retard reyna confirmed this via email to my ta at 8am this morning. call the resorts and ask them yourselves 011-52-984-877-2800. Wow! That sounds awesome! Are you guys staying at the Maya too?
  3. This Swine Flu certainly has put perspective on the planning aspects that's for sure! haha
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by jpitts78 FYI "IBEROSTAR HOTELS & RESORTS TO TEMPORARILY CLOSE SOME OF ITS RIVIERA MAYA HOTELS Due to decreased travel to Mexico as a result of the H1N1 Virus, Iberostar Hotels & Resorts has voluntarily chosen to temporarily close some of its hotels in Mexico beginning May 8, 2009. This measure is being to taken in order to continue maintaining the high level of service that Iberostar is known for and provide guests with a memorable vacation experience. Guests who have booked upcoming stays or are currently staying at the hotels that will be closed are being informed and upgraded to other nearby Iberostar properties. The properties slated to close include: - Iberostar Paraiso del Mar—Guests will be upgraded to Iberostar Lindo/Maya - Iberostar Paraiso Beach—Guests will be upgraded to Iberostar Lindo/Maya - Iberostar Quetzal — Guests will be upgraded to Iberostar Lindo/Maya - Iberostar Tucan — Guests will be upgraded to Iberostar Lindo/Maya - Iberostar Cozumel — Guests will be upgraded to Iberostar Lindo/Maya Reopening dates will depend on increased travel to Mexico. The following Iberostar properties will remain open, fully operational, welcoming travelers: - Iberostar Paraiso Lindo - Iberostar Paraiso Maya - Iberostar Grand Hotel Paraiso " Thanks for sharing! I sent this to my TA and asked if we could be upgraded to the Maya or Grand. We are already upgraded to the Grand on our HM, but all of our guests are at the Lindo. It just sucks we have to pay full price. I am anticipating my TA saying tough Sh*t! haha Such as life. I am just happy we get to go since I know so many have had to suffer! I am happy for all you girls that get the upgrade...that is great! How do you girls feel about this? Happy, pissed? I wonder how it will work for the weddings. Especially since some of you wanted to rent out the Tropical.
  5. Say, didn't LindoBride promise a review? Just kidding...I know she is super busy with all her new changes. Just wanted to let you know how excited I am to read it when you are ready to post. That goes for any of our newlywedded Brides. I am so ready for some good news on this site. I guess Mexico is downgrading the panic level. So that is good news too. anyhoo...hope all is well!
  6. I give props and hugs to all you May brides. You all have been through the ringer on this one! Much love and positive energy as well as fabulous wishes to have the Wedding of your dreams! I am sorry to all those who have had to cancel or reschedule your weddings up to this point and I wish you the best! Luck and love! BB
  7. Also, welcome to the newbies! I am sure you will find this thread so helpful! The girls here are great and so supportive!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by kef1274 Hi Ladies! Because our wedding planner (that we've since dumped) took so long to confirm a wedding date for us, we never got the chance to send out save the dates. Now, everyone is booked for the wedding that is going to go, but we would like to send out "wedding invitations" or more appropriate announcements of the upcoming wedding. Does anyone have good verbiage for this? I've done some searching but I'm not a good writer and need some help. Thanks!! We are doing Boarding pass invites fo everyone coming to the Wedding. Here is what they say: Bess xxxx and Jonathan xxxx Together With Their Parents, Are Thrilled That You Will Be Sharing In Their Wedding Celebration At The Iberostar Lindo Resort Riviera Maya, Mexico on July 5th, 2009 Here is the Announcements: We're getting ready to depart on a romantic trip, which is only the start. Bess xxx and Jonathan xxxx will be married on July 5th of 2009 in Riviera Maya, Mexico Please join us for a wedding celebration on August 15th of 2009 at six o'clock in the evening The Peak Community Center 6612 South Ward Street Littleton, Colorado Parents of the Bride: Jeffrey and Margie xxx Parents of the Groom: John and Dawn xxxx
  9. Hi there! I was right there with you! I have been with FI for about 3 years and in that time gained about 30 lbs. In January we both signed up for Biggest Loser Challenges at our work places...and Nutrisystem! FI always saw the commericals with Dan Marino and everytime they came on he would say, "Lets order". Well one night we did! So we were both on NS and our challenge. His work contest ended two weeks ago, and he lost 40 lbs and won his!!! $500 prize! I am so proud of him! He worked out like 5 days a week and he looks great. The pic in our profile was taken in Sept and since then we both look different. I should update our pics. My contest ended yesterday and I lost 22lbs. I also won! I didn't work out so much, but my biggest thing was eating better and drinking lots of water! I won $425! THe moral is Nutrisystem, working out, and us motivating each other along with our contests worked for us. NS has a great online plan and counselors whicj I really used a lot my first month. I plan to stay on it until the wedding to make sure I look good in my dress. Maybe you can try some of these methods to help. I am happy with NS. Anyhoo...that is what has worked for us. Good luck!
  10. It is really sad to read how cynical and mean people can be. Those comments are unbelievable! Wow! Who is selfish? Ssessh...I wish they would just try to imagine if they were in that same situation before casting those nasty harsh words.
  11. Oh no! You mean Spencer covered his douchy flesh colored beard and Heidi her fake collegen infused lips? Noooo! Why? hehe, they suck! Did you see that in US Mag they got married? That will last I am sure!?
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by dbellie1414 I actually laughed OUT LOUD at this... ooooh I so want to send this to my guests they might freak out even more I should send them this and a face mask now that would be funny sh*t (it might be nice to watch them squirm) HAHA! Shut the front door! I seriously just sent this to a bunch of my guests. My BM sent it to me and I forwarded it on! Haha! great minds think alike!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 Danielle - omg girl, you are having a bad bout of bad luck! I'm so sorry you have to go through all this but like the girls said, you have a great attitude, so I'm sure you'll persevere! *hugs* Kathy, Just wanted to say I love your new pics!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne Haha! There you are!! Sorry, couldn't remember your name! But wanted to give you some sorta credit!! THANKS for that btw!!!!!!!!!!! We basically share the same stance! GOOD LUCK chica! So sorry to hear about your MOH having to cancel but it sounds like it may be because she has a child, which I understand... still sorry though Oh and I think our t-shirts will read "Pigs Flu (flew), and Jaime & Martin got married. May 24th, 2009 at Las Caletas And YOU were there!" ... or something like that... doesn't quite make sense yet... I love your t-shirt! It made me lol! I think it is great!!!You should find a little pig with wings...ok, maybe that is too much...I just have this visual and it is cracking me up!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by dbellie1414 Seriously, I just can't catch a break!!! so if swine flu wasn't enough (we still pushed forward), drug cartel (we still pushed forward), guests wanting to cancel (we still pushed forward), earthquakes (we still pushed forward) NOW MY MOTHER F-ING USA 3000 AIRLINE JUST CANCELED ALL FLIGHT JUST LEAVING ON MONDAYS! They had to do just monday;s they couldn't do a TUESDAY COULD THEY?!?!?! ahhh no biggy right hahahaha all my fucking guests leave or go on a monday, I can't catch a break, on the real... I now need to find 30 something seats on a airline carrier and we leave in what 11 days HAHAHAHA, i think it's time to throw that towl in and go into a alchol induced como. I want the drug cartel to come kidnap me, so I can get into mexico - seriously you can sell me and all my guests (which are gonna cancel anyways) on the black market just let us GET TO MEXICO on the dates we wanted! funny cuz i ain't even that upset, I think i am still in shock yep ummm definetly in shock watch it hit me in an hour or two and don't worry about seeing the swine flu all over the news you will see "deranged chicagian women blows up mexico" LOL That is some unbelievable Horse shit! Ok, so here is what i would do if I was you. I would call the ass clown of a airline and demand that they get you and your guests on a new flight that day or expect a lawsuit and a field day with the media. Or you could go the other way and play super nice. I am sure you have prolly already done this....but I am just so pissed for you...I will be happy to call for you! Uuggghhh! I am so sorry...I still love your attitude and think you are amazing! Vodka rules!!!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by ikupoo Well, I got my first guest cancellation today, saying that his mom was crying on the phone begging him not to go (geez, it's not SARS people!). I emailed the person and suggested to wait and see, and his girlfriend agreed. That made me feel better for now. But it's frustrating that I can't put down the deposit for the menus and the ruins trip, etc. knowing that there's a small possibility that my day will be affected. The next couple of months should be the most fun in planning all the details! Right now, I just have to hang on tight and ride it out. That is hard! My FBIL's wife is prego, and he doesn't want her to go down. And she is so cute, she says, "but I am in the wedding!" Yeah, but I totally understand her concerns. yep, it is just a waiting game right now...
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by dbellie1414 Thanks that is nice of you... I am hanging in there not much we can do until they close the borders/airports (or so we have decided) we are going until we can't go no more and when I get down there I am gonna roll around with 80 pigs!!! My bridesmaids are my 2 lil' sisters and more than likely they won't be there- soooo I am gonna have my bridesmaids be swine flu infested pigs and my groomsmen be the drug cartel crew LOL! As you can see I am laughing about this whole thing, mise well it's all we can do! We have had a couple cancel and surely we will have a sh*t load more (everyone is talking about it) but not much we can do - we are cool if it ends up being only me and him. All our guests and us are booked through apple vacation and we are all flying usa 3000 (well, all of us except 3 of my guests I think they went with united or american)! I just got a lovely wake up call today at 5:30am that they were cancelling all flights to mexico from one of my freak'n out guests, so that was quite NICE (sarcasm)! After I reaserched it (on cdc, us government site, and us/mexican embassy, and news channels) and called them back (hence this was all being done before 5:30am) I found out that Mexico is closing all business until may 6, other than that I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE PEOPLE ARE GETTING THERE RETARDED INFORMATION FROM OR WHAT WOULD POSSESS ANYONE TO CALL SOMEONE AT 5am!!! Crazy people... Ahhh, yes this could only happen to me... So I am gonna take it with a lime instead of a grain of salt (oooh and a shot of tequila) HAHA. For all those other brides that may be right around the corner to getting married... My Ta just recieved confirmation from Reyna (herself) saying that the resort is fine no worries of swine flu, and no cases reported in cancun/riviera maya area or ANY IN THE STATE OF QUINTANA ROO FOR THAT MATTER. And that the construction going on near the grand (somewhere in the forest) is so far off you cannot see or hear it from the Grand so no worries if you are staying at the grand and may of heard something like I did. All in all, if we do get on a plane,fly to mexi, and get stuck there cuz they closed the borders (my friends and us) we'll be opening "Double D's" (Margariti Hut) so spread the good word to all of ya friends to stop on by and see us we'll need all the business we can get! Hon, my heart goes out to you!!! You have the best sense of humor! I think that is totally necessary at this time. I think all you can do is what anticipate the worst and hope for the best. This whole mess is just insane! Watch come July (just in time for my wedding) and I am sure there will be a hurricane. ha! Drug cartel, swine flu, hurricane, OH MY! We are not in Kansas anymore! We will definitely hit up Double D's if you guys become Mexicana Entrepreneurs! lol Hang in there honey! At least your attitude is freaking amazing! Your wedding will too! hugs!!! Muah!!!
  18. Hey July Mexico Brides. I realize we are two months give or take out and there is another site for the swine talk..but I thought I would see how you guys are taking this info and if you think it will affect our July weddings specifically? I wasn't too worried up until today when it got to a level 5 warning. I feel a little reassured that our flights wont get canceled since Obama said not to close to borders...but just wanted to get your perspectives since we are 2 months or so out...which could be good for it to all blow over. But it is hard not knowing. Anyone else hate the media? lol Oh on a positive notes, I am mailing my boarding pass invites in the next week! And I have my dress fitting on next week! So these things keep me happy.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Kara&Ryan Our travel company canceled and WILL NOT refund our money. SO no wedding, and no other choices. Hi Kara, I am not sure if you have this resolved yet, but I spoke to Frontier Airlines tonight and they said it is illegal to not refund your money unless they claim Chapter 7. I completely realize you are devastated and with no doubt going through all sorts of emotions and my heart goes out to you and your family 100% also along with everyone else that is going through this. But I just wanted you to know the info I received in case it helps just a little. She said to fight it on your credit card (many time all you need to do is call and tell them the situation) and also some insurances like auto and home may also cover in events like these. The rep said most people aren't aware. So when you are up to it, I just wanted you to know this info. This is so upsetting and I wish there was something to be done and I hope this all gets resolved for the best! Best of luck to you and your fam!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by dbellie1414 That's good at least it's a response THINK POSITIVE as my FI says right before I punch him LOL! Luv how they pull a bait and switch so sorry so sorry and no answers. Hey I have the same plan as you if sh*t goes wrong I will have no patience, I wrote a document that outlines things down to seconds it's so detailed and easy to read my 8 year old sister understood it (so I figured if an 8 yr old can follow it they should have no problems well that was over rated)! Ahhh, yes, the first line in bold on the very 1st page says we will be arriving at Iberostar Grand on May 11 bewtween 1-3pm, so what did reyna do after I sent her this document (told her to read it and sign/fax it back) she made our meeting appt. for May 11 at 11am (which I won't be THERE DUH), and listed prices I already had listed and told me I didn't list them than said she can't sign document! that was my losing it point! And my FI doens't understand why i'll make channel 5, so Gail I'll be waiting for ya, it'll be fun maybe we can get sold on the black market once in mexican jail or join the drug carretel crew, so many possibilities to choose from I can't wait! LOL Hey Danielle, How is everything going on your end. What airlines are you on? Just wanted to check in on you with all this media hype and hoopla! Hope you are doing well! Your wedding is only a few days away! Woo Hoo!
  21. This is a question for our newleyweds or anyone that has done your music for the wedding. I am putting together music and wondering how long it all should be. Seating time for guests Mothers enter Groom and Bridal Party Bride Bride and Groom Exit I did a search and didn't find anything...although did find the great info on ipods! Any help would be great! Thanks gals!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride08 Go to the song you want to edit and play it first to write down the exact time you want to start and/or stop. Then go to "Get Info" and "Options" and you will see the start and stop times. The start is usually at zero but when you play it you may notice a delay or a trail off at the end with dead air. We eliminated all that when we created our playlists so there ends up being no space in between the songs. OMG, this was a life saver! I was stressed about this!!! Now my song is the perfect length!!!! YES!!!! WOO HOO! Thanks Michelle!
  23. Yay Ryan's Girl!!! Yes, we have been waiting but we know you are super busy! I am so excited for the rest! Thanks for sharing! You look beautiful, I love your dress! Congrats to the new Mrs!
  24. Hi Jenn, Welcome! You will find so much great help here! Congrats and have fun! Good luck on picking your Dream wedding location!
  25. Hi Hon, Good question. Just FYI, there have been a few posts on this on the past that should be helpful. You can try the ones below. You can also try the search button to get lots more. There might be something in there about charter flights too. Good luck! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t41178 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t26311
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