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Everything posted by lil_miss_frogg

  1. I don't know about the walkway, but I will be going bearfoot. I think if your dress is long then nobody will know if you're wearing shoes or not. Just buy you some nice heels for the reception. I'm with you, I'm 5' so even with heels I'm short...so it doesn't make a difference to me. My daughter, who is eight, on the other hand likes it when I wear my "wifey" shoes. That's what she has called them since she was 4. So cute!
  2. Our AHR we are going to incorporate the beach. We are also having a BBQ style (mom's making EVERYTHING) but we are going to rent an outdoor pavillion so we will still need the set up of tables and junk. These days I don't think people are doing "traditional" receptions. I think it's all about what type of people you and your FI are. If you're fun and outgoing people....a traditional reception may not be for you. I like the post above that incororpated college football. Who knows...she and her FI may be big college football fans and this way people will remember the reception. Do what feels right for you and your FI. Good luck!
  3. Both of my babies names are on that.....Zoë born in 2000 and Wyatt born 2007! I hadn't heard either untill I named my kids that. It's nuts how popular an unpopular name can become.
  4. I will be changing my last name. I really don't like my last name....Vinyard....it just doesn't sound good with my first name. I can't wait to be Mrs. Sharp! So excited!
  5. SWEET NIBBLETS....I'm goin to target tonight. I got a gift card for there for Christmas....and I don't EVER go there....why not spend it on something for the wedding!
  6. They aren't available online. What section of Target did you see them in and how big were they? I will make a special trip to target tonight just to grab some!
  7. I know you want them to be there....but all you need is you and your FI....and well the person marrying you....but a DW is what the two of YOU wanted...not what everybody else wanted. I see it as a beautiful wedding with the bonus of going on vacation...they may see it as a finiancial burdon. Who knows the story of why they aren't coming. Maybe there is something going on right now and they just can't afford it. When my FI and I decided to do a DW we decided to keep it in the states (coast of GA) because I wanted my sister to be there and I know that she wouldn't have been able to be there if it was out of the country. She's got a big family so it would be hard for her. Just remember you have us for support and we will help you get through these bumps. Good Luck, ~Samie~
  8. My two cents....If they are paying for the room and flight themselves I don't see a problem with it. If you had intended on this friend to bring her boyfriend to begin with then it's not really an extra plate. But then I can see where you're coming from and wanting to invite someone that you are closer with. This is a tough situation you have got yourself.....Question.....is your reception being catered? I know that since my wedding is going to be on the smaller side we have just found a restraunt that is able to accomidate all of us....then maybe the friend can just pay for her own food. I don't know....I guess I'm a pushover on stuff like this.....I give in to EVERYTHING! I'm all about making everybody happy. But it's you're call! Good luck, best that she asked and didn't just do.
  9. Saraha....I can not see your sexy pics. I have read all the comments without seeing the pictures. Please post them again!
  10. Everything looks so great. I hope you have a blast and be sure to post LOTS of pictures when you get back. oh....and CONGRATS!
  11. Okay....so we are getting married in the states...would it be tacky to do boarding pass STD? I would just think of these being used for out of the country weddings. I don't know. Please HELP?
  12. Just checking in on my Georgia Brides. How's the planning going? Have any exciting news? How was the holidays? You know.....details please!
  13. Unfortunatly I haven't ordered them yet. I think I'm going to see if they have them available in the store so that I can see them in person. I really do love them. I will post pictures when I DO get them. I wanted to get the opinion of my BDW girls before I went and bought them.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by drbrainfreeze Chains are not that expensive, especially if they are just sterling. I think thats all it is right? You just need to make sure that you get a chain that can fit through the loop of the pendant. I have a hear charm that fits on no other chain!! Its so annoying because when I broke the original, I had to search out a new chain. And even that, I had to smoosh the clasp loop to get the pendant on the chain! So def. check the loop on the pendant to make sure that its open enough to fit a new chain (sorry if I am being confusing) Oh...good point. I didn't think about that. There is a swarvoski store in the local mall....I could always go see if they have it in the store....and check it that way. I will be bummed if I can't...cause I really like those necklaces.
  15. The chains don't look that expensive...I could always cut the chains and get better ones for the pendants. I'm sure you're paying for the pendant vs all of it. You know what I mean? What do you think?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by drbrainfreeze Just an FYI on the necklace...I almost bought these for my BMs, BUT they are connected, so you wouldn't be able to separate them. As much as I love my girls, I can't spend $125.00 on something I am not sure they would wear more than once. I love them though! Kohls has something similar though, at $24.00 (orginally $90) and you can always find coupons! Sterling Silver 1/10-ct. T.W. Diamond Starfish Pendant Oh what a bummer....they're connected. It really doesn't look like that on the website. I don't think it even says that on the site.....well poo.....I guess I'll keep looking. Maybe I'll do the necklace for me.
  17. This is for future Christmas'. First off, my FI dad and step-mom live in Colorado and my dad and step-mom live in Missouri. So this kinda helps our situation. But because we have an 8 year old and a 14 month old....we did a webcast for our families that are far from us, but wanted to see the kids open their presents. Then for the family we have here in Georgia, we do my family in the morning...from 9-3 and then his family from 4-9. This way everybody is happy. This was the first year we did the webcast...and it worked out well....his poor family in Colorado had to wake up at 5 in the morning...but they did what had to be done. Hope this helps with any future Christmas'! Happy New Year Ya'll!
  18. Love the opinions girls....and to answer a few of the questions. First off, they are Swarovski , they are 5/8 of an inch from tip to tip (so kinda small), they cost $60.00, and there is a matching necklace. The necklace runs $125.00, for both. I was going to get those and give one necklace to each of my girls. Is that to cheap?!?
  19. Those are great pictures. I emailed you the other day from your site. I love your pictures....they are beautiful.
  20. These are the first bit of jewelry I have looked at. I am not a big jewelry person. I plan on doing my hair in a low and loose side ponytail. In the process of growing my hair out for that. ARG!
  21. I just found these earrings. Our theme is Starfish....need some input. Please let me know what you girls think. Would you wear them?
  22. DOH! I thought you wrote OOT Bag Goodies....so that is what I wrote...but I see now you put OOT bag extras. Are the books full size or are they pocket size? Let me know!
  23. I googles Irish Wedding Traditions....and came across a few. * Bunratty Meade is a honey wine that's served at the Bunratty Castle medieval banquet. It's from a recipe based on the oldest drink in Ireland and if you've never tasted it, it's well worth trying. In the old days, it was consumed at weddings because it was thought that it promoted virility. (If a baby was born nine months after the wedding, it was attributed to the mead!) Couples also drank it from special goblets for a full month following the wedding, which is supposedly where we get the word honeymoon. This was to protect the couple from the fairies coming to spirit the bride away. * Lucky horseshoe. Irish brides used to carry a real horseshoe for good luck. (Turned up so the luck won't run out). You can get porcelain horseshoes which most Irish brides carry these days, or one made of fabric which is worn on the wrist. * Magic Hanky. This charming custom involves having the bride carry a special hanky that with a few stitches can be turned into a christening bonnet for the first baby. With a couple of snips it can be turned back into a hanky that your child can carry on his/her wedding day. * Make-up bells. The chime of bells is thought to keep evil spirits away, restore harmony if a couple is fighting, and also remind a couple of their wedding vows. Giving a bell as a gift has become an Irish tradition. You could also have your greeters hand out tiny bells to your guests to ring as you process. (You might want to let them know when they're supposed to be rung - perhaps mention it in your program along with an explanation of the custom). Guests could also ring their little bells at the reception in lieu of clinking glasses. * Irish Dancers. Consider hiring a group of Irish dancers to hand out your programs before the ceremony. Dressed in their full regalia, it would add a wonderful touch of of pageantry and color. They could also dance at the reception later. * Flowers. In the old days, many Irish brides wore a wreath of wildflowers in their hair; they also carried them in bouquets. For my daughter's wedding, our florist designed gorgeous bouquets that included a flower called Bells of Ireland. In Wales, brides carried live myrtle and gave a sprig to each bridesmaid which they planted. If it grew, the bridesmaid would marry within the year. If you're planning a more general Celtic celebration, this might be worth considering. * Ancient custom: In the old days, couples ate salt and oatmeal at the beginning of their reception: Each of them took three mouthfuls as a protection against the power of the evil eye. Also, when a couple is dancing, the bride can't take both feet off the floor because the fairies will get the upper hand. Fairies love beautiful things and one of their favorites is a bride. There's many an Irish legend about brides being spirited away by the little people! For the same reason, it's bad luck for a bride to wear green. I've also heard that it's bad luck for anyone to wear green at an Irish wedding - but I think it really only applies to the bride. It's also bad luck for a bride or the groom to sing at their own wedding. Just a few....there are TONS. I am thinking I will do the horseshoe one. Have one put on my garter or something. Hope this is what you were looking for. ~Samie~
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