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Everything posted by lil_miss_frogg

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by kevsgirl How fun! LIME TIME
  2. I guess I don't have the problems you guys have....1) I'm getting married on a beach in the states 2) I'm using silk flowers. But I intend on doing an arrangement in a shadow box and hanging it on the wall in the kitchen or livingroom.
  3. Such a good thread! Our budget is around $7,000....purely for the fact that we are paying CASH for everything. I have been blessed with a great family and great friends. We have gotten services given to us because we know people. Like our photographer....we get him for our engagement pics, wedding pics, TTD pics, and AHR...total of four days and travel....FREE! It's great to know the right people! I would have never thought to make my own veil. So great!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Bridget810 First of all---to Lil' miss Frog; I absolutely LOVE that you popped the question! You rock. Secondly, to answer the thread question: We got engaged on our 3rd year anniversary, and will be married a couple months shy of our 4th year together. Though I was ready to marry him 6 months in; I wish I had done what Lil' Miss Frog did! Though my patience did eventually pay off! He was very surprised when I asked the question. I even went out and gotta ring. I waslked into the jewelry store and told them what I was doing and they were very helpful finding a ring that fit my FI perfectly. It's Cabon Fiber and tungsten. It's beautiful. I'm glad I did it. Because he then in turn a few months later proposed to me with my BEAUTIFUL Tacori ring. It was perfect.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by michaelwachniak Tybee Island, GA? I just googled it and would totally have a blast shooting there!! What kind of weather does Georgia have in May? Is it REALLY hot, or just nice or what? I would LOVE to have another contest like this next year! We'll have to see how this one works out, but so far I'm game for an 'Encore Contest'! May in Georgia is great. It doesn't start to get really hot untill Late June. Tybee Island is near Savannah Georgia...another place I would like to take pictures at. It's a very historical city with lots of colors. Well, "Encore Contest".....I'm game!
  6. Georgia doesn't have common law but we do have Domestic Partners. My FI is on my insurance and we have life insurance together. I think it is a state by state thing!
  7. Michael.....you should run a contest like this for the brides of 2010. I would LOVE to have you as the photographer for mt TTD session! I need a a good eye for sexy pictures!
  8. We stated dating Cinco De Mayo of 2006. I popped....YES I POPPED....the question Cinco De Mayo of 2008. And now we are getting married Cinco De Mayo of 2010! No sense in having him try and remember a lot of anniversary dates! HaHa! Cause we all know we remember EXACT dates for everything! ~Samie~
  9. Thanks Carly for getting updated sites. I didn't even think about that....I just googled Peacock garters! Thanks!
  10. I have been blessed with two wonderful kids. Zoe, who's 8, and Wyatt, who's 14 months. Unfortunatly neither of them were planned. With Wyatt I was on the pill for 5 years and had to go off due to a hospital visit. I was in the hospital from Jan. 27 to Feb 1st. Well come Valentine's Day....Oh.....Preggo Samie. Very much unexpected. I hadn't gone back the pill yet cause they said to wait for "Aunt Flow" to come and all that jazz. So....I was off the pill for like a total of 15 days and I got pregnant. If you want to get pregnant fast....I hope this happens to you.
  11. We are planning on doing a either a bbq style dinner....ie: pulled pork, turkey, and beef, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn on cob, and lots of other southern food. Like you we have a lot of people coming to ours...and this is going to be the cheapest route for us. We are getting a pavillion near the lake in our area, to keep with the beachy theme. And have swimming, games, dancing, food, drinks, and cake. Hope this helps! ~Samie~
  12. OMG....I love the Juicy Couture sandals. And they come in pink....one of my wedding colors! I think I may just have to have them! I will be showing those to my FI tonight!
  13. My FI and I are very blessed to have a family friend, who is a professional photographer, give us our wedding pictures as a wedding gift. He is an older man who I've never met. I am very much wanting to do a TTD session and I don't think he will capture what I want. I want sexy! I think my FI and I won't be able to open up as much as I would like for us to. So....with that said I was wondering if there was a photographer in the Georgia are willing to travel to Tybee Island, near Savannah. My FI and I would be willing to pay for any travel expenses that may be needed, within reason. If you are a photographer and are in the ATL area or if you know of a photographer please let me know. Thanks, Samie
  14. I heard about this this morning. I was a huge Bettie Page fan. I love the look of her pictures. She was a natural beauty. She will be missed by lots and remembered by those who enjoyed her pictures. I'm sure they won't be changing any posters out. HaHa. Maybe they will replace them with the more modern day "Bettie Page" Dita Von Teese.
  15. We are getting married on Cinco De Mayo 2010. We are going to give the guests a couple of party poppers. I think these are very festive.
  16. Those are so pretty. If she had something in my colors...no...I can't....HaHa....FI would kill me if I bought something for my hair. I'm trying to grow it out for the wedding....so he doesn't want me to buy anything to put in my hair until I get it to my desired length. Tell her to keep her store up and going and I'll get something when my hair is where I want it to be...Tee Hee. I wish I could buy now!
  17. OHHHHH.....I really like that paper. The glitter really pops. I think if you do it right it will work out just fine for what you want to use it for.
  18. Although I wasn't here in September, I can image what you went through. I hope you the best of luck and hope that everything works out for you. Keep your head up and be strong...not only for you....but for your kids. Things will work out themselves. And like previous posted....keep us updated!
  19. I love your pics. I have been trying to decide if I was going to do this. I just can't seem to figure out if my FI would enjoy them. He's more of an all nude kinda guy. I don't think I could do nude BD pics. I guess I have plenty of time do decide. Once again....LOVE THE PICS!
  20. Look into local night clubs in your area. I found one that is $1000.00 to book it from 6-10 pm and then $10-$15 a person for the food. I decided not to go this route myself...I thought that was what I wanted, but it's not me or my fiancee. We want to include our siblings and they have kids. So we have decided to go a pavillion near a lake and have it catered. I hope this helps! ~Samie~
  21. I did this one year with a group of guys that I worked with (worked in a motorcycle shop, so I was the only girl) I picked something I knew they would hate to get. I picked on them in that way. I picked out one of my old cookbooks, that i never used anymore, and used that....I ended up getting a lovely motorcycle keychain. Yippy! Another thing is just look around your house and see what you can find. One of the guys I worked with brought one of his sons old Transformers. White Elephant is normally a funny gift that you just have no need for anymore. Hope this helps you a little. ~Samie~
  22. I am going to have to agree...Wal-Mart is probably going to be the cheapest route on this one. You may want to contact any of the websites you look at and see if they can give you a discount if you buy in bulk. I know sometimes it NEVER hurts to call and ask. What's the most they can say "no" so you should give it a shot, it's not hurting anything. ~Samie~
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