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Everything posted by BBtoB

  1. That is the same phrase we are using: We're getting ready to depart on a romantic trip, which is only the start. Bess xxxx and Jonathan xxx will be married on July 5th of 2009 in Riviera Maya, Mexico Please join us for a wedding celebration on August 15th of 2009 at 6:00 p.m. The Peak Community Center 6612 South Ward Street Littleton, Colorado Parents of the Bride: Jeffrey and Margie xxx Parents of the Groom: John and Dawn xxx
  2. I got USB flash drives for picture sharing. I got a really good deal on them. I thought these would be a nice add in for our OOT bags.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by deefalvey we leave in 8 weeks from today and it really hit me when we woke up this morning. I worked like a mad woman and did a lot of shopping today. I bought: -ceremony flip flops for me and BMs -reception shoes -monogrammed cups for OOT bags -more raffia fans -mini maracas to use with dinner placecards I also finished my first aid kits yesterday and have started doing the ribbon on the half of the raffia fans that I do have. I am realizing that I have lots to do and the clock is ticking....AHHHH!! Wow! you have been busy! I have almost everything done for the most part....I think! It is six weeks from yesterday till our wedding! OMG! Coming so quick!
  4. BlakeyBridetoBe...have you heard from Barry? So I sent in my order, got the proof but the letters changes than from what I asked ( it was way different frothe sample...and the teal was too green, so I was a little high maintance and asked if I could change the lettering to a more cursive font and do white instead. That was a couple days ago. I hope he is not mad..but that is what proofs are there for right? Oh well...I will wait till next week.
  5. Thanks ladies. Ok, I guess I will do 4:30 since that was the option I was given.
  6. Hey ladies, So I sent out my Boarding pass invites on Monday! Yay! Finally, I will post all my items in my planning thread soon so yall can see. So my time on my invites says 4:00pm Beach Ceremony, but Lilly told me yesterday that my wedding should be 5:00pm. I asked if we can do 4:00pm Ceremony, 6:30pm dinner and she still said 4:30 if we need it. I sent another email saying the invites say 4:00p, This is not that big a deal, right? I wanted more time for pics so that is why I said 4/6:30pm. But will 4:30pm be ok and enough time for pics? we are not taking pics together before the wedding. FI really is keen on not seeing each other before the wedding.
  7. Yeah, I didn't realize that 7 weeks is still quite a bit of time to do all those last minute things. It is just hitting me...we leave 6 weeks from tomorrow! That is the worst feeling, when you can't find something! I hope you found it ok.
  8. I was surprised I didn't see a thread on this topic...but could have been a user error. If you are already married, did you and DH combine your finances in a joint account? Or keep them separate? If engaged, what are your plans once you are married or currently if already living together? I would love to hear your feedback on your stance and what most people are doing these days. We will be combining our incomes. Still talking this one over.It is such a pain transfering money back and forth. I will be so excited to get our joint account so I don't have to transfer money all the time.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Ryan's girl Thanks! I LOVE my pictures and now totally understand when girls say that they become obsessed with looking at their pictures! I was thinking of you when I was finishing typing up my review today. I know you've been waiting so patiently for it and I'm sorry that it's taken me so long! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you out! Thanks for posting such a great review! I loved it! nd I love your pics on the Carolsel. Our dinner is at the Steakhouse and then the Los Vitrales room for respt. Do you think we would have enough time to take pics there? Or will we need more time? I am feeling overwhelmed today. We leave in 6 weeks from Thursday and I am thinking about all that still needs to be done.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda You lived in GF!!!! I'm sorry! HA I LOVE it here, although Glacier tops it for sure! My dad's side of the family is from Fort Benton! I get so excited about anyone living here! I wish i lived near a bigger city so i could have a BDW girls night! Although Jean-Marcus (BDW Photog) used to live in Polson! Weird! Haha! Too funny! My dad was in the Air Force, so I was like 3 when I lived there...so too young to be bored or get in any kinda trouble. Small world, huh? A DW girls night would be so fun!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda YAY I'm glad he got it done! they shouldn't have needed proof, weird! i guess we all just said we were going to canada and you need a passport to drive up there now Oh right...driving...that would make sense...you wouldn't have proof. They asked for Boarding passes, or a work schedule. Lame! But thanks for your help! I had no idea there was an office right here in Denver! There are only 4 in the country! Dener is too cool! BTW, I used to live in Great Falls, I see your from MT! Beautiful country up there! I loved going to Glacier! Those were the days!
  12. Update! Ok, so he took care it it! YAY!!! Went Walgreen's to get his pic taken (he said it was a horrible pic, I had to laugh!) and got the paperwork all filled out, wrote the check, and now just needs to drop it in the mail. So I guess it cost $145 total. Ouch, but well worth it!!! I called the Passport office (he did too, which was surprising!) to make an appointment to get in there and they said you must have proof that you are traveling within 14 days, and I guess it costs $25 onsite (maybe this is a recent update/change?)....beats $60 plus! So since we didn't have documentation that wasn't really an option. But that is great to know if we don't get it in time! What a relief! I love piece of mind! Thanks for all the responses and support, for those in the same boat, I feel for you! I don't know why men are such procrastinators!!! Uhhh! Drives me mad! Thanks again ladies!
  13. Thanks everyone! I really appreciate it! I am glad to hear I am not the only one going through this and that it will be ok!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by mrsrhbtobe Congrats on the 7 week countdown BBtoB! My FI got his initial passport this winter for our impromptu vacation, and it only took 7 business days, without the expedite fee! I remember how long passports took right after Sept 11th, but they must have improved their system quite a bit. I'd assume that since your FI is renewing his, it will be even more speedy. Keep us posted and I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! Thanks so much MrsRHBtobe! I appreciate the support! I will give an update later this week!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda Don't worry! I have always had mine done like a month before needing to go and just pay the expedite fee. It only takes a couple weeks. How far do you live from Aurora? they have a passport agency. Just tell them you are leaving in 2 weeks (you have to be leaving in 2 weeks), you make an appt w/ them and they can get your passport to you the next day without havin to pay the expedite fees. When I worked for the airport we had an airport agreement with the other airlines allowing us to fly for free on them if we allowed them to do the same. So when they first changed the law w/ passports to Mexico and Canada we all just called said we were leavin in 2 weeks. Used our airport agreement, hopped on Horizon over to Seattle got our passports and flew right back home. Jac- Thanks so much! We do live close to Aurora...I will let FI know he can do this. He may just pay the charge and be done with it. he is still busy with tax extensions and is stressing this week with work. But that is seriously good to know! Thanks so much!
  16. oK, so I was watching Bridezillas tonight (ha, ha that show is hilarious in small doses, those ladies are crazy! ) and they talked about getting their passports and it dawned on me, FI STILL NEEDS TO RENEW HIS PASSPORT!!!! We both travel a lot and the passport is never an issue. He got his when he was like 20, well...now it is expired! He is a CPA and just got done with a very busy tax season and I reminded him a while ago...his response, of course "I will do it!" So I didn't want to be a nag, so I assumed he would take care it. I actually told him multiple times and it almost caused an argument so I think I dropped it! So I ran upstairs and said, BABE, you didn't renew your PP!!!! And he was like, OH SH*T! Ok, so I guess they can expedite it in 2-3 weeks and we pay more money, but you can imigine how much this is freaking me out!!!! He promises to do this tomorrow. Anyone ever go through this? 7 weeks ladies!!! Aarrgggg!!!!!
  17. Hi Gail, I know you were looking for pics of resturants. I got pics of the Steakhouse and Seafood. See below: Seafood Steakhouse
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by trevess One more thing about Seafood restaurant- Even if you don't like Seafood- the menu options for the large groups was: Salmon, Surf & Turf (at least ppl can eat the steak if they don't like lobster) and Fettucini Alfredo (veg option). Hi Trevess! This is great info! So there is a private area? This is what we wanted...but we love the surf and turf option. So you would recommend that is the way to go? That is awesome! I had no idea. I dont even think I looked at the other options since we were sold on the private room, but if the Seafood Rest is private, we will have to go with that! Awesome! Thanks!
  19. Kristin, your pics are amazing! All I can say is wow!!! Also, just wanted to wish Danielle a Happy Wedding Day! I was thinking about her today and wishing her well!!! You girls make me smile when you get married!
  20. Hi Kristin! I am in awe with your pics! You look amazing and your photos are just beautiful! I love the TTD ones. Wow! So romantic! Muah! congrats!
  21. Frontier doesn't have first class! Haha! So nope, no upgrade for me! But they are also the only carrier I know of that has not canceled flights b/c of the Swine Flu...so there are other perks. So I will be keeping my fingers crossed they don't cancel any!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by PhillyBride09 Ok..Thanks!! I really am freaking out..LOL They are one of the main things I "have to have" in my OOT bag. Plus, Now that everything is so close, I am stressing over everything. I know you can probably relate!! I will relax a little now that I know it takes some time Hi! Glad to see you! Say, did you ever get your Koozies, I just ordered mine today. Just sent him the email of what I wanted. So now I am nervous. Do you think I will get them by my wedding date, July 5? Eeek! Thanks!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by [email protected] This might be a stupid question, but what does "OOT" stand for? I have the same question. I have been looking at websites and talking to friends. You can't bring anything perishable with you going through customs in Mexico, right? So I think we will be depending on the Costco or Walmart that is there. Did anyone do that? Also, we were going to try to put snacks and water and such because the hotel restaurants are so expensive, we wanted to try to offset the cost by adding enough treats to tie them over til dinner. Did anyone do something like that? I was thinking of using the eco-friendly bags you can buy at the grocery store to use instead of monogrammed bags that look really expensive. I thought I would personalize by buying luggage tags to add with monograms or something. I am all over the place I guess. I just want them to be useful and cute and the same time. Any suggestions? Oot = Out of Town...
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