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Everything posted by lil_miss_frogg

  1. Tati! Is it really your turn?!? Seems like here in the past few weeks there are so many getting married. I'm counting down my days. Everything looks so good. I think I like the orange dress on you....LOL....But white will do. HaHa! You are going to have the time of your life this week! Have a safe trip and can't wait to see pictures when you get back!
  2. My best: Smile or Boobs Worst: Baby belly that doesn't seem to go away
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 I love it I'd have had one like that myself lol GET IT GET IT lol I always love seeing your responces....they crack me up. If you wanna get one....Brian Bergeron Designs they range in price according to the metal you get.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by carly why don't you buy him both! I bought him the carbon fiber one when I asked him to marry me. So, he has that one. But he says he wants something different for a wedding band. I said okay and started my hunt. I came across the motorcycle tire tread rings and fell in love with it.
  5. So, anybody who reads my threads knows that my FI has a motorcycle.....with lots of damage done to it now.....but getting it fixed ASAP. Okay anyway. He told me he wanted a different ring then the carbon fiber one I proposed with. So, I got to looking for something different and found these tire tread rings with the treads of cars, motorcycles, and dirtbikes. I think he will LOVE it. What do you think?
  6. Looks like you had loads of fun. I hope my sister plans something 'Hot & Spicy' I am so excited for my shower....if I have one....LOL.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by LALA It looks super cute. I make diaper cakes for showers too - they are so easy. One tip (not for this time because your cake is already built): Rather than rolling each diaper and tying it, just line the diapers up and kinda form them into a circle. I use 1/4 inch elastic and tie it around the outside of each layer. They you can sort of play with it until you get the shape you want. You get more diapers in the cake and the person who gets it doesn't have to untie each diaper to use them. I tried doing it that way...but I didn't like the way it was turning out. And I REALLY like the rolled up diapers....I had one given to me that was like you described and the person tapped all the diapers and it was a pain to take all that tape off...the ribbon they just cut off when they are ready to use the diaper. I don't know....to each their own I guess.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Debra~ I love diaper cakes! I don't know how to make them. I just pay people to do them LOL I hope someone gets me one whenever I get pregnant. This was my first one...it was really easy.
  9. Where on earth did you get those made.....those are just too cute. Please share!
  10. You should do a small batch with some velveeta.....you may just like it!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by SunBride am I the only one who has never heard of green been casserole before? I'm sure you're not....I just started eating it like 3 years ago. It's really good...YOU should try it!
  12. Why is it my FI only sees 12 colors of flip flops at Old Navy and tells me I have all the colors. I see like 27 colors and I count I only have 9 of them.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by YoursTruly Why is it that you can never find the right plastic tops to fit the tupperware bowls in the cabinet?? Why do they seem to just disappear into thin air? This is EXACTLY why I bought the tupperware with the lids that secures to the bottom of the tupperware itself. I never loose or hunt down lids. It's AWESOME.
  14. I tweet.....but I'm not like updating it every 5 minutes with my status....my name is lil_miss_frogg
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda If you could figure out how to prop them up, the the heel is down on the cake and the toes in the air and have the ribbon tie them together w/ a bow that would be so cute!!! Or if you could make one of the big bows w/ lots of loops and place the sandals upright inbetween the loops would be cute too I'm gonna mess with it tonight and tomorrow with my mom....she's creative. I'll post whatever I come up with.
  16. Okay....so I got 'assigned' to bring green bean casserol for brunch tomorrow. I have my normal recipe that I use which includes cheese. I don't know what it tastes like without the cheese, but my mom has requested that cheese not be used. Do any of you have a recipe that you know is good.....also, I have to be able to use cream of chicken vs cream of mushroom soup. Thanks Girls!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda i think its cute. My only suggestion would be to make a bow out of ribbon and put on top and let ribbon fall down the sides if that makes any sense.! Great Job! I'm going to put a bow on it using the thick ribbon....I'm not the best bow maker, so I am taking it to my mom's tomorrow and have her make one for me. I like having the sandals as the cake topper....so if I can figure out how to use those as a 'bow' and incorportate the ribbon I will. Any suggestions?
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by kristen grinnell photo I totally agree! I love it, and I'm going to tell my friend, a party planner, about your idea! Way to be creative! I just wanted to do something different. I have been to so many baby showers in the last year and everybody gets the same old stuff and just wraps it. I was given a diaper cake when I was pregnant with Wyatt, and decided to try one out myself. It was a lot of fun to make. I can't wait to give it to my friend.
  19. Okay....so I worked on this thing for like an hour and a half. I'm not sure I like how it turned out....so I need your opinions. Would you keep it the way it is....Change it....Add something.....OPINIONS PLEASE!!! Here is the picture.....let me know.
  20. Ana, thanks for posting some pictures. I can't wait to see more pictures when you get back. Enjoy the rest of your honeymoon.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Sapphire723 Wait, what happened to your ring? My FI and I got, I guess mugged, mid January. You can read all about it and my update...Tee hee....here: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t35037
  22. A lot of places also have an online registry. So your guests can order it offline and then just have it shipped to you or to themselves and they can bring it to you. Just a suggestion.
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