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Everything posted by lil_miss_frogg

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by merocket59 Those cocktails for dummies books are so cute! Are you getting them for just the younger crowd? I plan on doing one per OOT bag. Pretty much everybody that is coming to the wedding drinks cocktails. And then I plan on buying 75-100 more...if I can find that many....and putting them in a basket at the sign in table at our AHR. Hope it will work out okay!
  2. Thanks for the heads up about the bags at Target. I think I'll have to wait till March to really start buying the stuff. I only need to do between 15-20 bags. So I'm hoping I can find enough bags when it comes time to do it. But now that I think about it....I have 3 Targets within 5 miles of me. I think I went a little happy yesterday when buying the stuff to actually put in the OOT bag. Tissues Cocktails for Dummies Pond's Clean Sweep (for the ladies) Travel Q-Tips Travel lint roller Aloe with cucumber lotion Travel Tylenol First aid kit Static Guard Hand Sanatizer Tide to go Wipes I also wanted to ask a question about my first aid kits. I'm not sure if anybody has done this or thought of doing it....but I was thinking getting the spray paint that can be used on plastic (it doesn't chip away) and spray the actual case my wedding color. I was wondering if anybody has done this. If you have I would like to know how well they held up. Thanks for everybody's input so far. I'm glad to see I'm not to far off from the norm.
  3. I know this is kinda an off the wall question....but has anybody used the plastic spray paint to paint the actual first aid kit case to match the wedding colors? If you have done this did it work out okay? I am concidering doing this and wanted to know how well they held up! Has anybody even thought of doing this?
  4. The ones I got were $2.50. They came in Pink and Light Blue. They are HUGE for the price!
  5. So...as I was walking around the "dollar" section at Taret I found their "for Dummies" books. I think we are going to give out the "Cocktails for Dummies" book. I think it's good for the younger people coming to ours!
  6. I love the pictures of you two facing the ocean....your hand is on his BUTT!
  7. I am SO in Erin! When will be booking our cruise? HaHa! I so wish!
  8. Okay....so I went to Target got some stuff to do a mock OOT bag to show my FI. First off the bags at Target are okay....but not as cute as last years. But anyway after buying just the little travel stuff my total was $20.00 for ONE bag. Can you gurls help me out and let me know what you spent per bag? I know that if I buy things in bulk from Sam's or Costco it will run a little cheaper. I am trying to convince my FI that we HAVE to do these bags. I don't want to do favors so this will be like a huge favor. Please help!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Amarillis i'd say keep in their original packaging and put in a zippy bag to be really sure... i think they should be fine~ That is EXACTLY what I was going to say!
  10. How many did you plan on bringing? Could you bring them in your carry on/purse? Is he afraid of them actually breaking and leaking everywhere or is he afraid the glow will be gone?
  11. WOW....there are a lot of us on here. I think we should arrange a BDW Happy Hour!!
  12. Here are a few that came up when I googled "DIY wedding place cards." I personally like the sand bucket one.
  13. Here is my inspiration board. I'm not sure how big the picture is...so if it's to big...please resize...not sure how to do it. Please Note: the flowers in the pics are not the colors for my wedding....just like the style of flowers. The top middle one is my favorite! I'm thinking something along those lines for me.
  14. I really like this idea. I think I may have to steal it. It gives the guests that much longer to start saving for the trip! Good Call!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by IslamoradaBride Where in ATL were you? I want to make sure I avoid the area! We were in Little 5 Points. Which I've never felt unsafe there. So I was a little surprised when it happened. I don't know if I won't ever go back....but I will be sure to take off any valubles when we do go.
  16. ***UPDATE***So.....I...well FI....went around to pawn shops in ATL and nothing has shown up. He just walked in and said he was looking for a ring...nothing in particular...and looked at what they had in the case and asked if that was all they had. Then he got business cards for all of them and probably about 90% have the fax number listed on it. So...we plan on faxing posters along with police reports to these pawn shops. Our parents have come together and put a little reward out there for whoever finds it. It isn't much $500...but if you need the money...$500 is a lot. SO HOPE THIS WORKS!
  17. I need some help from anybody who lives in or near Savannah, GA. I need to know if there is any good Mexican restaurants in that area. We plan on having our reception at a restaurant that can accomidate a group of 40-50. Please any info is appreciated. ~Samie~
  18. Yeah....I wish ATL had a beach. Welcome back to GA. We should try and arrange a ATL Happy Hour!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride Or maybe tell Oprah...then everyone in the audience and as well as you will get a new ring!! (sorry...I know your situation isn't funny, but I couldn't resist!) OMG.....You're so funny! I love it. I'm so glad I can laugh about this...LOL! I'll be sure to notify everybody on here of the day I'm going on Oprah...that way ya'll can get a pretty new ring. Just for your right hand!
  20. That's a really good idea. I will have to try that. I hope it all works out!
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