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Everything posted by lil_miss_frogg

  1. I think my favorite would have to be Charlie Borwn's Christmas and A Christmas Story.
  2. So, I called on my break and sat on hold for ten minutes...which is my whole break...and couldn't get anybody to help me. I have to go there this weekend or I can go on my lunch break tomorrow and take the barcode numbers with me. I will keep my eye out for you though! Sorry couldn't help today.
  3. I will call them in a few...I'm at work and can't make outgoing calls while I'm on the phone. I have my break in like two min....I'll let you know!
  4. I have two within 15 miles of me. Just let me know!
  5. Don't get me wrong....it's a great idea. I just know that the tattoo on my hand hurts every time I get it touched up. Just wanted to give you the heads up on what may happen. Especially if you wear a ring over the tattoo. Best of Luck with your decision.
  6. I agree with all the other girls. I have really enjoyed looking at all of the brides TTD pictures...even the 'urban' ones. I am getting married just outside of Savannah, GA and everything is so victorian looking, we are doing pictures there and in the water. So, hike up the dress one more time and have some fun. If you live in a city with a subway...or marta (that's what's called in ATL) do some there. It'll be fun. Please make yourself happy and do these pics. You deserve it! Let us know what you decide to do!
  7. WOW....I would be so mad if that happened to me. I think I would have some choice words with my dad if I were you. Did you at least have some fun with the friends and family that did follow through and come? I sure hope you did! Let us know what happens if you confront your father about this!
  8. I am so sorry all this happened. I hope you and your guests still ended up having a good time.
  9. Are you haveing a AHR? If you are you could do the tosses at that. Just a suggestion! Good Luck!
  10. First off, I love the idea....second, having tattoos myself I am aware of what happens to tattoos, your hands (fingers included) and feet are two places that tattooers don't like tattooing. The reason is hands and feet get used a lot and tattoos do fade on parts that get used a lot. I got a ladybug on my hand 6 years ago and have had to get it touched up twice. I just wanted you to know that this is a possibility.
  11. For those of you who have had a TTD session I have a question! So I was talking to my FMIL and she brought up a good point; if I get a strapless dress will the weight of the wet dress make the dress fall down? I am fairly large chested so I am worried about a strapless dress to begin with, but a wet strapless dress scares the crap outta me! Please Help!
  12. Celina....I'm new here...but you're pictures are so pretty. I love the one with your daughter crying. I have a feeling mine will do that...but we'll see!
  13. We must be looking at two different Karla's. I didn't find anything like that under the Karla I found.
  14. I found the threads that Karla started...seems she only started 4. And nowhere in there does it say...so what I would do if I were you is send her an PM. The flowers are pretty though. Good Luck and Hope You Get What You're Looking For! Sorry I couldn't help out more.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by hunnyhun921 I think her RSVP date was for October 1, 2008 this year. Her wedding is not until Oct 2009. A year later. I like Justustwo's wording. It sounds great! I hope so...but she just posted this yesterday and it said she just sent them out. I don't know, you could be right.
  16. IMO, I wouldn't give them till Oct. 1st to RSVP. I think that is cutting it close. I think you should give a little it less time....Maybe like the begining of September or something. I think that is just asking for added on stress to you that you don't need that close to your wedding. Remember.....My opinion!
  17. WOW......3 months is cutting it to close for me. I agree with everybody....time to break out the BRIDEZILLA. She is asking for it IMO. Good Luck and Keep Us Posted!
  18. 1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping Paper 2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial 3. When do you put up the tree? The day after Thanksgiving and keep up till New Years Day 4. When do you take the tree down? HaHa....Read Above 5 . Do you like eggnog? Nope. 6. Favorite gift received as a child? My Smurf Stuffed Dolls 7. Hardest person to buy for? My Dad 8. Easiest person to buy for? My daughter 9. Do you have a nativity scene? I was hoping to get one this year....I want an all glass one..and those are hard to find. 10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Snail Mail all the way 11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? A scarf 12. Favorite Christmas Movie? Hands down Christmas Vacation 13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Jan 1....Ha....I wish. Usually around Thanksgiving 14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Yepp....as a white elephant gift for work 15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? My mom's Christmas Candy 16. Lights on the tree? Clear 17. Favorite Christmas song? Elvis - I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas 18. Travel at Christmas or stay at home? Stay at Home 19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Commet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, Vixen, Rudolf Is that them? 20. Angel on the tree top or a star? We actually have a bow set up! 21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? We allow the kids to open 1 on Christmas Eve and the rest Christmas Day 22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Malls.....or even Wal-Mart 23. What theme or color are you using? This year....Red and Black.....GO DAWGS! FH request. Previous years have been pink and silver and blue and silver 24. Favorite for Christmas dinner. Turkey...not a big ham eater 25. What do you want for Christmas this year? I just want my kids to have a good Christmas 26. Who is most likely to respond to this? I dunno 27. Who is least likely to respond to this? Again I dunno
  19. I love all of your pictures. You have given me so many ideas. My FH is like "oh gosh...more ideas" LOVE LOVE LOVE Everything!
  20. Those are so nice! Thanks for giving us an idea as to how they turned out. I keep hearing about Vista Print on here...and how great they are...but I have rarely seen pictures of the final product.
  21. Being from Atlanta....I want to run into these girls on the streets of ATL and see what they are REALLY like. I am so EXCITED that OC is on for another season.
  22. I am so glad I came across this thread. I have been wondering about wording for my invites. I love these...now I just have to choose which one I like.....ohhhhh the choices!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by adias.angel Thank you ladies, you give great advice. Well I guess I will "put my big girl panties on" and talk to her tonight. My FI built her a new computer so we have to go see her anyway. Cross your fingers for my ladies! Carla Good Luck.....Hope your "big girl panties" aren't too big for ya! HAHAHA! I LOVE that saying. It's almost time for me to start telling my daughter that....she's 8 and is always throwing tantrums. Again...Good Luck...Keep us posted!
  24. Erin....okay I'm going to go against what everybody else is saying.....PFFFFFFT.....yeah right. I love your pics....especially the one of you in the hammock. Your pictures are so pretty. I can't wait to do my TTD session. I have a feeling it will be a blast. I'm upset that your hubby didn't do it with you...the first time around. Looks like you had a blast!
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