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Everything posted by lil_miss_frogg

  1. I asked FI what he was going to do if we found out it was in fact his 'friend' and he said press charges and go after the money he still owes us for the Bronco. I was like GOOD! I guess, if it was his friend, he thought he could get it parted out before it was found. I really didn't like this guy, but put up with him because he was FI friend, and I worked with the guy for two years!
  2. *****UPDATE***** So, I just got off the phone with FI. Good news, the found the bike in one piece only minor body damage and the ignition pulled out. Bad news, from what cops have told him, FI thinks that his old roomate and what he thought was a good friend may be behind this. The cops say that a guy called and reported there being a motorcycle in his driveway that didn't belong to anybody in the family and suspects that his daughters boyfriend, said bestfriend, might have dropped it off this morning in a bronco (same type of vehicle FI sold him six months ago and said friend still owes us money for). So, FI tells the cop of his thoughts of his friend and tells him he has an online business on Ebay that he buys motorcycles and sells the parts. So he is capable of doing this. I hate to think that this friend would do this, but I believe his friend would do this under his circumstances. FI friend has lots of legal issues with his baby mama and has very high priced lawyers. So, I think he is not thinking straight and stole my FI bike. I will keep you posted.
  3. Oh....HaHa! Then I guess you can't post pictures. I think if you use your imagination you can figure out turn any dress into something else.
  4. Tammy, I just realized I didn't answer your question..LOL..Sorry. It's around $600 installed.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB OMG, my hubby would be so mad. How much does Lo-Jack cost to put on a bike? We keep my DH's in the garage, but you never can be too safe. Keep us posted.... The thing is, we moved in September of last year to these nicer apartments w/ optional garages. We pay the extra cost for the garage...but he has his 'project car' taken apart so there is no room in the garage for his bike. And when I made the comment of 'this is why we pay extra for the garage' he bit my head off. So, lessoned learned, I HOPE. He sent me a text a little while ago saying they found it. But when I asked him 'all of it?' he wrote back he would explain when I got off work....HELLO, i don't get off till 6, I can't wait that long. So I am going to to call him on my afternoon break at 3 and get details. I will update this thread then.
  6. {QUOTE=AnnR;753568]I was going to ask the same thing. Either way, this is awful - what a PITA! Lo-jack is something that can be put on anything these days, cars, motorcycles, laptops, even new borns still in the hospital. It's a small black box that looks like it would hold electricle wires (kinda like a fuse box). To the common person they would think that is what it is. I know what it looks like purely because I worked at a bike dealership and got to watch them put one in. Anyway....it is a device that the cops can use to track the stolen item via GPS.
  7. Thanks girls....I talked it over with FI and we are sticking to our original plans.....NO FR at our wedding.
  8. So, I got to sleep in due to spring break and my daughter is in Cali with her sperm donor...I mean...father. Anyways.....I get up at 7, get ready, get Wyatt ready, go out to my car and see that my FI motorcycle is gone....I thought to myself "man it's so cold, why would he ride the bike?" Then I look to see that his car is gone as well. I thought how strange. So, I call FI and ask him if he put the bike in the garage. He was like no, it's in the parking spot across from the garage. I was like "NO IT'S NOT." He argues with me for five minutes about how it was there when he left at 5:30 this morning. I tell him "NO IT IS NOT IN ANY OF THE SPOTS AROUND THE GARAGE!!!" He finally realizes that I am not playing with him. He is so furious...being this would be bike #3 to be stolen from three different apartment complexes. I hang up with him and call the cops.... and this pisses me off...."I'm sorry ma'am, I will have an officer call you back about your stolen vehicle." I proceed to tell them that I have Lo-Jack on the bike and want it recovered as soon as possible before the theaves have time to part it out and get the cash. As soon as they heard Lo-Jack they were happy to take my information. I hope we find it and can press charges against the bastard that stole it. ARGGG.....I'm so glad I talked FI into getting Lo-Jack on the bike....let's hope it pays off. Cross your fingers girls!
  9. Do you have a picture of your dress? I think if I had a picture I could visualize something better. Maybe give you some options.....I think if you took it to one of those (no offense) Asian alteration places they tend to be less expensive when it comes to alterations.
  10. So, here is an update on Zoe's talent show that was on March 30. She was one of 30 kids who participated in the talent show. There were singers, dancers, pianist, violinist, and actors. I must say I was a VERY proud mommy when she came on stage. She started it off by dedicating her song to her Dad who lives in California and she sees maybe a total of a month out of the whole year. We couldn't find the instrumental version of her song, so she had to sing acapella. She sang 'Daddy's Little Girl' by a Latin R&B artist named Frankie J. Let me just say.....there were many ladies crying when she was finished. I was so afraid that she wouldn't be able to do this and would want to back out at the last minute....but she didn't....and I am soooooo glad she didn't. I would post the video but do not have access to facebook at work....they blocked it. I will post a picture of her in her 'talent show' outfit. I am so proud of her and wanted to share my proud mommy moment with you girls!
  11. I totally feel you on this topic. FI and I agreed to pay cash for everything in reguards to the wedding. So I've been putting any extra cash I have into my "marry my honey" account. I get home from work yesterday and see five packages on our kitchen table.....grand total for CAR PARTS to a car that doesn't run and is a 'project car' $2500. I was like WTF. I thought we were saving our extra money for the wedding. He said 'he neeeeeeded them.' Bloody hell man......I guess I'm paying cash for everything....not us!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Cattie I really never understood this either. I 'never' ask the FI if it's ok if I go somewhere. I just flat our say 'I'm going XXX'. First off I have to say I giggled at Catties "I'm going XXX." Cattie are you and your FI doing XXX things? HAHAHAHHA. I don't understand why he says if you don't tell him why she has to go thenshe can't go. You should just tell him that you and your FI are doing something special and would like her to be there. Like said before, she'll just go home and tell him anyway....so it may be easier to just tell him.
  13. Awe Shelly! Everything looks so pretty. You are going to be one beautiful bride! I can't wait till you post pictures of everything once you get back from your wedding.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride First off I would just like to say BOOOOO to inconsiderate family!!! We stopped making plans for everyone else...family or not, you can just not depend on people when money is involved! We have never planned on that large of a scale, but we still no longer put deposits down for people - we've been burned too many times! We just make our own arrangements & if people want to come along, great! Secondly....JUST SAY NO to a family reunion wedding!! LOL Seriously...it's your day, not the families! SILs wedding last year was like a family reunion since almost everyone on her dad & mom's side came to the wedding...but it was not planned as a FR...and no wedding should be. If you are ok with this & want your mom to foot the bill then it is your decision...but you may regret it. Good luck!! Something I have concidered, but may appear rude, is to have my wedding during the week of the FR and only give invites those that I want to come to the wedding. Also, if we do this we will have to change location of the wedding to somewhere that can handle larger weddings/FR. So we may switch to somewhere in the panhandle of Florida. I am so confused....as I would LOVE to have my family there and the extra $$$ for the wedding....but is it what I REALLLLLLY want? I don't know! Another thing is, if we do this we wouldn't be able to afford to do our planned AHR for our friends. Which is something we really wanted to do. I am so torn...but so far the bad totally outweighs the good! I don't know!
  15. Oh how great! I would love to do Pin-Up pictures....I mean...I give my FI little naughty pics all the time....maybe to see me all gussied up may get a different reaction from him. I am actually going to steal my FI motorcycle and have pictures taken with that...LOL...Hope he likes them!
  16. The only thing I was surprised about is the fact that she offered to help pay for the wedding if we were to invite everbody to it. I would actually LOVE to have our families there, it was mainly the cost of everything. Because we are paying cash for everything it was just easier to have a small DW.
  17. Okay, back in November my family got together in Kansas for my Grandma's Birthday and Thanksgiving. Well we came to an agreement that we would hold a family reunion this year and we would share 3 houses....grand total of a week for three houses $83,000 split that between 20 familes that is about $4,150 per family for the week. EVERYBODY said that would be fine. So my uncle put down $8,000 of his own money to reserve these three houses for the week....thinking everybody was going to stay in these houses. So....our reunion is in July....5 people have backed out saying they don't want to stay in the houses with everybody and have booked thier own cabins. So, my uncle is furious (as would I) because if they had voiced thier concerns in November about this we would have discussed going a different route for the family reunion. Well, my uncle gave my mom 1 week to come up with something else. I need help of anybody that is in the florida panhandle that can get me information or contact info for condos in any area on the panhandle....I am so upset with my family right now. And to top it off my mom said if we can't arrange it for this year we will just plan the family reunion to be the same week of your wedding then you can have your family be there.....um....point of having a DW was to have a small wedding....not 150 just on my side....and if we invite my family we have to invite FI family as well.....wtf! HELP!
  18. I am sooooooo guilty of this. I answer phones for an insurance company all day. I am probably on the internet for about 6 of my 8 hours at work. I don't think I'm less productive either....because, a agent calls in I can multitask. I can email, surf the net, and give this agent acurate information. I have three or four sites that I visit regularly...BDW, TMZ, fmylife, and Avon (only cause I sell it).
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Christi Nope just 3...I used the two O's and the E...LOL! I guess I don't understand this game then....I thought you could only change a total of 3 letters not switching them around. You changed n,d,l,and e.
  20. Sounds very sketchy. I would insist that you bring her some...chicken soup or something. Different things are running through my head and they are all bad....I am glad she called you though. Please keep us posted.
  21. You're a good friend. I hope everything is okay. I read this yesterday and lost internet as I was trying to post a reply. I was hoping there would be an update by now. Please let us know what you find out.
  22. Why is it that I pay extra to live in a gated community and the gates are always open to whoever can drive in the fastest after me.....to avoid sitting and waiting for the person they are coming to see to answer the visitors gate. I almost got rear ended because somebody didn't want the arm of the gate to close on thier car....guess what I stopped to let kids cross in front of me...they stopped and the gate closed on thier trunk...so now they have to pay to get the gate fixed and pay to fix thier busted ass car! I say....take out the gates...and charge less to live here.....GOD I WANT A HOUSE!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by carly ETA: the who cares if they look alike comment, was to Zooey getting annoyed at it, not to this thread.... Thanks for clearing that up Carly...LOL
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Christi noodle : hooker Tisk Tisk Christi....you changed four letters not three.....lol
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