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Everything posted by lil_miss_frogg

  1. Welcome to the forum. Hope you walk away with many ideas and friends!
  2. February 22 - Ana (Ana) March 4-Cachet (cdc0427) April 25 - Melissa (SgtPepperette) June 28 - Heather (*Heather*) August 18 - Kathy (Cattie) August 25 - Jenn (JenniferLynn) September 16 - Samie (lil_miss_frogg) December 8 - Casey (*Casey*)
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline then i'd karate kick him in the balls and run!! Oh Jacqueline....you made pee my pants. Okay not really....but pretty close to it! I needed that...thanks!
  4. I just wanted to say thanks to all your encouraging words! I knew I would feel better. It's gonna be hard to look at new rings...but what else can I do.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv No, the one I got wasn't an exact replica either. I've never seen one exactly like mine - but the one I got was as close as I could find, so it worked. DH and I knew the difference, but no one else would have b/c no one else scrutizes your e-ring as closely as you do. I don't want to be Debbie Downer - but don't get your hopes up about finding it. Greenville, SC is much smaller than ATL and I wasn't robbed at random, it was stolen from the tanning salon .. and mine never did turn up. I only say that to help you "move on" faster ... because the anger and sadness can consume you for a while. Oh....I'm not holding my breath. I just think going out and looking for a new ring the next day is kinda a bit much for me. I think in due time I will be okay. Just stinks.
  6. I don't think the day after would be a problem for us. Just meet them for dinner one night and explain how you feel....be sure to include you want grandparents to be there! Besides...it's not every day you see your grandbaby turns 1. I think they should have no problem with it. Be sure to keep us updated!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv My heart goes out to you! My Tacori engagement ring was stolen as well ... and despite a police report, monetary reward, and countless scouring of pawn shops ... I never had it returned. My DH (FI at the time) was in Iraq when it happened ... and so in order to have SOMETHING on my finger ... I went to Cubic Zirconia Jewelry, Silver CZ Jewelry, Imitation Jewelry, Discount Cubic Zirconia Rings. and found a similar Tacori knock-off for about $60 to wear. Then, we decided on very unique wedding bands, which wouldn't go with an e-ring, so now I am just wearing my wedding band and DH plans to get me another diamond to wear as a right-hand ring for an anniversary gift. I know EXACTLY how you feel. It is a gut-wrenching, heart-breaking feeling. I cried and cried for days. And I know better than anyone that NOTHING can replace the exact ring that your FI gave to you. But, you do have options. Like I said, I decided to save money and get a knock-off Tacori to make my finger not feel so bare - since I knew nothing would truly replace my e-ring. Good luck to you! I don't know if there is a knock off of my ring. It was so different...that's why we went with THAT one. We had such a hard time deciding on which ring to go with and when we finally agreed on one it was like "ahhhhh....finally." I think we are just gonna wait...see what happens. It just feels like somebody ripped my heart out of my chest and stompped on it. I know you know what I'm talking about!
  8. Welcome Back! I wasn't here that long ago....but I love getting input on girls that have already been married.
  9. AWE! Thank you for my gift Amarillis! It's good to know that you girls are here for me and help me through this! I don't know what I would do without you!
  10. No....it wasn't insured. I was going to call them today and have it added to our insurance. As soon as I got to work and posted my bad news on here....I made copies of the police report and pictures of the ring and will be taking them to pawn shops after work. Bad thing about Atlanta is...pawn shops are like McDonalds....They are EVERYWHERE! Oh yeah....I keep forgeting to post that we are okay....just having to cancel credit cards and bank accounts.
  11. How do you get so much for free?!? Do you have to use thier pictures and junk?
  12. We were just walking to our car from dinner and this guy walks up to us pointing a gun at us and tells us to give him our money and jewelry. I thought I would be sneeky and turn my ring around so it just looked like a band....NOPE...he took it. After it all happened I just stood there. I couldn't even cry, i was in shock. I couldn't believe what had happened. I mean....it's not like we look like we have a lot of money or anything. I keep saying to myself...."why us?"
  13. Yeah....you read it right. My Tacori Engagement ring is GONE! My FI and I were downtown Saturday night and got robbed. We reported it to the cops...but come on...the chance of me getting my ring back are slim to none. On the bright side, it is a very uncommon ring and if it shows up anywhere the cops are to be notified. It took everything I had to not just Karate chop the guy in the neck....just to keep my ring. I was going to post this last night....but my internet was being stupid and I was just to upset Saturday. And to make matters worse I was going to contact State Farm this morning and indclude my ring on our insurance. So.....what to do now? Wait for Atlanta PD to find my ring or just go get a less expensive one? I feel so naked without it! My FI has been a trooper and wanted to go look at rings yesterday....but it's not my Tacori. Am I being a baby about not wanting to go look at other rings? I just don't know what to do. Well, thanks for letting me vent...I feel a little bit better!
  14. Welcome to the forum...you will walk away with great ideas and friends! Good Luck planning!
  15. lil_miss_frogg


    Welcome to the forum...you will walk away with great ideas and friends! Good Luck planning!
  16. Welcome to the forum...you will walk away with great ideas and friends! Good Luck planning!
  17. lil_miss_frogg


    Welcome to the forum. You will find many ideas and friends. Good luck!
  18. Welcome to the forum. You will find many ideas and friends. Good luck!
  19. Welcome to the forum. You will find many ideas and friends. Good luck!
  20. Welcome to the forum. You will find many ideas and friends. Good luck!
  21. I don't think my girls, my two sisters and my 8 year old daughter, expect me to spend a lot on them. I plan on buying the dresses and jewelry. I think they will be happy with just that.
  22. Welcome to the forum. You will find many ideas and friends. Good luck!
  23. Welcome to the forum. You will find many ideas and friends. Good luck!
  24. Welcome to the forum. You will find many ideas and friends. Good luck!
  25. Welcome to the forum. You will find many ideas and friends. Good luck!
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