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Everything posted by lil_miss_frogg

  1. I have never used those either....but a thought is you could do a sample!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Lexico Oh you poor thing! Deep breaths! How close is this bridesmaid to you? She shouldn't be doing this to you!!! I was going to say if she isn't close to you...kick her to the curb. IMO. I mean 46 days and to do this to you. Go with your original dresses, don't change YOUR wedding to accomidate to a person that isn't YOU! Sorry if I sound mean, but you don't need this when your wedding is so close!
  3. WOW....you got yourself some great buys. And what a good color pallet. I'm so excited for you! Kohl's Rocks!
  4. I hate birth control pills. After i had my son in October of 2007 I had and IUD put in. No emotions, no blemishes, no periods....it's AWESOME! Have you thought about that?
  5. Trust me....I know all about paying cash for the wedding. That's what we are doing. The only thing he put on a credit card was my ring.....8K in cash is CRAZY! Good luck. Maybe we'll have some good bargins for each other. In responce to your resort question; I haven't contacted anybody yet...because we are getting married on Savannah, GA and I don't foresee a problem. We want to go look at different places before hand. Have you talked to your resort and explained that you really need to know if you can reserve your date. Some will be willing to work with you!
  6. There are a lot of cute boxes on this site: Wedding Favor Boxes, Favor Tins and Containers
  7. It's nice to see the dress I wanted to get on a real person. I still think I might get it. It's so beautiful. Everything looks so pretty!
  8. WOW.....Thanks. I think I am going to have to forward that to my FH.
  9. Welcom to the forum Sabrina! Hope we can all help you!
  10. I checked both the Joann's near me and neither of them had the flowers you were looking for. Sorry i couldn't help!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline nice! i was going to ask about this earlier in the week. i want a peacock inspired garter! i saw some on ebay but now they are not there ( I found this Is that kinda what you are looking for? Below is the link where I found it! Etsy :: MiaVonMinksGarters :: Peacock Flapper Garter - 42k
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 I was looking at the Garters by Kristi site and I was disapointed that I couldn't find a San Jose Sharks garter set as that is my FI's favorite team. I found this site....you should check it out. San Jose Sharks Wedding Garter Hockey NHL Themed That is what I found....Hope it helps!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by mrsbancroft2be Where did you find this? I have not even thought about garters and I think something like this would work. Here is the link. There is a black and pink one that is so pretty too! Prom garters, wedding garters,Patriotic Garters, patriotic wedding, patriotic wedding,
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by pearlygirl Thanks for all the replies ladies! Of course, we aren't going to change anything that we've planned, I just wanted to be able to "prove it" by seeing some of your beautiful DW photos. Here's another question for you ladies...... My dress is Diamond White (not quite Ivory) and his linen is white-white. I don't have my dress home yet and my first fitting isn't for a few weeks so I can't compare the two next to each other right now. Do you think my dress will look "dirty" compared to his white-white? (I never would have used the word "dirty," but it is just another passing comment I've had made to me.) What other colors are going to be incorporated with your wedding?
  15. PFFFFFFFT! Screw all the picture surfing. It's YOUR wedding...I say wear what you want to wear. It will look fine. I PROMISE!
  16. I work for Primerica in the life insurance part. It's soooooo fun....NOT!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by KHarrod We are getting the number nine in Roman numerals on our ring finger since we are both born in and getting married in September. We are nine days apart also. And if you look at your ticker.....your date is 9 months and 9 days....I think that is what I saw.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by MsShelley awww, thank you, I feel bad you used your whole break! I really appreciate it. If you happen to go there and run into some let me know, thanks again!! I will def. keep my eye out for you! Don't feel bad about my break...kept me from getting a snack. So...thanks!
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