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Everything posted by BBtoB

  1. Great post! I have done a few of these myslef...like the shop around bit! Awesome post! THanks!
  2. I got mine at Michaels 2 for $3! They come in a variety of colors, and I decorated them with travel stickers and little bling stars. They are so cute! I was going to go the route of buying plastic ones, but this was so much easier! But if you want the Plastic Ones they have them at Staples. You can even get them online there.
  3. So my FI and I went shopping yesterday at Express Men, and we got this amazing white Pin striped suit with a light blue and white striped shirt. He looks so hot! I almost teared up! So the Jacket was $178 and the Pants $69.00 and I had a $20 off coupon and he opened an account, so saved another 15%off ! great deal! I have been looking for a while! So great for a beach wedding! EXPRESS: 1-BUTTON JACKET - SATEEN MICRO STRIPE The producer Pant and Sateen White Pin Stipe
  4. So Ryan's Girl and Lindo Bride...your Big days are approaching quickly! How are you both doing?
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 BBtoB - I think you have enough points. What I do is upload my pics to my photobucket account and then I use the IMG code for the pic to post in the forums. I hope this helps! noelynn - Thanks so much! We booked 3 hours with Sascha. Awesome, Kathy! I will try that, thanks! Bess
  6. Does anyone know, How do I go about posting pics? I dont think I have enough points. Is there a way to earn more? I would really like to share my recent OOT projects for feeedback. Thanks!
  7. Hey Girls, So I was wondering how do you go about posting pics? I don't think I have enough points and was wondering how you can get more? I am working on a bunch of projects and have finished a couple and want to post a few pics. Thanks!
  8. I like that! So...I said that as a joke and he said..."Friday, I won't even see them before Friday". Well, at least I tried.
  9. So I was at Michael's tonight and in the dollar bins I found a great deal! They have luggage tags 2 for $3 in a variety of colors. I got orange, red, and green. They are plain leather with a buckle as the closure. They also have a car, plane,bus and trian lightly imprinted but are all solid. Then I decorated them with travel stickers I found in the Martha Stwart section and some bling stars. I super glued both to stay secure. They are so cute! I thought they might look cheesy, but they turned out great and then FI came home and loves them. He really likes the personal touch! THey will go great in the OOT bags I created. They are white canvas totes (also from Michales) and then I stenciled and hand painted designs, out Initials and dates in our colors, teal and chocolate. Just ordered my pashminas from Handbags Central, on the way. Just thought I would share some projects I was working on. I would post pics, but I dont have enough points. I will post some soon when I can. Thanks! Bess
  10. I am doing fans (Oriental Trading Comp in my colors Brown and Teal) ($.90 a piece) and bubbles for the day of the wedding. I am also doing hand decorated OOTbags (white totes from Michaels and I painted with special design in my colors, so fun! )Filled with goodies, like Pashminas for the ladies (not sure what for guys yet), luggage tags (found them at Michaels tonight in the discount bins, 2 for $3 and then I decorated with bling stars and travel stickers, so cute!) I was busy tonight! I would post, but dont think I have enough points. Boo! I will see if I can save enough points to post all my stuff...I am happy to be filling my time with Arts and Crafts. I just hope everyone likes it as much as I do.
  11. Great job! I know, I can't believe only 4 months to go!!! Wow, time is really flying!
  12. That was as great review! Thanks for sharing! That helps me alot to know what to expect! Again, Congrats, you look amazing and so happy with your new hubby!
  13. I appreciate the help! Thanks! I am so excited to read your review! Yay! Hope you feel better...colds suck!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 Bess, I didn't do OOT bags for my group but only because most of the people travelling with us have already been to Mexico and knew what to expect. I love the idea of OOT bags. Money wristlets and mugs are a fantastic idea. Many of our family members brought "bubba keg" mugs with them to use at the pool bars etc and yes, the bartenders will put your drink in the mugs if you ask them to...absolutely! Thanks Kathy! That is great info! So are you all recovered? How was the wedding? Did you post a review? I saw your amazing pictures and they are so wonderful! You looked absolutey gorgeous!
  15. Hey Girls! It has been a few days since we hae all chatted on here. So I am doing my OOT bags, and have been viewing the other areas on this site. I was wondering for Michelle, Kathy and the other recent IB brides, what did you find was useful in your bags if you created them. I was thinking about wristlets to carry money and Mugs. Would these be of use at the resort? Can you use your own cups at the bars there? I just got some pashminas from Handbad Central and can't wiat for them to come in. Now i need to get some more items. Thanks! Bess
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by VeronicaLane Here's the template! I got if from Katy (Bride2Be22). Also, here's the link to the cake boxes. We bought the "Fiori" print (item 88440740P). We will only have 25 guests, so we bought two packages. (Each package has 20 boxes.) The boxes are really pretty. They're sturdy and embossed with a cute floral pattern. Thank you for sharing your day (and tips) with all of us! You will be a beautiful bride! Good luck and congrats!
  17. So is anyone letting their bridesmaids pick theor own dresses? I decided to pick a color palate and let them pick their dress. One of my girls just got her dress and it is cute! 2 more to go. I said to get a teal color and sent some pics. I hope this works!
  18. So is anyone letting their bridesmaids pick theor own dresses? I decided to pick a color palate and let them pick their dress. One of my girls just got her dress and it is cute! 2 more to go. I said to get a teal color and sent some pics. I hope this works!
  19. BBtoB


    Welcome to you both! You should do a search for any topics you are looking for and will find many forums with related areas! Good luck and have fun here! I have found this site to be an amazing resource and it has saved me so much time and headaches. Bess
  20. BBtoB

    I'm new

    Hi Erin, Welcome! You will love this site! Check out the website below for travel info and warnings from the Government (US Dept of State). Read for details and I would say use caution but don't get overrun by fear, get the facts. I am getting married in July near Playa del Carmen and I am not too worried. But I will be telling my guests to follow up with this site and again, to use caution. MIG: Mexico Travel Alert Good luck! You will find many great resources on this site! I sure have! It is such a great help! Congrats! Bess
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by TinaM2b I have this situation, too. I posted this same question and basically it boils down to what you feel is right. My decision is I will give a bag per room for couples/family members and a bag to each single (We have several of this situation - mostly single girls - some I know and some I don't know). I am also going to give a bag to my TA and the WC at the resort. Ok, I think that is a pretty good rule of thumb. If I have to think about it, I should probably just give her one too. She is making the trip all the way out there. Thanks!
  22. Hey Girls! QUESTION: So If a female guest is bringing a friend of her's for her guest to the wedding (the are not in a relationship , Do I give each of them an OOT bag, or treat them as a couple and jut give them one. Thanks!
  23. I am thinking cute sandals or flips flops, and then kick em off before I get down the isle for adding flair! My colors are teal and chocolate and I got matching fans at Asian Imports for super cheap and the colors are amazing! $.90 a piece! Hand Fans I looked around a lot and these were the best deal and I love the colors!!! They are perfect!
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